IBEROSTAR Grand Hotel Rose Hall - 5 Nights #DK57

IBEROSTAR Grand Hotel Rose Hall - 5 Nights #DK57

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IBEROSTAR Grand Hotel Rose Hall - 5 Nights #DK57 - отзыв
28 февраля 2019
Отличный отдых
Отдыхали семьей с 19 февраля по 1 марта. Все очень понравилось. Отличная кухня включая полный набор морской кухни( креветки, мидии, лобстеров, устрицы и т.д.). Анимация не даёт скучать, особенно мистер Фристайл (ему отдельное спасибо). Да и после тяжёлого перелёта порадовал очень быстрый трансфер. Rested family from February 19 to March 1. Liked it very much. Excellent cuisine including a full set of seafood (shrimp, mussels, lobster, oysters, etc.). Animation does not get bored, especially Mr. freestyle (special thanks to him). And after a long trip its very fast transfer. Отдыхали семьей с 19 февраля по 1 марта. Все очень понравилось. Отличная кухня включая полный набор морской кухни( креветки, мидии, лобстеров, устрицы и т.д.). Анимация не даёт скучать, особенно мистер Фристайл (ему отдельное спасибо). Да и после тяжёлого перелёта порадовал очень быстрый трансфер. Rested family from February 19 to March 1. Liked it very much. Excellent cuisine including a full set of seafood (shrimp, mussels, lobster, oysters, etc.). Animation does not get bored, especially Mr. freestyle (special thanks to him). And after a long trip its very fast transfer.
IBEROSTAR Grand Hotel Rose Hall - 5 Nights #DK57 - отзыв
31 октября 2018
Лучший отель.
В данный момент отдыхаем в отеле иберостар гранд. Отель классный. Живем в номере 5207. Балкон с видом на территорию отеля. В номере прибираются каждый день. Мини бар пополняется постоянно. Много ресторанов аля карт. В главном ресторане постоянно красная икра,лобстеры,мидии,много всякой рыбы. Были на Кубе в Иберостар,но этот лучше. Постоянно развлечения.скучно не будет точно. Элитный алкоголь. В обед на берегу жарят лобстеров. Добрый и отзывчивый персонал. Однозначно рекомендуем. В данный момент отдыхаем в отеле иберостар гранд. Отель классный. Живем в номере 5207. Балкон с видом на территорию отеля. В номере прибираются каждый день. Мини бар пополняется постоянно. Много ресторанов аля карт. В главном ресторане постоянно красная икра,лобстеры,мидии,много всякой рыбы. Были на Кубе в Иберостар,но этот лучше. Постоянно развлечения.скучно не будет точно. Элитный алкоголь. В обед на берегу жарят лобстеров. Добрый и отзывчивый персонал. Однозначно рекомендуем.
IBEROSTAR Grand Hotel Rose Hall - 5 Nights #DK57 - отзыв
23 декабря 2016
Побывали на Ямайке
Мы с супругой жили в президентском номере. Это конечно супер!!!! Это как целая квартира. Есть своя кухня с микроволновкой и кофеверкой Nespresso. (Капсулы переодически забывали пополнять)))) Есть большая барная стойка Но за наличие бокалов прийдется тоже похлопотать Огромная гостиная. Отдельный второй туалет с раковиной. Гардеробная (не большая) Прихожая. Спальня. Большая ванная комната с джакузи и раздельными душем и туалетом. Спальня и огромная преогромная терраса. С джакузи Под открытым небом, шезлонги кровати И так далее. Вид потрясающий. Что растраивает , так это то, что нет отдельного сервиса для этого номера. То есть живете вы в обычном номере или в президентском люксе, сервис одинаков. Но если сравнивать сервис, анимацию, территорию у бассейна, обслуживание в целом гораздо лучше чем в Доминикане или Мексике. Все гораздо быстрее лучше и качественней. Хотя не все сотрудники приветливы. Например у нас был конфликт со спасателем у бассейна, который угрожал мне и моей супруге. Все началось с того что у нас пропала сумка с вещами оставленная мной на шезлонге. В 6ть утра( отель позже заявил что до 7:00 они ответственности не несут, хотя территория должна охраняться 24часа в сутки) в пропаже был уличен как раз этот спасатель. После чего он кинулся на нас с криками и вел себя очень агрессивно. Ему очень не понравилось что мы случайно видели момент как он занял этот шезлонг для других людей, взяв за это деньги. После скандала сумку нашли и вернули. Но осадок остался. Мы конечно решили вопрос но не понравилась реакция руководства отеля, а именно Public Relations Manager. Обещали уволить парня, но отсутствовал он всего полдня. Свои извинения отель нам особо тоже не принес. Это было впервые, что бы в отеле такого уровня персонал позволил себе агрессию в отношении гостей. И конечно было очень не понятно почему его оставили работать дальше. Наверно ждут более опасных ситуаций. В остальном было все хорошо. Море очень хорошее теплое и красивое. Водорослей нет. А вот пляж не большой и ходить особо не куда. Также расстроил выбор рома в барах. Нет ни доминиканских, ни Кубинских сортов. В основном есть местный Appleton. Кроме 12 летнего. Зато в плане водки все хорошо. От столичной до Grey Goose И наверно в плане выбора еды в Доминикане и Мексике все гораздо лучше!! С морепродуктами тоже беда((( Стейков тоже не было. В основном все ходили в алякарт, но мы туда так за две недели и не добрались. Но с грандами Пунтаканы и Ривьера майя Не сравнить. Из основных недостатков наверно это маленькая территория отеля как гранда так и двух соседних. Не сопоставимо по масштабам с другими грандами на Карибах очень маленькое лобби,вечером много людей собирается в баре и не всегда можно найти место. И очень запутанная планировка отеля. Дискотека тоже наверно самая скучная из трех грандов. Как вывод что отель в основном для старшего поколения. 60+)) Но посетить один раз можно Скорее всего не вернемся Из экскурсий ездили в Негрил, на знаменитый пляж 7miles Это конечно потрясающее место!!!! Всем рекомендуем НЕГРИЛ. Жаль поехали в предпоследний день. С пляжем у отеля не сравнить. Это можно спросить у любого местного жителя и они с радостью вам подтвердят что если хотите хороший пляж вам в Негрил Как раз там все бары вечеринки И так далее В целом Ямайкой довольны и если ехать то уже не в этот отель, а в Негрил. И самостоятельно путешествовать по острову Мы с супругой жили в президентском номере. Это конечно супер!!!! Это как целая квартира. Есть своя кухня с микроволновкой и кофеверкой Nespresso. (Капсулы переодически забывали пополнять)))) Есть большая барная стойка Но за наличие бокалов прийдется тоже похлопотать Огромная гостиная. Отдельный второй туалет с раковиной. Гардеробная (не большая) Прихожая. Спальня. Большая ванная комната с джакузи и раздельными душем и туалетом. Спальня и огромная преогромная терраса. С джакузи Под открытым небом, шезлонги кровати И так далее. Вид потрясающий. Что растраивает , так это то, что нет отдельного сервиса для этого номера. То есть живете вы в обычном номере или в президентском люксе, сервис одинаков. Но если сравнивать сервис, анимацию, территорию у бассейна, обслуживание в целом гораздо лучше чем в Доминикане или Мексике. Все гораздо быстрее лучше и качественней. Хотя не все сотрудники приветливы. Например у нас был конфликт со спасателем у бассейна, который угрожал мне и моей супруге. Все началось с того что у нас пропала сумка с вещами оставленная мной на шезлонге. В 6ть утра( отель позже заявил что до 7:00 они ответственности не несут, хотя территория должна охраняться 24часа в сутки) в пропаже был уличен как раз этот спасатель. После чего он кинулся на нас с криками и вел себя очень агрессивно. Ему очень не понравилось что мы случайно видели момент как он занял этот шезлонг для других людей, взяв за это деньги. После скандала сумку нашли и вернули. Но осадок остался. Мы конечно решили вопрос но не понравилась реакция руководства отеля, а именно Public Relations Manager. Обещали уволить парня, но отсутствовал он всего полдня. Свои извинения отель нам особо тоже не принес. Это было впервые, что бы в отеле такого уровня персонал позволил себе агрессию в отношении гостей. И конечно было очень не понятно почему его оставили работать дальше. Наверно ждут более опасных ситуаций. В остальном было все хорошо. Море очень хорошее теплое и красивое. Водорослей нет. А вот пляж не большой и ходить особо не куда. Также расстроил выбор рома в барах. Нет ни доминиканских, ни Кубинских сортов. В основном есть местный Appleton. Кроме 12 летнего. Зато в плане водки все хорошо. От столичной до Grey Goose И наверно в плане выбора еды в Доминикане и Мексике все гораздо лучше!! С морепродуктами тоже беда((( Стейков тоже не было. В основном все ходили в алякарт, но мы туда так за две недели и не добрались. Но с грандами Пунтаканы и Ривьера майя Не сравнить. Из основных недостатков наверно это маленькая территория отеля как гранда так и двух соседних. Не сопоставимо по масштабам с другими грандами на Карибах очень маленькое лобби,вечером много людей собирается в баре и не всегда можно найти место. И очень запутанная планировка отеля. Дискотека тоже наверно самая скучная из трех грандов. Как вывод что отель в основном для старшего поколения. 60+)) Но посетить один раз можно Скорее всего не вернемся Из экскурсий ездили в Негрил, на знаменитый пляж 7miles Это конечно потрясающее место!!!! Всем рекомендуем НЕГРИЛ. Жаль поехали в предпоследний день. С пляжем у отеля не сравнить. Это можно спросить у любого местного жителя и они с радостью вам подтвердят что если хотите хороший пляж вам в Негрил Как раз там все бары вечеринки И так далее В целом Ямайкой довольны и если ехать то уже не в этот отель, а в Негрил. И самостоятельно путешествовать по острову
IBEROSTAR Grand Hotel Rose Hall - 5 Nights #DK57 - отзыв
18 сентября 2016
Летим !!
Купил на сайте отеля было дешевле всего при условии раннего бронирования покупал в августе президентский люкс по цене обычного номера летим через Нью Йорк, хотя через Лондон можно было дешевле, если лететь компанией томаскук из аэропорт Гетвик надеемся будет также здорово как и в Мексике и Доминикане Купил на сайте отеля было дешевле всего при условии раннего бронирования покупал в августе президентский люкс по цене обычного номера летим через Нью Йорк, хотя через Лондон можно было дешевле, если лететь компанией томаскук из аэропорт Гетвик надеемся будет также здорово как и в Мексике и Доминикане
IBEROSTAR Grand Hotel Rose Hall - 5 Nights #DK57 - отзыв
09 января 2016
Как в раю
Замечательный отель . Услужливый персонал . Хороший пляж и зона у бассейнов , всегда можно найти место , куда лечь . Еда весь день , и такого изобилия и главное всё свежо и вкусно , разновидностей фруктовых соков. А кофе в баре на пляже , просто чудо . Рестораны на ужин нужно зарезервировать сразу при приезде на все дни пребывания , не могу отделить один из них , все хороши . Я бы еще приехала cюда. Замечательный отель . Услужливый персонал . Хороший пляж и зона у бассейнов , всегда можно найти место , куда лечь . Еда весь день , и такого изобилия и главное всё свежо и вкусно , разновидностей фруктовых соков. А кофе в баре на пляже , просто чудо . Рестораны на ужин нужно зарезервировать сразу при приезде на все дни пребывания , не могу отделить один из них , все хороши . Я бы еще приехала cюда.
IBEROSTAR Grand Hotel Rose Hall - 5 Nights #DK57 - отзыв
08 декабря 2021
Wonderful holidays
First of all I have to start with the beach. This beach is amazing, the color of the sand and the warming water makds you feel in paradise. The check in process was perfect, Felicia was very efficient and friendly. Our butler Terrian she took care of us, she spoiled us the whole time. We made a lot of activities atvthe beach, the shows are great. My best restaurant was tbe italian youbhave to try qthe oxtail there and the lobster rissoto. We will defeantly come back tobthe GRH. First of all I have to start with the beach. This beach is amazing, the color of the sand and the warming water makds you feel in paradise. The check in process was perfect, Felicia was very efficient and friendly. Our butler Terrian she took care of us, she spoiled us the whole time. We made a lot of activities atvthe beach, the shows are great. My best restaurant was tbe italian youbhave to try qthe oxtail there and the lobster rissoto. We will defeantly come back tobthe GRH.
IBEROSTAR Grand Hotel Rose Hall - 5 Nights #DK57 - отзыв
08 декабря 2021
My husband and I had a great time. We were here from 10-5-21 until 10-12-21 We especially want to recognize the great customer service of our Butler Omar he was amazing. He answered our calls and handled any questions or concerns we had. LeTheresa a server in the buffet was awesome. She met us the first day and remembered our names every time we saw her. She was a friendly face every day. Tamara was our guest services person when we arrived she was friendly and knowledgeable. The entertainment was awesome. We enjoyed Smiley, Lisa, and all the entertainment staff. We enjoyed the Michael Jackson show, jazz, and the DJ's every night. On our next trip here we hope that there will be more entertainment and Covid-19 has departed everywhere. One complaint is the sales pitch. We are on vacation and not interested. We were not told that we were going to go to a sales pitch we were told we were going to breakfast with Tamara. In the future right from when we enter the hotel, we are telling them we are not interested in a sales pitch at all. # 2 complaint is you need lamps that have plugs in them for cell phones and CPAP machines. My husband and I had a great time. We were here from 10-5-21 until 10-12-21 We especially want to recognize the great customer service of our Butler Omar he was amazing. He answered our calls and handled any questions or concerns we had. LeTheresa a server in the buffet was awesome. She met us the first day and remembered our names every time we saw her. She was a friendly face every day. Tamara was our guest services person when we arrived she was friendly and knowledgeable. The entertainment was awesome. We enjoyed Smiley, Lisa, and all the entertainment staff. We enjoyed the Michael Jackson show, jazz, and the DJ's every night. On our next trip here we hope that there will be more entertainment and Covid-19 has departed everywhere. One complaint is the sales pitch. We are on vacation and not interested. We were not told that we were going to go to a sales pitch we were told we were going to breakfast with Tamara. In the future right from when we enter the hotel, we are telling them we are not interested in a sales pitch at all. # 2 complaint is you need lamps that have plugs in them for cell phones and CPAP machines.
IBEROSTAR Grand Hotel Rose Hall - 5 Nights #DK57 - отзыв
08 декабря 2021
Absolutely loved this place. Great food, great room, and even better service.
Absolutely loved this place. Great food, great room, and even better service. We came here in late October. We arrived at the resort before check-in, around 1:30 pm. We went to the front desk where Sanjaunia welcomed us. She told us that our room was not ready yet but asked if we wanted a drink or were hungry. We then went and ate at the buffet down by the beach and pool. The food was great. Terian (our morning butler) decorated the room very beautifully as it was my friend's birthday. Thanks again Terian (I apologize if I'm spelling her name wrong). Our other Butler was Omar. We relied on Omar a lot, as we mostly did room service and had requests at night. Omar was great! We ate every night at the buffet. ***YOU HAVE TO MAKE RESERVATIONS IN ADVNACE FOR THE OTHER RESTAURANTS***. We were more than contempt with the buffet. Our favorite server was Aaliyah. She is so sweet and very sociable. After our first-time having Aaliyah, which was our second night there, we requested her for our last two nights. I am an extremely picky eater. I have a difficult time finding food that I like. I literally packed peanut butter and a lot of muffins/granola bars/protein bars just in case I did not like the food. Fortunately for me, the food at the buffet is great. They have several options. Every night I ate salmon, prepared freshly on the grill each time by my friend Dwight (He's so sweet). My friend got steak every night by Tracy. One night Tracy and Dennis were not on the grill, the salmon and steak were still good, but not as good as when Dwight and Tracy makes them. I am also a very picky drinker. I either take shots or drink margaritas. I do not like the tequila (Kingston I think is the brand) that is used in Jamaica (not just at Iberostar). However, my boys Sceroya and David prepared my drinks in a way that I loved. I kept asking them when and where they would be working each day. They were great. Dennis was also great (he does really funny toasts at the poolside bar). They do have several events that take place all throughout the day and at all 3 locations. The have a nightly show and then an afterparty. The afterparties were nice. If you stay at the Grand, you have access to the suites and the beach resort (they have the ice cream shop). Troy at the front was very pleasant. He drove us on the golf cart to and from the beachfront suite. One day my friend got caught in the rain after trying to bring ice cream back and the men who normally drive the golf carts didn't want to in the rain. To our surprise, Omar came and got him in the rain. Thanks again Omar! I only have one thing that I would caution people to pay attention to. That is the times that restaurants are open. We found ourselves wanting food between 3-6 pm. Only the grill is open at this time (I did not care much for the grill). Room service is available 24 hours, but we kept forgetting that only the Grill is open from 3-6. We definitely will be returning to Iberostar Grand Rose Hall again. And for any travel destination where there is an Iberostar resort, I will be staying there! Absolutely loved this place. Great food, great room, and even better service. We came here in late October. We arrived at the resort before check-in, around 1:30 pm. We went to the front desk where Sanjaunia welcomed us. She told us that our room was not ready yet but asked if we wanted a drink or were hungry. We then went and ate at the buffet down by the beach and pool. The food was great. Terian (our morning butler) decorated the room very beautifully as it was my friend's birthday. Thanks again Terian (I apologize if I'm spelling her name wrong). Our other Butler was Omar. We relied on Omar a lot, as we mostly did room service and had requests at night. Omar was great! We ate every night at the buffet. ***YOU HAVE TO MAKE RESERVATIONS IN ADVNACE FOR THE OTHER RESTAURANTS***. We were more than contempt with the buffet. Our favorite server was Aaliyah. She is so sweet and very sociable. After our first-time having Aaliyah, which was our second night there, we requested her for our last two nights. I am an extremely picky eater. I have a difficult time finding food that I like. I literally packed peanut butter and a lot of muffins/granola bars/protein bars just in case I did not like the food. Fortunately for me, the food at the buffet is great. They have several options. Every night I ate salmon, prepared freshly on the grill each time by my friend Dwight (He's so sweet). My friend got steak every night by Tracy. One night Tracy and Dennis were not on the grill, the salmon and steak were still good, but not as good as when Dwight and Tracy makes them. I am also a very picky drinker. I either take shots or drink margaritas. I do not like the tequila (Kingston I think is the brand) that is used in Jamaica (not just at Iberostar). However, my boys Sceroya and David prepared my drinks in a way that I loved. I kept asking them when and where they would be working each day. They were great. Dennis was also great (he does really funny toasts at the poolside bar). They do have several events that take place all throughout the day and at all 3 locations. The have a nightly show and then an afterparty. The afterparties were nice. If you stay at the Grand, you have access to the suites and the beach resort (they have the ice cream shop). Troy at the front was very pleasant. He drove us on the golf cart to and from the beachfront suite. One day my friend got caught in the rain after trying to bring ice cream back and the men who normally drive the golf carts didn't want to in the rain. To our surprise, Omar came and got him in the rain. Thanks again Omar! I only have one thing that I would caution people to pay attention to. That is the times that restaurants are open. We found ourselves wanting food between 3-6 pm. Only the grill is open at this time (I did not care much for the grill). Room service is available 24 hours, but we kept forgetting that only the Grill is open from 3-6. We definitely will be returning to Iberostar Grand Rose Hall again. And for any travel destination where there is an Iberostar resort, I will be staying there!
IBEROSTAR Grand Hotel Rose Hall - 5 Nights #DK57 - отзыв
07 декабря 2021
Iberostar Grand Rose Hall – What Happened??
I returned from the Iberostar Grand Rose Hall all-inclusive resort celebrating my Birthday and a good friend with a party of 21 of family & friends. This was my 4th time vacationing in Jamaica at the Iberostar Grand Rose Hall All-Inclusive resort. The Iberostar Rose Hall is divided into 3 beach resorts; Beach, Suites and Grand. The Grand is the priciest, but the adult only environment and top-end amenities are well worth the upgrade if you are looking to relax and unwind! You can visit the other resorts and make use of all their services as well, if you like. The resort has changed a great deal since my first visit. First, lets discuss the things in which I enjoyed and appreciated the most. -The reception area is clean, beautiful and welcoming. -The Covid-19 Safety precautions are top notch. They take temperate checks and offer hand sanitizer each time you entire the property. Just like the staff, we were required to wear masks, however required around the pool or beach. The masks were require to enter the restaurants and hand sanitizer were given to guests. -The beach area is amazing with calm water and golden sand. -The property grounds were beautiful. -The entertainment group was energetic and lively -They have many reclining chairs to relax and unwind to enjoy a cool beverage of your choice. -The outside Restaurant food was delicious with a plethora of offering such as curry goat, curry chicken, salads, pizza, beef patties, rice & pees, and deserts -The grilling station by the pool, the food was also very good. -The food at the breakfast buffet was so tasty and delicious. I think they had every item in which you could have for breakfast. I am not going to mention the quantity of different types of food they had for breakfast. You had to be there… -Our personal Bulter, Kayzon was pleasant, attentive, and accommodating. SHE responded quickly to our endless requests. Needs attention and to be addressed: -The furniture in the rooms/suites needs to be upgraded/replaced. (The luggage rack was broken.) -The carpet in the hallways needs to be replaced. In some areas, the carpet has a mildew odor. -The rooms needs to be re-painted and the mold needs to be eradicated in some areas. -Outside patio furniture needs to be replaced. -The room refrigerator was NOT stocked with beverages such as soda, beer, and spirits as advertised. -No snacks were in the room upon arrival as promised. -The Iberostar Grand Rose Hall website stated if you stay at the resort for minimum of three nights, you will receive your Covid 19 Antigen test free. Our stay consisted of four days and three nights and Iberostar Grand Rose Hall management personnel attempted to charge my wife and I $40.00 each for the Antigen Test because they were not initially being transparent. If the trip is booked in April or prior, the test would be free. (We booked our trip in April 2021) -We had difficult time acquiring wash-cloths for the room. We were so thankful our room was cleaned daily but the wash-clothes were not replaced. (We had to call Housing Keeping almost every day to obtain a new wash-cloth. (This process is so unacceptable and frustrating.) -We stayed at the Iberostar Grand Rose Hall but one day we visited the Iberostar Suites to have a beverage. The beverage was a top shelf selection and the Iberostar Suites (sister property) attempted to charge for the beverages. We have visited this property on many occasions but we NEVER was asked to pay for ANY beverage at the sister resort. -All of the restaurants food was delicious but on some days they ran out of food. -The first couple of days for our stay, the buffet was NOT open for dinner. -In the past, there use to be daily barbeques on the beach including delicious Lobster Tails, Paella, Curry Chicken, Curry Goat. What happened to the daily barbeques???? I was looking forward to them….. -There is a Quality Control issue at the Iberostar Grand Rose Hall. The limited staff is unable to give the 5-Star professional customer service as advertised. (No fault of the staff but the culprit is management.) There is not enough staff to effectively give the customer service as desired and advertised. I have been to this resort on 5 celebratory occasions and I can say on this visit I saw the degradation of the suites interior, quantity of cuisine options, integrity of management staff and overall transparency. I was somewhat disappointed and embarrassed because I gave rave reviews of this property to my family and friend. -So Iberostar Grand Rose Hall please take a moment to ponder over my review. It is only intended as constructive criticism. I returned from the Iberostar Grand Rose Hall all-inclusive resort celebrating my Birthday and a good friend with a party of 21 of family & friends. This was my 4th time vacationing in Jamaica at the Iberostar Grand Rose Hall All-Inclusive resort. The Iberostar Rose Hall is divided into 3 beach resorts; Beach, Suites and Grand. The Grand is the priciest, but the adult only environment and top-end amenities are well worth the upgrade if you are looking to relax and unwind! You can visit the other resorts and make use of all their services as well, if you like. The resort has changed a great deal since my first visit. First, lets discuss the things in which I enjoyed and appreciated the most. -The reception area is clean, beautiful and welcoming. -The Covid-19 Safety precautions are top notch. They take temperate checks and offer hand sanitizer each time you entire the property. Just like the staff, we were required to wear masks, however required around the pool or beach. The masks were require to enter the restaurants and hand sanitizer were given to guests. -The beach area is amazing with calm water and golden sand. -The property grounds were beautiful. -The entertainment group was energetic and lively -They have many reclining chairs to relax and unwind to enjoy a cool beverage of your choice. -The outside Restaurant food was delicious with a plethora of offering such as curry goat, curry chicken, salads, pizza, beef patties, rice & pees, and deserts -The grilling station by the pool, the food was also very good. -The food at the breakfast buffet was so tasty and delicious. I think they had every item in which you could have for breakfast. I am not going to mention the quantity of different types of food they had for breakfast. You had to be there… -Our personal Bulter, Kayzon was pleasant, attentive, and accommodating. SHE responded quickly to our endless requests. Needs attention and to be addressed: -The furniture in the rooms/suites needs to be upgraded/replaced. (The luggage rack was broken.) -The carpet in the hallways needs to be replaced. In some areas, the carpet has a mildew odor. -The rooms needs to be re-painted and the mold needs to be eradicated in some areas. -Outside patio furniture needs to be replaced. -The room refrigerator was NOT stocked with beverages such as soda, beer, and spirits as advertised. -No snacks were in the room upon arrival as promised. -The Iberostar Grand Rose Hall website stated if you stay at the resort for minimum of three nights, you will receive your Covid 19 Antigen test free. Our stay consisted of four days and three nights and Iberostar Grand Rose Hall management personnel attempted to charge my wife and I $40.00 each for the Antigen Test because they were not initially being transparent. If the trip is booked in April or prior, the test would be free. (We booked our trip in April 2021) -We had difficult time acquiring wash-cloths for the room. We were so thankful our room was cleaned daily but the wash-clothes were not replaced. (We had to call Housing Keeping almost every day to obtain a new wash-cloth. (This process is so unacceptable and frustrating.) -We stayed at the Iberostar Grand Rose Hall but one day we visited the Iberostar Suites to have a beverage. The beverage was a top shelf selection and the Iberostar Suites (sister property) attempted to charge for the beverages. We have visited this property on many occasions but we NEVER was asked to pay for ANY beverage at the sister resort. -All of the restaurants food was delicious but on some days they ran out of food. -The first couple of days for our stay, the buffet was NOT open for dinner. -In the past, there use to be daily barbeques on the beach including delicious Lobster Tails, Paella, Curry Chicken, Curry Goat. What happened to the daily barbeques???? I was looking forward to them….. -There is a Quality Control issue at the Iberostar Grand Rose Hall. The limited staff is unable to give the 5-Star professional customer service as advertised. (No fault of the staff but the culprit is management.) There is not enough staff to effectively give the customer service as desired and advertised. I have been to this resort on 5 celebratory occasions and I can say on this visit I saw the degradation of the suites interior, quantity of cuisine options, integrity of management staff and overall transparency. I was somewhat disappointed and embarrassed because I gave rave reviews of this property to my family and friend. -So Iberostar Grand Rose Hall please take a moment to ponder over my review. It is only intended as constructive criticism.
IBEROSTAR Grand Hotel Rose Hall - 5 Nights #DK57 - отзыв
06 декабря 2021
Montego Bay Getaway
This place is gorgeous!!! The staff, service, scenery, food, & entertainment was great, far beyond my expectations!!! This is most definitely one of my favorite vacation destinations!!! Excited for my next visit!!! This place is gorgeous!!! The staff, service, scenery, food, & entertainment was great, far beyond my expectations!!! This is most definitely one of my favorite vacation destinations!!! Excited for my next visit!!!