Breathless Riviera Cancun Resort & Spa - 3 Nights #DD18

Breathless Riviera Cancun Resort & Spa - 3 Nights #DD18

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Breathless Riviera Cancun Resort & Spa - 3 Nights #DD18 - отзыв
20 марта 2021
Юлия Х
Наш самый романтичный и зажигательный отдых
Отель супер! Для взрослых, много музыки, баров, коктейлей, вечеринок, развлечений. Отель имеет 3 бассейна по настроениям- спокойный (мы там жили), средний Активити, там волейбол, веселая Музыка, игры и третий (мой любимый) с дискотеками, громкой музыкой, танцами и шампанским. Эта фишка мест для отдыха великолепна. Если хотелось спокойствия и почитать, мы шли на спокойный бассейн, там были и джакузи. Хотели драйва шли и отрывались. На пляже ходят торгаши сигарами и наркотиками, постоянно их видно, но им нельзя подходить к отелю. По вечерам классные тематические дискотеки, с раскрашиванием, аксессуарами. Еда там хорошая, выбор есть, но мало фруктов. Алкоголь отличный. Номера с классными подсветки над кроватью и двойным прозрачным душем) Также тут отличный СПА На годовщину нам принесли (или мы заказали, уже не помню) завтрак в номер. это было шикарно, много позиций и нереально украшено. в январе 2020 на океане купались один раз, постоянно были водоросли и флаг стоял-что купаться нельзя. Может мы так попали, а может там всегда океан не очень. Но бассейнов было много, купались в них. Поехала б этот отель еще за атмосферой веселья и праздника. Отель супер! Для взрослых, много музыки, баров, коктейлей, вечеринок, развлечений. Отель имеет 3 бассейна по настроениям- спокойный (мы там жили), средний Активити, там волейбол, веселая Музыка, игры и третий (мой любимый) с дискотеками, громкой музыкой, танцами и шампанским. Эта фишка мест для отдыха великолепна. Если хотелось спокойствия и почитать, мы шли на спокойный бассейн, там были и джакузи. Хотели драйва шли и отрывались. На пляже ходят торгаши сигарами и наркотиками, постоянно их видно, но им нельзя подходить к отелю. По вечерам классные тематические дискотеки, с раскрашиванием, аксессуарами. Еда там хорошая, выбор есть, но мало фруктов. Алкоголь отличный. Номера с классными подсветки над кроватью и двойным прозрачным душем) Также тут отличный СПА На годовщину нам принесли (или мы заказали, уже не помню) завтрак в номер. это было шикарно, много позиций и нереально украшено. в январе 2020 на океане купались один раз, постоянно были водоросли и флаг стоял-что купаться нельзя. Может мы так попали, а может там всегда океан не очень. Но бассейнов было много, купались в них. Поехала б этот отель еще за атмосферой веселья и праздника.
Breathless Riviera Cancun Resort & Spa - 3 Nights #DD18 - отзыв
16 сентября 2018
Шикарный отель
Отель отличный, сотрудники выше всяких похвал!!! Альфонсо, Карлос, Паскаль, Гектор, Эстебан, ребята, вы меня каждый день встречали на завтраке как лучшего гостя, мне так приятно, спасибо вам! Алехандро, спасибо, что съездил со мной в Канкун купить новый телефон, я бы не разобралась так быстро без связи Отель отличный, сотрудники выше всяких похвал!!! Альфонсо, Карлос, Паскаль, Гектор, Эстебан, ребята, вы меня каждый день встречали на завтраке как лучшего гостя, мне так приятно, спасибо вам! Алехандро, спасибо, что съездил со мной в Канкун купить новый телефон, я бы не разобралась так быстро без связи
Breathless Riviera Cancun Resort & Spa - 3 Nights #DD18 - отзыв
09 января 2017
Отель добротный, но без выхода к морю
Всем привет. Отдыхаем в этой сетке уже 5 год. Были на Ямайке, Доминикане и вот добрались до Мексики. Из всех отелей сетки - это самый слабый. Поразило отсутствие дороги на последнем километре до отеля. Прямо как в деревню Русскую приехал. Кочки и ямы. Выхода к морю для купания тут НЕТ - просто берег, а не пляж. Море грязное, на береговой линии торчат корни. Купаться нереально на всей части побережья, а не только в этом конкретном отеле. Сам отель выглядит недостроенным, как будто старались побыстрее запустить его в строй. Ходишь - вокруг голые бетонные стены. В остальном достаточно стандартный для этой сети набор достоинств. Отличный бассейн с лежаками - подогреваемый. А вот номера на 1 этаже с выходом к бассейну около корпусов брать не стоит - это вытрезвитель ) мы вот такой и взяли ))) Питание "американское" гамбургеры, картошка и тд. Ну и мексиканское. Жирновато все ) Мясо готовить тут не умеют. Но морепродуктами можно поживиться. Отель достаточно движушный, но хоть и позиционируется как молодежный, но стариков много. Коктейльная карта тоже скудновата. В общем резюме - на четверку. Было бы море я бы тут продержался неделю, но в итоге решили выехать пораньше и пожить 2 дня в Канкуне. Возвращаться не планирую. Хотя сетка эта достойная. На Ямайке были уже в ней 3 раза и обязательно вернёмся. Просто неудачное место выбрал этот конкретный отель. ПС: Вид из номера очень хорош, как и из ресторана на берегу. Всем привет. Отдыхаем в этой сетке уже 5 год. Были на Ямайке, Доминикане и вот добрались до Мексики. Из всех отелей сетки - это самый слабый. Поразило отсутствие дороги на последнем километре до отеля. Прямо как в деревню Русскую приехал. Кочки и ямы. Выхода к морю для купания тут НЕТ - просто берег, а не пляж. Море грязное, на береговой линии торчат корни. Купаться нереально на всей части побережья, а не только в этом конкретном отеле. Сам отель выглядит недостроенным, как будто старались побыстрее запустить его в строй. Ходишь - вокруг голые бетонные стены. В остальном достаточно стандартный для этой сети набор достоинств. Отличный бассейн с лежаками - подогреваемый. А вот номера на 1 этаже с выходом к бассейну около корпусов брать не стоит - это вытрезвитель ) мы вот такой и взяли ))) Питание "американское" гамбургеры, картошка и тд. Ну и мексиканское. Жирновато все ) Мясо готовить тут не умеют. Но морепродуктами можно поживиться. Отель достаточно движушный, но хоть и позиционируется как молодежный, но стариков много. Коктейльная карта тоже скудновата. В общем резюме - на четверку. Было бы море я бы тут продержался неделю, но в итоге решили выехать пораньше и пожить 2 дня в Канкуне. Возвращаться не планирую. Хотя сетка эта достойная. На Ямайке были уже в ней 3 раза и обязательно вернёмся. Просто неудачное место выбрал этот конкретный отель. ПС: Вид из номера очень хорош, как и из ресторана на берегу.
Breathless Riviera Cancun Resort & Spa - 3 Nights #DD18 - отзыв
25 декабря 2016
Хороший отель за свою стоимость
Отель совершенно новый и это не может не подкупать. В номере все современно и свежо, все работало отлично, интересный дизайн, полное управление с планшета, очень необычное освещение (подсветка стены в разных цветах). Немного некомфортно прозрачный душ посредине комнаты, хотя и закрывается занавесью. К уборке претензий нет. Персонал всегда внимательный и отзывчивый. Заезд и выезд в течение 15 минут. Территория отеля не очень большая, и поскольку он новый - нехватает зелени, но это на любителя. Бассейны с интересным дизайном, чистые. Концепция отеля - тусовка целый день, во всех уголках громкая (действительно громкая) музыка ( в номере в том числе), цель всего - развелечение гостей, поэтому на каждом шагу бары, закуски, танцы. Если вы настроены на более спокойный отдых, выбирайте спец. зону vip. Рестораны и буфет оооочень хорошие. Еда высокого качества, довольно разнообразна, ужин доставит действительно удовольствие. Теперь пляж - явно не конек этого отеля (((( В воде много камней как крупных, так и мелких, и также были водоросли в ноябре, что портит общее впечатление. Оформление зоны пляжа отличное, новые лежаки и удобные лежаки-кровати. Отель совершенно новый и это не может не подкупать. В номере все современно и свежо, все работало отлично, интересный дизайн, полное управление с планшета, очень необычное освещение (подсветка стены в разных цветах). Немного некомфортно прозрачный душ посредине комнаты, хотя и закрывается занавесью. К уборке претензий нет. Персонал всегда внимательный и отзывчивый. Заезд и выезд в течение 15 минут. Территория отеля не очень большая, и поскольку он новый - нехватает зелени, но это на любителя. Бассейны с интересным дизайном, чистые. Концепция отеля - тусовка целый день, во всех уголках громкая (действительно громкая) музыка ( в номере в том числе), цель всего - развелечение гостей, поэтому на каждом шагу бары, закуски, танцы. Если вы настроены на более спокойный отдых, выбирайте спец. зону vip. Рестораны и буфет оооочень хорошие. Еда высокого качества, довольно разнообразна, ужин доставит действительно удовольствие. Теперь пляж - явно не конек этого отеля (((( В воде много камней как крупных, так и мелких, и также были водоросли в ноябре, что портит общее впечатление. Оформление зоны пляжа отличное, новые лежаки и удобные лежаки-кровати.
Breathless Riviera Cancun Resort & Spa - 3 Nights #DD18 - отзыв
08 декабря 2021
Wonderful staff! Delicious food. Exceptionally clean. 100% recommend!
We spent 8 days at the resort and met so many wonderful people! The staff here genuinely want you to have the experience of a lifetime. This was the cleanest all inclusive resort I have been to and everyone was talking about it. The food was delicious and the entertainment was spot on. Fernanda, Melanie, Carlos, Luis, Willbreth, Frank, Guadalupe, Caesar, Victor, Omar, Fernando, and Nashiely go above and beyond in everything they do. We will absolutely return! We spent 8 days at the resort and met so many wonderful people! The staff here genuinely want you to have the experience of a lifetime. This was the cleanest all inclusive resort I have been to and everyone was talking about it. The food was delicious and the entertainment was spot on. Fernanda, Melanie, Carlos, Luis, Willbreth, Frank, Guadalupe, Caesar, Victor, Omar, Fernando, and Nashiely go above and beyond in everything they do. We will absolutely return!
Breathless Riviera Cancun Resort & Spa - 3 Nights #DD18 - отзыв
08 декабря 2021
Mostly Good...Some things to know
Traveled as a couple to Breathless for a wedding. Knew this chain had a reputation as more of a party resort and can that vibe does come through. I did come across people that were NOT prepared for that and I don't think did the proper research. A few said they were going to change hotels because of the noise. I will say, if you work at it, you can have a quieter time there and still enjoy yourself. We were in the Xhale part of the hotel so had special check in and lounge which was nice. Everyone from arrival until in our room was nice and informative about the resort. Originally we were put into a room that had no view and looked at tree tops that faced the pool. After about 15 min on the deck we could tell it was going to be very loud all day and kind of stale view/experience. We called the xhale desk and were able to upgrade to a beachfront swim up room. if you can afford it, do yourself a favor and do so. Peace, views and service all improved. The grounds are nice. Pools are big but seating does get filled up by 11am. Music and activities are a constant so depending on the vaca you want, you will get it. Service was good but it was depending on where you were located and who was serving you. The running joke among our friends was you would order something and they would get you 80% of the way there but forget something or change up your order ( ie...order a corona get a modelo. Order a modelo and get a corona light with a lime. Same at restaurants is one thing in your food order would be slightly off) We kind of laughed it off but its kind of what separates 4 star and 5 star service. As for food. No complaints. We had everything from room service breakfast to nice dinner. We only had to wait once for a table to the sit down restaurants. Service was good and you didn't feel rushed but they want you to order everything all at once to turn tables ( they just don't say it, haha ) The mixed drinks are very watered down so advice is to go beer, wine and maybe tip the bartender to get some extra alcohol. In the end, it is a very solid resort BUT you have to know going into it that one side of the resort is like a club all day and night. The middle part of the resort is loud music and activities all day and the closer you get to the beach and Secrets resort things quiet down. This is a great place to come with friends and get after it. If you are coming here as a couple and want a romantic / quiet vacation, you most likely won't get it here. Oh, my $100 linen shirt got ruined during their "NEON" party. They paint your body with blacklight paint and unfortunately my shirt has been dry and cleaned and washed twice and is still covered in orange paint. Wish I would have known that at the time as nobody said a word. oh well. Traveled as a couple to Breathless for a wedding. Knew this chain had a reputation as more of a party resort and can that vibe does come through. I did come across people that were NOT prepared for that and I don't think did the proper research. A few said they were going to change hotels because of the noise. I will say, if you work at it, you can have a quieter time there and still enjoy yourself. We were in the Xhale part of the hotel so had special check in and lounge which was nice. Everyone from arrival until in our room was nice and informative about the resort. Originally we were put into a room that had no view and looked at tree tops that faced the pool. After about 15 min on the deck we could tell it was going to be very loud all day and kind of stale view/experience. We called the xhale desk and were able to upgrade to a beachfront swim up room. if you can afford it, do yourself a favor and do so. Peace, views and service all improved. The grounds are nice. Pools are big but seating does get filled up by 11am. Music and activities are a constant so depending on the vaca you want, you will get it. Service was good but it was depending on where you were located and who was serving you. The running joke among our friends was you would order something and they would get you 80% of the way there but forget something or change up your order ( ie...order a corona get a modelo. Order a modelo and get a corona light with a lime. Same at restaurants is one thing in your food order would be slightly off) We kind of laughed it off but its kind of what separates 4 star and 5 star service. As for food. No complaints. We had everything from room service breakfast to nice dinner. We only had to wait once for a table to the sit down restaurants. Service was good and you didn't feel rushed but they want you to order everything all at once to turn tables ( they just don't say it, haha ) The mixed drinks are very watered down so advice is to go beer, wine and maybe tip the bartender to get some extra alcohol. In the end, it is a very solid resort BUT you have to know going into it that one side of the resort is like a club all day and night. The middle part of the resort is loud music and activities all day and the closer you get to the beach and Secrets resort things quiet down. This is a great place to come with friends and get after it. If you are coming here as a couple and want a romantic / quiet vacation, you most likely won't get it here. Oh, my $100 linen shirt got ruined during their "NEON" party. They paint your body with blacklight paint and unfortunately my shirt has been dry and cleaned and washed twice and is still covered in orange paint. Wish I would have known that at the time as nobody said a word. oh well.
Breathless Riviera Cancun Resort & Spa - 3 Nights #DD18 - отзыв
07 декабря 2021
Overall Breathless Experience
There were some encounters with racist staff members that I was not ok with. There was also a noticeable difference in how the staff treated brown skin guests versus white/fair skin guests which is extremely disturbing. I was ignored many times when requesting drinks and water from the restaurant called bites. As well as by the largest jacuzzi and eccelerate pool area. The worker at bites also ran away from me when I asked a question about the resort. There are many things that need to be changed in regards to staffing. I am very disappointed and this will absolutely lessen my return to Mexico especially the breathless resorts and their affiliates. There were some encounters with racist staff members that I was not ok with. There was also a noticeable difference in how the staff treated brown skin guests versus white/fair skin guests which is extremely disturbing. I was ignored many times when requesting drinks and water from the restaurant called bites. As well as by the largest jacuzzi and eccelerate pool area. The worker at bites also ran away from me when I asked a question about the resort. There are many things that need to be changed in regards to staffing. I am very disappointed and this will absolutely lessen my return to Mexico especially the breathless resorts and their affiliates.
Breathless Riviera Cancun Resort & Spa - 3 Nights #DD18 - отзыв
07 декабря 2021
Sun, Fun, and Fitness @ Breathless Riviera Cancun
Can't say enough about the friendly staff and fun guests at this resort. It's just the right mix of relaxation coupled with fun and entertainment. The Entertainment Team rocks and the bartenders will make sure your glass is never empty. Make sure you check out the Elements Show and try the Challenge of the Day. Can't say enough about the friendly staff and fun guests at this resort. It's just the right mix of relaxation coupled with fun and entertainment. The Entertainment Team rocks and the bartenders will make sure your glass is never empty. Make sure you check out the Elements Show and try the Challenge of the Day.
Breathless Riviera Cancun Resort & Spa - 3 Nights #DD18 - отзыв
07 декабря 2021
Great Time
My boyfriend and I stayed at the breathless resort for 14 nights and had a really good time. The Staff was always so friendly and always tried their best to fulfill all our needs. When we had special requests they would check and make sure to find the best solution for us. Breathless is a good place too visit as a group, couple or even solo. You will definitely meet nice people if you are up for it. I really like the fact that they have a variety of things to do during the day (yoga, beach volleyball ect.) The restaurants were also good and the service was excellent. We also had access to the exhale lounge where we had the best bartender, Leticia did an amazing job with recommendations of drinks and we had great conversations. Leticia was one of the reasons we were happy to visit the exhale Lounge/Bar she was so friendly and just the best at her job. Also I would like to thank Luis from the entertainment staff. He is always so fun and does a great job with the pool work out, it was always worth it. Also Luis always came by whenever he saw us and made sure we are taken care of, lots of laughs but he is also great at his job. The receptionist at the exhale lounge was such a sweetheart (we forgot her name) she made sure we got the right room (something went wrong with the booking and the first night we had a different room) she always checked on us and even offered us a late check out. She was very helpful with organizing our last minute covid test and managed our reservation so well. The parties at the party pool were great too. I just wish that sometimes they would not just play EDM/House music but maybe see how the crowd reacts and try and switch it up. The only negative point I would have is that although the hotel was not at full capacity the waiting time for the restaurants were always pretty long. We went to the Mexican restaurant twice and it was our least favorite... sadly to say the food was not so great there and we weren't the only ones that felt that way. All in all I can definitely recommend breathless riviera Cancun. My boyfriend and I stayed at the breathless resort for 14 nights and had a really good time. The Staff was always so friendly and always tried their best to fulfill all our needs. When we had special requests they would check and make sure to find the best solution for us. Breathless is a good place too visit as a group, couple or even solo. You will definitely meet nice people if you are up for it. I really like the fact that they have a variety of things to do during the day (yoga, beach volleyball ect.) The restaurants were also good and the service was excellent. We also had access to the exhale lounge where we had the best bartender, Leticia did an amazing job with recommendations of drinks and we had great conversations. Leticia was one of the reasons we were happy to visit the exhale Lounge/Bar she was so friendly and just the best at her job. Also I would like to thank Luis from the entertainment staff. He is always so fun and does a great job with the pool work out, it was always worth it. Also Luis always came by whenever he saw us and made sure we are taken care of, lots of laughs but he is also great at his job. The receptionist at the exhale lounge was such a sweetheart (we forgot her name) she made sure we got the right room (something went wrong with the booking and the first night we had a different room) she always checked on us and even offered us a late check out. She was very helpful with organizing our last minute covid test and managed our reservation so well. The parties at the party pool were great too. I just wish that sometimes they would not just play EDM/House music but maybe see how the crowd reacts and try and switch it up. The only negative point I would have is that although the hotel was not at full capacity the waiting time for the restaurants were always pretty long. We went to the Mexican restaurant twice and it was our least favorite... sadly to say the food was not so great there and we weren't the only ones that felt that way. All in all I can definitely recommend breathless riviera Cancun.