Paradisus Palma Real #C682
Доминиканская Республика

Paradisus Palma Real #C682

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Weihai Dawu Sea Feeling Hotel - 3 Nights #SE51
Китайская Народная Республика
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Paradisus Palma Real #C682 - отзыв
29 сентября 2021
Отличный отель
Очень хорошее обслуживание ! Люсия и Исаури были великолепны! Бар авеню -самый лучший ! Очень внимательное обслуживание, отличный вид на море, фонтаны вокруг, что можно ещё хотели от отдыха в Доминикане ? Спасибо большое, вернусь ещё обязательно! Очень хорошее обслуживание ! Люсия и Исаури были великолепны! Бар авеню -самый лучший ! Очень внимательное обслуживание, отличный вид на море, фонтаны вокруг, что можно ещё хотели от отдыха в Доминикане ? Спасибо большое, вернусь ещё обязательно!
Paradisus Palma Real #C682 - отзыв
22 января 2020
Хороший отель. Огромная территория. Качество обслуживания нужно улучшить. Качество питания в ресторанах оставляет желать лучшего. Очень повезло с батлером. Был очень полезен. Помог с бронированием ресторанов, постоянно был на связи, помогал решить все возникающие вопросы. Хороший отель. Огромная территория. Качество обслуживания нужно улучшить. Качество питания в ресторанах оставляет желать лучшего. Очень повезло с батлером. Был очень полезен. Помог с бронированием ресторанов, постоянно был на связи, помогал решить все возникающие вопросы.
Paradisus Palma Real #C682 - отзыв
17 января 2020
Хороший отель.
+Территория красивая большая и ухоженная. +Пляж широкий и чистый. +Еда в ресторане разнообразная и вкусная. А ля карт Sal. особая +Территория красивая большая и ухоженная. +Пляж широкий и чистый. +Еда в ресторане разнообразная и вкусная. А ля карт Sal. особая
Paradisus Palma Real #C682 - отзыв
08 мая 2019
Ужасные номера и сервис.
Здравствуйте, мы прожили в отеле 12 дней, за эти дни произошло много вешей как хорошоих, так и плохих. Во первых, ужасный персонал, горничные нормально не убирают, roomserves работает ужасно, в ресторане почти нет персонала повара стоят болтают. Дальше, в отеле есть торговый центр, так вот, вчера мы стояли у остановки чтобы вернуться в отель, написано то что каждые 15 минут ходит автобус, мы его ждали 30 минут, но он так и не приехал, мы пошли пешком, пришли, а автобус даже не собирался ехать. Горничныйе забрали наши купленные вилки и ножи так как на кухне нет не вилки, ни ножей, ни тарелок, не понятно тогда зачем она. Все офицанты обслуживают идиально, особенно хорошо обслуживает Янира. В номере текут потолки, по этому будте готовы просить полотенца на пол. В номере есть джакузи, работает только одна струйка из восьми и течёт хлорка, в душе очень долго переключаеться температура воды(минуты 2 минимум). Единственное что спасает отель это пляж, пляж идеальный, но достаточно водрослей, советую идти либо в 6:00-7:00 либо уже в 16:00-19:00, в это время меньше всего водрослей. Здравствуйте, мы прожили в отеле 12 дней, за эти дни произошло много вешей как хорошоих, так и плохих. Во первых, ужасный персонал, горничные нормально не убирают, roomserves работает ужасно, в ресторане почти нет персонала повара стоят болтают. Дальше, в отеле есть торговый центр, так вот, вчера мы стояли у остановки чтобы вернуться в отель, написано то что каждые 15 минут ходит автобус, мы его ждали 30 минут, но он так и не приехал, мы пошли пешком, пришли, а автобус даже не собирался ехать. Горничныйе забрали наши купленные вилки и ножи так как на кухне нет не вилки, ни ножей, ни тарелок, не понятно тогда зачем она. Все офицанты обслуживают идиально, особенно хорошо обслуживает Янира. В номере текут потолки, по этому будте готовы просить полотенца на пол. В номере есть джакузи, работает только одна струйка из восьми и течёт хлорка, в душе очень долго переключаеться температура воды(минуты 2 минимум). Единственное что спасает отель это пляж, пляж идеальный, но достаточно водрослей, советую идти либо в 6:00-7:00 либо уже в 16:00-19:00, в это время меньше всего водрослей.
Paradisus Palma Real #C682 - отзыв
07 мая 2019
Семейный отдых в Доминикане по-советски
Поехали в этот отель по одной причине: здесь есть большой семейный номер. Но если бы знали уровень отеля, не поехали бы и бесплатно. Плюсы: море и песок Минусы: отель скорее похож на бизнес-центр и место для проведения мероприятий. Ежедневные толпы приезжих с бейджами заполняют отель и создают очереди на центральном входе и в ресторане. Ежедневно проводят вечеринки, но не для отдыхающих, а для приезжающих на конференции или свадьбу. Номера настолько старые и требуют ремонта, что в них находится-риск для здоровья. У нас в самом дорогом номере этого отеля тек потолок!!! Жалобы и вызовы персонала ни к чему не привели. Нам предложили включить кондиционер и тогда вода испариться!!! При том, что у них центральное кондиционирование и сколько ни повышай температуру, будет дуть ледяной воздух!!! Дверь на балконе заклинивало дважды, если бы отдыхала одна, пришлось бы кричать с балкона, чтобы кто-нибудь открыл! В ресторане при нас у людей на стол упал светильник!!! Хорошо, что никого не убил! Напитки в ресторане проще не ждать, а подходить и наливать самостоятельно. Или ждать примерно полчаса, напоминая раз по десять, что вы еще ждете. Уборка номеров- отдельная история... Диваны в номере настолько старые, что на них неприятно садиться. Это кстати касается всей мебели в отеле, все в пятнах, старое и крайне изношенное. Мусор возле лежаков не убирается, весь отпуск(10 дней) я наблюдала один и тот же стаканчик, лежащий между лежаками.Детский клуб больше похож на комнату временного пребывания малышей, когда родителям ну очень нужно оставить ребенка, по другой причине там ребенка не оставишь.Их там кстати и не было, когда пришли посмотреть. В целом после отпуска в этом отеле одно желание: приехать домой, отмыться, перестирать все и вспомнить наконец-то, что такое чистые полы, мебель и посуда!!! Поехали в этот отель по одной причине: здесь есть большой семейный номер. Но если бы знали уровень отеля, не поехали бы и бесплатно. Плюсы: море и песок Минусы: отель скорее похож на бизнес-центр и место для проведения мероприятий. Ежедневные толпы приезжих с бейджами заполняют отель и создают очереди на центральном входе и в ресторане. Ежедневно проводят вечеринки, но не для отдыхающих, а для приезжающих на конференции или свадьбу. Номера настолько старые и требуют ремонта, что в них находится-риск для здоровья. У нас в самом дорогом номере этого отеля тек потолок!!! Жалобы и вызовы персонала ни к чему не привели. Нам предложили включить кондиционер и тогда вода испариться!!! При том, что у них центральное кондиционирование и сколько ни повышай температуру, будет дуть ледяной воздух!!! Дверь на балконе заклинивало дважды, если бы отдыхала одна, пришлось бы кричать с балкона, чтобы кто-нибудь открыл! В ресторане при нас у людей на стол упал светильник!!! Хорошо, что никого не убил! Напитки в ресторане проще не ждать, а подходить и наливать самостоятельно. Или ждать примерно полчаса, напоминая раз по десять, что вы еще ждете. Уборка номеров- отдельная история... Диваны в номере настолько старые, что на них неприятно садиться. Это кстати касается всей мебели в отеле, все в пятнах, старое и крайне изношенное. Мусор возле лежаков не убирается, весь отпуск(10 дней) я наблюдала один и тот же стаканчик, лежащий между лежаками.Детский клуб больше похож на комнату временного пребывания малышей, когда родителям ну очень нужно оставить ребенка, по другой причине там ребенка не оставишь.Их там кстати и не было, когда пришли посмотреть. В целом после отпуска в этом отеле одно желание: приехать домой, отмыться, перестирать все и вспомнить наконец-то, что такое чистые полы, мебель и посуда!!!
Paradisus Palma Real #C682 - отзыв
08 декабря 2021
Winter vacation
Sairen was our concierge for the week and he did not disappoint. He took extra care of me and my travel partner. He was very attentive to our requests and insured that our requests were met with satisfaction. This resort always delivers excellent service and the staff are always friendly, courteous and aim to please. Thank you Sairen for taking great attention and care! Sairen was our concierge for the week and he did not disappoint. He took extra care of me and my travel partner. He was very attentive to our requests and insured that our requests were met with satisfaction. This resort always delivers excellent service and the staff are always friendly, courteous and aim to please. Thank you Sairen for taking great attention and care!
Paradisus Palma Real #C682 - отзыв
05 декабря 2021
Beautiful resort but lacking management quality service
We spent a week at the Paradisus as I had read reviews of this resort being one of the best in Dominican to have a wedding and I wanted to do in-person research and possibly book the wedding. The resort is architecturally beautiful and all of the main areas, pool and beach are kept as clean as possible. The wait staff and entertainment staff were very friendly especially Imael at the lobby bar who makes the best happy coffee, Ruby at Gabi Bar, Alejandro, Darlin and Jairo from the entertainment staff. We had fun dancing with them most nights! But the hotel and management side of the resort doesn't work as well. The hotel rooms are nice but the washrooms are open concept - fine for couples not so great for friends or families visiting. There really isn't too much privacy. The huge bathtubs looked nice but didn't look clean enough to use. There were discolourations and marks on it. There is a definite issue with the phones as some of them don't even work. We had to use the phone in the bathroom to actually talk to someone. The cleaning service for the rooms did do a good job on a daily basis but I found the mini bar wasn't replenished every day. Our entire contact with the management team was really uninviting. When we checked in we were told we had a concierge who would contact us but no one ever did. We had asked for a room with 2 double beds but despite asking twice, we ended up with 1 giant bed and a roll-away bed (we were 3 girls in 1 room and we all wanted our space). On our 2nd night, my friend sleeping on the roll-away bed realized she had bed bug bites all over her legs. She had experienced bed bugs before so knew what to look for on the bed as proof. As it was late at night, we decided to wait till the next morning to inform management. They didn't seem to recognize the signs of bed bugs (rusty blood stains and fecal matter residue) but that could have been a language barrier. We asked for a new room and they were good enough not to argue about that. We met with the supervisor Emelin at registration and she initially did suggest they were mosquito bites but didn't push further when my friend said this was her 3rd time and she knew the difference. We were promised a new room that afternoon and once again I asked for 2 beds and the sofa bed to be opened up - we were not going to get another roll away bed. We had also asked about the concierge that was promised on day 1 and were told we actually weren't eligible for that service but they would give it to us now. We met with Reina who gave me her phone number and said to call or text her if we needed anything! That afternoon after spending the day at the beach, we went back to the lobby, picked up our suitcases and got escorted to the new room only to find we had 1 bed again (the beds are pushed together). We asked the person who escorted us and they said they would get someone to fix it. We then opened the fridge to get some water and it was empty!! We had to call someone from the bathroom phone but it is impossible to get through and talk to someone who understands. We tried a few times and we weren't sure if the person we spoke to understood as there was no clear response from them. I texted our concierge who said she would look into it and I walked back to the desk to tell them that we still don't have 2 beds and no water. It took 2 hours for our fridge to get filled! I understand that they might be short staffed after COVID but they are also only at 40% capacity. My concern is that the service issues is not a temporary issue. We went out for dinner and came back at 10 and we still had just 1 giant bed for the 3 of us. So we started again with calling from the room, texting the concierge (with no response from her at all) and we got the service in under an hour. The concierge never even responded to my message. The next message from her was the activities for the day received the next morning. We did not see her or receive any more messages from her for the rest of the week - not even the activities for the day! I also asked when I checked in to talk to someone about wedding inquiries. It was friday evening and no one was available till Monday. I had to email them to get an appointment. My email was returned by Monday aftenoon at which time we were waiting for water in the new room after having bed bugs! I emailed them back the next morning and told them the list of issues we were having and that I wasn't sure about having a wedding here anymore. They apologized and asked which resort we were staying at. I was sad that they couldn't even coordinate that information on their own! My friend posted her review on our 3rd day in and on the 4th day, we got told we were getting upgraded to the Reserve service - access to a separate buffet restaurant for breakfast and lunch, the adult only pool and bar with premium drinks and 1 separate restaurant. While we really enjoyed all of the perks, the hotel did not see fit to give us this as soon as we reported our issues - only when we complained on a public forum. Lastly, there is a management practice that we really did not appreciate. The entertainment staff who we had so much fun with knew when it was our last day and literally were forcing us to give the hotel a 5 star review. I can't blame them for following the instructions they were provided but management has told them that if they don't get a 5 star review with their names mentioned, their jobs are in jeopardy. You cannot give the hotel a 3 star review but mention their names and give them credit. They went so far as leaning over you and hitting the 5 star button on your phone to make sure it gets done. This really turned me off the hotel management as the final straw. Exploiting their staff's connections to force a review. I can easily say that I will not readily choose Paradisus again because of all of this even though I enjoyed the sun, the beach and the food! We spent a week at the Paradisus as I had read reviews of this resort being one of the best in Dominican to have a wedding and I wanted to do in-person research and possibly book the wedding. The resort is architecturally beautiful and all of the main areas, pool and beach are kept as clean as possible. The wait staff and entertainment staff were very friendly especially Imael at the lobby bar who makes the best happy coffee, Ruby at Gabi Bar, Alejandro, Darlin and Jairo from the entertainment staff. We had fun dancing with them most nights! But the hotel and management side of the resort doesn't work as well. The hotel rooms are nice but the washrooms are open concept - fine for couples not so great for friends or families visiting. There really isn't too much privacy. The huge bathtubs looked nice but didn't look clean enough to use. There were discolourations and marks on it. There is a definite issue with the phones as some of them don't even work. We had to use the phone in the bathroom to actually talk to someone. The cleaning service for the rooms did do a good job on a daily basis but I found the mini bar wasn't replenished every day. Our entire contact with the management team was really uninviting. When we checked in we were told we had a concierge who would contact us but no one ever did. We had asked for a room with 2 double beds but despite asking twice, we ended up with 1 giant bed and a roll-away bed (we were 3 girls in 1 room and we all wanted our space). On our 2nd night, my friend sleeping on the roll-away bed realized she had bed bug bites all over her legs. She had experienced bed bugs before so knew what to look for on the bed as proof. As it was late at night, we decided to wait till the next morning to inform management. They didn't seem to recognize the signs of bed bugs (rusty blood stains and fecal matter residue) but that could have been a language barrier. We asked for a new room and they were good enough not to argue about that. We met with the supervisor Emelin at registration and she initially did suggest they were mosquito bites but didn't push further when my friend said this was her 3rd time and she knew the difference. We were promised a new room that afternoon and once again I asked for 2 beds and the sofa bed to be opened up - we were not going to get another roll away bed. We had also asked about the concierge that was promised on day 1 and were told we actually weren't eligible for that service but they would give it to us now. We met with Reina who gave me her phone number and said to call or text her if we needed anything! That afternoon after spending the day at the beach, we went back to the lobby, picked up our suitcases and got escorted to the new room only to find we had 1 bed again (the beds are pushed together). We asked the person who escorted us and they said they would get someone to fix it. We then opened the fridge to get some water and it was empty!! We had to call someone from the bathroom phone but it is impossible to get through and talk to someone who understands. We tried a few times and we weren't sure if the person we spoke to understood as there was no clear response from them. I texted our concierge who said she would look into it and I walked back to the desk to tell them that we still don't have 2 beds and no water. It took 2 hours for our fridge to get filled! I understand that they might be short staffed after COVID but they are also only at 40% capacity. My concern is that the service issues is not a temporary issue. We went out for dinner and came back at 10 and we still had just 1 giant bed for the 3 of us. So we started again with calling from the room, texting the concierge (with no response from her at all) and we got the service in under an hour. The concierge never even responded to my message. The next message from her was the activities for the day received the next morning. We did not see her or receive any more messages from her for the rest of the week - not even the activities for the day! I also asked when I checked in to talk to someone about wedding inquiries. It was friday evening and no one was available till Monday. I had to email them to get an appointment. My email was returned by Monday aftenoon at which time we were waiting for water in the new room after having bed bugs! I emailed them back the next morning and told them the list of issues we were having and that I wasn't sure about having a wedding here anymore. They apologized and asked which resort we were staying at. I was sad that they couldn't even coordinate that information on their own! My friend posted her review on our 3rd day in and on the 4th day, we got told we were getting upgraded to the Reserve service - access to a separate buffet restaurant for breakfast and lunch, the adult only pool and bar with premium drinks and 1 separate restaurant. While we really enjoyed all of the perks, the hotel did not see fit to give us this as soon as we reported our issues - only when we complained on a public forum. Lastly, there is a management practice that we really did not appreciate. The entertainment staff who we had so much fun with knew when it was our last day and literally were forcing us to give the hotel a 5 star review. I can't blame them for following the instructions they were provided but management has told them that if they don't get a 5 star review with their names mentioned, their jobs are in jeopardy. You cannot give the hotel a 3 star review but mention their names and give them credit. They went so far as leaning over you and hitting the 5 star button on your phone to make sure it gets done. This really turned me off the hotel management as the final straw. Exploiting their staff's connections to force a review. I can easily say that I will not readily choose Paradisus again because of all of this even though I enjoyed the sun, the beach and the food!
Paradisus Palma Real #C682 - отзыв
04 декабря 2021
Crap food, crap service all around, nobody speaks English- Terrible disappointment
The title says it all. Don't waste your time or money. Nobody that works there actually cares about what you want they just do whatever they feel like doing. Highly disappointed and will never go back. The title says it all. Don't waste your time or money. Nobody that works there actually cares about what you want they just do whatever they feel like doing. Highly disappointed and will never go back.
Paradisus Palma Real #C682 - отзыв
03 декабря 2021
Perfect visit
The most relaxing five days I’ve had in years. The Reserve package is absolutely worth it. All my needs were met from the moment I arrived. The dedicated, adult-only pool and restaurant were some of my favorite parts of my stay. My concierge, Franklin Truque, made my visit seamless. He took care of my dinner reservations, made suggestions about excursions, sent me daily activity options, really, anything you can imagine. I had a massage and a facial at the YHI spa—both of which were some of the best I’ve ever had. If you go, ask for Ruth. I also took part in a healing mud workshop offered at the spa. Sal and Palazzo were my favorite dining options. I chose a junior suite and my room was beautiful and immaculate. The jacuzzi tub was definitely a highlight. The only less than stellar part of the trip is the Meliá app. It needs a lot of work. Luckily, I had Franklin so it wasn’t a problem. Highly recommend! The most relaxing five days I’ve had in years. The Reserve package is absolutely worth it. All my needs were met from the moment I arrived. The dedicated, adult-only pool and restaurant were some of my favorite parts of my stay. My concierge, Franklin Truque, made my visit seamless. He took care of my dinner reservations, made suggestions about excursions, sent me daily activity options, really, anything you can imagine. I had a massage and a facial at the YHI spa—both of which were some of the best I’ve ever had. If you go, ask for Ruth. I also took part in a healing mud workshop offered at the spa. Sal and Palazzo were my favorite dining options. I chose a junior suite and my room was beautiful and immaculate. The jacuzzi tub was definitely a highlight. The only less than stellar part of the trip is the Meliá app. It needs a lot of work. Luckily, I had Franklin so it wasn’t a problem. Highly recommend!
Paradisus Palma Real #C682 - отзыв
02 декабря 2021
Great resort & Concierge Franklin
Wanted to write this review before I departed spent an exceptional time at Paradisus Palma Real over the last week . The weather/beach/ resort was perfect but more important were the staff , always greeted with a smile . During my stay , the concierge Franklin Truque was tremendously helpful whether it was restaurant recommendations or activities . Franklin was very professional ,he knows the resort well and shared best recommendations for lunch / dinner each day . Franklin’s attention to detail made our stay even better , so much so another trip is being planned ! Thank you Paradisus Palma Real and Franklin ! Wanted to write this review before I departed spent an exceptional time at Paradisus Palma Real over the last week . The weather/beach/ resort was perfect but more important were the staff , always greeted with a smile . During my stay , the concierge Franklin Truque was tremendously helpful whether it was restaurant recommendations or activities . Franklin was very professional ,he knows the resort well and shared best recommendations for lunch / dinner each day . Franklin’s attention to detail made our stay even better , so much so another trip is being planned ! Thank you Paradisus Palma Real and Franklin !