Windjammer Landing Villa Beach Resort & Spa #3025

Windjammer Landing Villa Beach Resort & Spa #3025

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С расположенного на склоне холма курорта Windjammer Landing Villa Beach Resort & Spa открывается вид на кристально чистые синие воды Карибского моря, омывающие красивый остров Сент-Люсия, который отлично подходит для отдыха. В деревушке, расположенной рядом с курортом, гости могут насладиться прогулками вдоль крытых аллей, а также отдыхом у сверкающих бассейнов с водопадами и в тропических садах. На территории самого курорта находится теннисный корт, плавательные бассейны, фитнес-центр, магазины, игровая площадка и оборудование для занятий водными видами спорта на пляже. На курорте и в его окрестностях также есть невероятное множество превосходных ресторанов. Проживание в апартаментах åстудиоò на 2 человека без кухни, а также апартаментах на 4–8 человек с одной, двумя и тремя спальнями и полностью оборудованной кухней.

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Windjammer Landing Villa Beach Resort & Spa #3025 - отзыв
19 июня 2019
Разочарование отелем на восхитительном острове!
Прочитав отзывы о различных отелях на острове , был сделан выбор в пользу Windjammer . Отель предоставляет трансфер из аэропорта, но если вы решили ехать на такси, то стоимость будет 80-100$ .Из аэропорта ехали 1.5 часа по извилистым дорогам, но поездка была приятной. Водитель остановился на смотровой площадке у деревни Dennery, откуда был прекрасный вид на саму деревню и на Атлантический океан. Сразу скажу, что Windjammer находится с другой стороны острова, на берегу Карибского моря. Заселились в виллу сразу, что является плюсом после перелета . Приятный моментом оказались предложенный на ресепшене приветственный напиток (по вашему желанию ) и влажная охлаждающая салфетка . Сама вилла-божественна! Но это, к сожалению, единственное, что оказалось восхитительным относительно самого отеля. Позиционируя себя как резорт высокого класса , бутылка с питьевой водой была только при заселении. Вилла оборудована кухней и имеется все необходимое, если появится желание готовить еду самим. Есть вся кухонная посуда для приготовления,посуда для запекания, столовые приборы, тарелки, стаканы, кружки, бокалы ,терка, миксер, блендер, тостер, микроволновка, электрический чайник , кофеварка, большой холодильник, электроплита с духовым шкафом. Так же предоставлена жидкость для мытья посуды, губка, рулон бумажных полотенец. Удивительно, когда до нашего отъезда оставались еще сутки и закончился рулон полотенец, то новый рулон предоставлен не был. И даже обычное тряпочное кухонное полотенце , которые мы не трогали, было забрано . Кофе предлагался только Maxwell House, а так же порционные сливки и сахар. Но за сутки до нашего отъезда ни сливки, ни сахар, не были пополнены, что тоже является минусом для Windjammer. В самой вилле прекрасная, большая гостинная с телевизором, столом, диваном, потолочным вентилятором . Имеется выход на террасу, с которой так же можно попасть в спальню . Спальня оборудована кондиционером и потолочным вентилятором . Вся техника и оборудование работали исправно. В спальне так же имеется телевизор и дверь , ведущая в гардеробную, где находятся сейф, утюг, гладильная доска . Ванная комната просторная с большой душевой кабиной. С террасы открывается восхитительный вид на море . Все вечера мы встречали закат, сидя на удобном диване. На этом наше восхищение заканчивается. Пляж небольшой, но так как отель был заполнен не полностью, то всегда были свободные шезлонги и место под зонтиками, в тени. Сам пляж чистый, водорослей на пляже нет, но имейте ввиду, что при входе в море имеется только небольшая полоска песка без камней и водорослей. На фотографиях вы увидите гамаки над водой, но к ним спокойно подойти можно только тем, кто имеет специальную обувь. Там сплошные камни , а так же водоросли, которые жгутся, как крапива. В воде имеется небольшой деревянный пирс, доплыв до которого , можно понырять. Так же круг, забравшись в который , можно позагорать. И надувной батут с матрасом, где любят играть, прыгать, скакать дети. Но...Туда только плыть, дойти невозможно. В воде много морских ежей. На пляже находится ящик с детскими игрушками, которыми можно пользоваться. Пляжные полотенца выдают в обмен на карту , которую вы получите , когда заселяетесь. Если вы приехали не по системе" все включено", то имейте ввиду, что цены в ресторанах и барах высокие. ( пиво-объемом 250 мл. стоит 5.50 американских долларов ) . При этом еда не всегда вкусная. " Шведский стол" имеется ежедневно только на завтрак , в ресторане " Dragonfly" , где вы можете выбрать, что вам захочется. Голодными не останетесь . Но обеды и ужины - по меню. Бронирование не требовалось, всегда были свободные места. ( может из за малого количества туристов ). В ресторанах всегда спрашивают номер вашей виллы, записывая в блокнот сам номер и количество человек). Так же еду можно заказать с доставкой в виллу, но это платная услуга . Вилла убиралась ежедневно, полотенца так же меняли каждый день. Большинство вилл находятся на возвышенности. Это не является проблемой, так как вы всегда можете сесть в шаттл и вас довезут до вашей виллы и обратно. Wi-Fi работал везде! И в вилле, и на пляже, и в ресторанах. Все рестораны имеют блюдо дня. Ресторан " Папа Дон" назван в честь одного из основателей Windjammer. Этот ресторан имеет собственный небольшой бассейн, который всегда закрыт ! Воспользоваться можно детским бассейном, находящимся рядом. Но главный бассейн расположен рядом с пляжем . Отвлекаясь на бассейны, забыла отметить, что фрукты в отеле только на завтрак и выбор их ограничен! Из отеля ездили в соседние города, взяв такси. До столицы острова- Кастри-25$ (примерно 15 минут езды), до Rodney Bay-15 $ USA(ехать примерно 10 минут). Персонал отеля в большинстве угрюмый. Дружелюбные и всегда с улыбкой были только водители шаттлов , садовник и официанты в баре "Jammers "и ресторане " Papa Don" . На территории расположены несколько магазинов : с пляжными принадлежностями, продуктами, ювелирными изделиями и сувенирами. Спа-салон не посетили, хотя нам была предоставлена скидка. В целом от самого острова очень хорошие впечатления, но нашим друзьям посоветуем выбрать другой отель. Прочитав отзывы о различных отелях на острове , был сделан выбор в пользу Windjammer . Отель предоставляет трансфер из аэропорта, но если вы решили ехать на такси, то стоимость будет 80-100$ .Из аэропорта ехали 1.5 часа по извилистым дорогам, но поездка была приятной. Водитель остановился на смотровой площадке у деревни Dennery, откуда был прекрасный вид на саму деревню и на Атлантический океан. Сразу скажу, что Windjammer находится с другой стороны острова, на берегу Карибского моря. Заселились в виллу сразу, что является плюсом после перелета . Приятный моментом оказались предложенный на ресепшене приветственный напиток (по вашему желанию ) и влажная охлаждающая салфетка . Сама вилла-божественна! Но это, к сожалению, единственное, что оказалось восхитительным относительно самого отеля. Позиционируя себя как резорт высокого класса , бутылка с питьевой водой была только при заселении. Вилла оборудована кухней и имеется все необходимое, если появится желание готовить еду самим. Есть вся кухонная посуда для приготовления,посуда для запекания, столовые приборы, тарелки, стаканы, кружки, бокалы ,терка, миксер, блендер, тостер, микроволновка, электрический чайник , кофеварка, большой холодильник, электроплита с духовым шкафом. Так же предоставлена жидкость для мытья посуды, губка, рулон бумажных полотенец. Удивительно, когда до нашего отъезда оставались еще сутки и закончился рулон полотенец, то новый рулон предоставлен не был. И даже обычное тряпочное кухонное полотенце , которые мы не трогали, было забрано . Кофе предлагался только Maxwell House, а так же порционные сливки и сахар. Но за сутки до нашего отъезда ни сливки, ни сахар, не были пополнены, что тоже является минусом для Windjammer. В самой вилле прекрасная, большая гостинная с телевизором, столом, диваном, потолочным вентилятором . Имеется выход на террасу, с которой так же можно попасть в спальню . Спальня оборудована кондиционером и потолочным вентилятором . Вся техника и оборудование работали исправно. В спальне так же имеется телевизор и дверь , ведущая в гардеробную, где находятся сейф, утюг, гладильная доска . Ванная комната просторная с большой душевой кабиной. С террасы открывается восхитительный вид на море . Все вечера мы встречали закат, сидя на удобном диване. На этом наше восхищение заканчивается. Пляж небольшой, но так как отель был заполнен не полностью, то всегда были свободные шезлонги и место под зонтиками, в тени. Сам пляж чистый, водорослей на пляже нет, но имейте ввиду, что при входе в море имеется только небольшая полоска песка без камней и водорослей. На фотографиях вы увидите гамаки над водой, но к ним спокойно подойти можно только тем, кто имеет специальную обувь. Там сплошные камни , а так же водоросли, которые жгутся, как крапива. В воде имеется небольшой деревянный пирс, доплыв до которого , можно понырять. Так же круг, забравшись в который , можно позагорать. И надувной батут с матрасом, где любят играть, прыгать, скакать дети. Но...Туда только плыть, дойти невозможно. В воде много морских ежей. На пляже находится ящик с детскими игрушками, которыми можно пользоваться. Пляжные полотенца выдают в обмен на карту , которую вы получите , когда заселяетесь. Если вы приехали не по системе" все включено", то имейте ввиду, что цены в ресторанах и барах высокие. ( пиво-объемом 250 мл. стоит 5.50 американских долларов ) . При этом еда не всегда вкусная. " Шведский стол" имеется ежедневно только на завтрак , в ресторане " Dragonfly" , где вы можете выбрать, что вам захочется. Голодными не останетесь . Но обеды и ужины - по меню. Бронирование не требовалось, всегда были свободные места. ( может из за малого количества туристов ). В ресторанах всегда спрашивают номер вашей виллы, записывая в блокнот сам номер и количество человек). Так же еду можно заказать с доставкой в виллу, но это платная услуга . Вилла убиралась ежедневно, полотенца так же меняли каждый день. Большинство вилл находятся на возвышенности. Это не является проблемой, так как вы всегда можете сесть в шаттл и вас довезут до вашей виллы и обратно. Wi-Fi работал везде! И в вилле, и на пляже, и в ресторанах. Все рестораны имеют блюдо дня. Ресторан " Папа Дон" назван в честь одного из основателей Windjammer. Этот ресторан имеет собственный небольшой бассейн, который всегда закрыт ! Воспользоваться можно детским бассейном, находящимся рядом. Но главный бассейн расположен рядом с пляжем . Отвлекаясь на бассейны, забыла отметить, что фрукты в отеле только на завтрак и выбор их ограничен! Из отеля ездили в соседние города, взяв такси. До столицы острова- Кастри-25$ (примерно 15 минут езды), до Rodney Bay-15 $ USA(ехать примерно 10 минут). Персонал отеля в большинстве угрюмый. Дружелюбные и всегда с улыбкой были только водители шаттлов , садовник и официанты в баре "Jammers "и ресторане " Papa Don" . На территории расположены несколько магазинов : с пляжными принадлежностями, продуктами, ювелирными изделиями и сувенирами. Спа-салон не посетили, хотя нам была предоставлена скидка. В целом от самого острова очень хорошие впечатления, но нашим друзьям посоветуем выбрать другой отель.
Windjammer Landing Villa Beach Resort & Spa #3025 - отзыв
10 декабря 2021
Safe, wonderful vacation during COVID pandemic
We just finished a 2 week stay at Windjammer Landing. This was our 8th vacation at this resort but our first sine the start of the COVID pandemic. I previously wrote an extensive 5-star review of this resort in April 2016, which can be accessed via this link: This review will serve as an update to my previous review. Most important during the COVID pandemic is safety and Windjammer has done an outstanding job with this. The vaccination rate among the Windjammer staff is approximately 95%. In contrast, we were told that the vaccination rate for St Lucia overall is between 20-30%. The staff all wear masks. Sanitation stations are located all over the resort. The entry requirements to travel to St Lucia are quite vigorous and everyone who has been cleared by the government to enter the country wears a wristband (every guest I saw had one). Windjammer has set up a COVID testing station on the resort. We were tested the day before our travel back to the US and had our antigen test result by 7 pm that same day. Very impressive and very convenient! The resort itself continues to add improvements. Our villa (207-210 building) was renovated in 2019 with completely new bathroom and kitchen. This was a huge improvement. We love this building (we stayed in villa 208 this time) because of its spectacular view of the Carribean Sea and the city lights of Castries at night. This end of the property is very quiet and peaceful. We love having breakfast on our balcony and watching the sunset from our plunge pool. Housekeeping services are excellent - they even wash your dishes (thank you, Andrea!). Windjammer has upgraded its nightly entertainment. Sometimes it is just a DJ but most nights there are live musicians. We especially enjoyed 2 St Lucian musicians: guitarist Boo Hickson and saxophonist Barbara Cadet. This really makes the evenings after dinner quite enjoyable. The food in the restaurants is improving; in particular we noticed the food quality at Papa Dons (Italian) has improved. The steaks at Upper Deck are still excellent. The resort has just hired a new chef from France and there is a plan to update the menus at all of the restaurants. I previously wrote about Water Sports but I have to plug these guys again. Eight years ago they taught me to sail Hobie Cats and this year I sailed 12 days in a row! I love it! Special thanks to Gordon, Anthony, Dwight, Denver, Junior, Howard, Shurandi, Jn Mari and anyone else I missed at Water Sports. I also wrote about the Spa before. My wife and I had 2 massages that were outstanding experiences (thank you to Gayle and Kamisha). Finally, I want to mention Groundskeeping. They do a marvelous job of keeping the grounds beautiful. One day, as we were walking to the beach from our villa, we came across two groundskeepers trimming palm trees and cutting down coconuts (because they can be a hazard if they fall on your head). They cut open a coconut for us and we enjoyed delicious coconut milk and jelly. Yet another example of Windjammer staff going above and beyond to make their guests’ experience outstanding. In summary, Windjammer is a fantastic place to vacation. It is truly my happy place! We just finished a 2 week stay at Windjammer Landing. This was our 8th vacation at this resort but our first sine the start of the COVID pandemic. I previously wrote an extensive 5-star review of this resort in April 2016, which can be accessed via this link: This review will serve as an update to my previous review. Most important during the COVID pandemic is safety and Windjammer has done an outstanding job with this. The vaccination rate among the Windjammer staff is approximately 95%. In contrast, we were told that the vaccination rate for St Lucia overall is between 20-30%. The staff all wear masks. Sanitation stations are located all over the resort. The entry requirements to travel to St Lucia are quite vigorous and everyone who has been cleared by the government to enter the country wears a wristband (every guest I saw had one). Windjammer has set up a COVID testing station on the resort. We were tested the day before our travel back to the US and had our antigen test result by 7 pm that same day. Very impressive and very convenient! The resort itself continues to add improvements. Our villa (207-210 building) was renovated in 2019 with completely new bathroom and kitchen. This was a huge improvement. We love this building (we stayed in villa 208 this time) because of its spectacular view of the Carribean Sea and the city lights of Castries at night. This end of the property is very quiet and peaceful. We love having breakfast on our balcony and watching the sunset from our plunge pool. Housekeeping services are excellent - they even wash your dishes (thank you, Andrea!). Windjammer has upgraded its nightly entertainment. Sometimes it is just a DJ but most nights there are live musicians. We especially enjoyed 2 St Lucian musicians: guitarist Boo Hickson and saxophonist Barbara Cadet. This really makes the evenings after dinner quite enjoyable. The food in the restaurants is improving; in particular we noticed the food quality at Papa Dons (Italian) has improved. The steaks at Upper Deck are still excellent. The resort has just hired a new chef from France and there is a plan to update the menus at all of the restaurants. I previously wrote about Water Sports but I have to plug these guys again. Eight years ago they taught me to sail Hobie Cats and this year I sailed 12 days in a row! I love it! Special thanks to Gordon, Anthony, Dwight, Denver, Junior, Howard, Shurandi, Jn Mari and anyone else I missed at Water Sports. I also wrote about the Spa before. My wife and I had 2 massages that were outstanding experiences (thank you to Gayle and Kamisha). Finally, I want to mention Groundskeeping. They do a marvelous job of keeping the grounds beautiful. One day, as we were walking to the beach from our villa, we came across two groundskeepers trimming palm trees and cutting down coconuts (because they can be a hazard if they fall on your head). They cut open a coconut for us and we enjoyed delicious coconut milk and jelly. Yet another example of Windjammer staff going above and beyond to make their guests’ experience outstanding. In summary, Windjammer is a fantastic place to vacation. It is truly my happy place!
Windjammer Landing Villa Beach Resort & Spa #3025 - отзыв
08 декабря 2021
Excellent wedding Venue
We visited Windjammer for a family wedding. The facility is very nice, lots of pools and an excellent beach. Good food and for the most part the staff was friendly and accommodating. TIP.. Laurence seems to be the "Captain" of the check in /lobby area. He is on top of his game and will make sure that you get want you want and need on time. Villa was very nice, a few small maintenance issues but overall a nice place to be We visited Windjammer for a family wedding. The facility is very nice, lots of pools and an excellent beach. Good food and for the most part the staff was friendly and accommodating. TIP.. Laurence seems to be the "Captain" of the check in /lobby area. He is on top of his game and will make sure that you get want you want and need on time. Villa was very nice, a few small maintenance issues but overall a nice place to be
Windjammer Landing Villa Beach Resort & Spa #3025 - отзыв
08 декабря 2021
Peter P
What a shame could be so much better !!!
We stayed here as part of a wedding party. What can we say about WJL is oh dear. Right from the start there were issues, with the room which I was asked to prove that I had booked a different room. Not the best way to greet your guests. Then there were issues across the whole week with table bookings not being done correctly, cutlery not on the table, wrong checks being issued to our room - how is it possible to drink 6 pints at Jammers and be down at Embers moments later. The above aside let’s put the scores on the doors: Location: Amazing the beach is to die for as is the views as the sun is setting. Not so good is the fact if you are higher up the resort you need mountain climbing gear or to wait for the shuttle. 4/5. Needs to be more shuttles to cope with the number of guests. Food: Good. So the choice is good you have Jammers doing a la cart, Embers doing pizza and burgers and beach food, Dragonfly doing a buffet for breakfast and supper, Papdons pizza /Italian and finally Upper Deck steak fish and the like . The variety is good but this is offset by the at times shocking quality control we had to send a number of meals back either undercooked or due to having hair in. 3/5. Staff: Good. The majority of the staff are so welcoming and helpful. You can sense the pride they have in St Lucia and rightly so. This can be offset by the feeling that management are just lacking in management skill and when things go wrong it’s a hassle for them. The waiting staff/sports/reception/housekeeping are top draw but they need supporting management and process. 3/5. Cleanliness: There are a number of staff who really push hard to keep WJL clean but with cats, dogs and roaches all in the resort this is a hard job. The animals are in all restaurants which can be a tad off putting. But more concerning is the fact in the room was a nice big cockroach. Others in the party had a dead frog so it’s not a one off. 2/5 Facilities: Good. There are pools one main and a kids pool, Junior for fitness, various sea equipment and a couple of inflatable water slides. 4/5. Rooms: Good but offset by dated furniture worn out and tired decor and the plunge pool was disgusting. The bed comfy and shower was great once you figure out how to get it hot by having the cold tap on at the sink. Tea and coffee in the room but no kettle! Safe as you would expect in room and a good kitchen if you are not all inclusive. 3/5. Covid: amazing you guys got it spot on. Testing temperature pre being seated, plenty of sanitizer 5/5. Billing: what a shambles that’s the best I can say. You have no clue who has what and on numerous occasions when going to a restaurant you had other guests names attached to our room! This is just simply not acceptable when you try to charge different things we did not have to us then try to argue about it. Management and processes need to massively improve. 1/5 Booking Tables: Again what a mess. So many times you messed up what was a special meal booking. Then your staff had the audacity to say it’s someone else’s fault. You managed to ruin a birthday meal by splitting the table into two areas of the restaurant. All I would say to anyone is book then check that they have it right! 1/5. Overall: what a shame some great aspects but some major issues that let WJL down and sadly I would not go back. We would go back to St Lucia for sure but would not go to WJL. Management need to do better, bookings need to be right, billing needs to be done on an epos system, don’t challenge guests as they arrive saying they have the wrong room. It’s just basic stuff that should be done right. As a well traveled couple We are shocked at some of the things experienced and seen. 2/5. We stayed here as part of a wedding party. What can we say about WJL is oh dear. Right from the start there were issues, with the room which I was asked to prove that I had booked a different room. Not the best way to greet your guests. Then there were issues across the whole week with table bookings not being done correctly, cutlery not on the table, wrong checks being issued to our room - how is it possible to drink 6 pints at Jammers and be down at Embers moments later. The above aside let’s put the scores on the doors: Location: Amazing the beach is to die for as is the views as the sun is setting. Not so good is the fact if you are higher up the resort you need mountain climbing gear or to wait for the shuttle. 4/5. Needs to be more shuttles to cope with the number of guests. Food: Good. So the choice is good you have Jammers doing a la cart, Embers doing pizza and burgers and beach food, Dragonfly doing a buffet for breakfast and supper, Papdons pizza /Italian and finally Upper Deck steak fish and the like . The variety is good but this is offset by the at times shocking quality control we had to send a number of meals back either undercooked or due to having hair in. 3/5. Staff: Good. The majority of the staff are so welcoming and helpful. You can sense the pride they have in St Lucia and rightly so. This can be offset by the feeling that management are just lacking in management skill and when things go wrong it’s a hassle for them. The waiting staff/sports/reception/housekeeping are top draw but they need supporting management and process. 3/5. Cleanliness: There are a number of staff who really push hard to keep WJL clean but with cats, dogs and roaches all in the resort this is a hard job. The animals are in all restaurants which can be a tad off putting. But more concerning is the fact in the room was a nice big cockroach. Others in the party had a dead frog so it’s not a one off. 2/5 Facilities: Good. There are pools one main and a kids pool, Junior for fitness, various sea equipment and a couple of inflatable water slides. 4/5. Rooms: Good but offset by dated furniture worn out and tired decor and the plunge pool was disgusting. The bed comfy and shower was great once you figure out how to get it hot by having the cold tap on at the sink. Tea and coffee in the room but no kettle! Safe as you would expect in room and a good kitchen if you are not all inclusive. 3/5. Covid: amazing you guys got it spot on. Testing temperature pre being seated, plenty of sanitizer 5/5. Billing: what a shambles that’s the best I can say. You have no clue who has what and on numerous occasions when going to a restaurant you had other guests names attached to our room! This is just simply not acceptable when you try to charge different things we did not have to us then try to argue about it. Management and processes need to massively improve. 1/5 Booking Tables: Again what a mess. So many times you messed up what was a special meal booking. Then your staff had the audacity to say it’s someone else’s fault. You managed to ruin a birthday meal by splitting the table into two areas of the restaurant. All I would say to anyone is book then check that they have it right! 1/5. Overall: what a shame some great aspects but some major issues that let WJL down and sadly I would not go back. We would go back to St Lucia for sure but would not go to WJL. Management need to do better, bookings need to be right, billing needs to be done on an epos system, don’t challenge guests as they arrive saying they have the wrong room. It’s just basic stuff that should be done right. As a well traveled couple We are shocked at some of the things experienced and seen. 2/5.
Windjammer Landing Villa Beach Resort & Spa #3025 - отзыв
06 декабря 2021
Not an all-inclusive
Our flight was late so we had to take the 90 minute trip on a narrow road in the dark (a bit scary). When we arrived we only had one option for dinner. Our first meal was cold, and then we had issues with dinner reservations where we needed to contact the manager. Our "suite" was 2 hotel rooms with a connecting door. We had a hot tub and it didn't work the entire time we were there. I asked for compensation, but they didn't do anything. There were 62 steps from the bar to our pool. We asked for service and were told that no one employee would go this far. Got a bill for everything, we had to check our bill and are so glad we did because they charged us twice. This is really a time-share, and they hit us up for a membership. The employees are very nice and the views are incredible. The food was fair and had good options for drinks, but it is expensive if you have to pay. Some items on the menu are not included in all-inclusive. You really can't walk and need to take a shuttle everywhere in the resort. If you want to go food shopping and stay in your room this is the place for you. Our flight was late so we had to take the 90 minute trip on a narrow road in the dark (a bit scary). When we arrived we only had one option for dinner. Our first meal was cold, and then we had issues with dinner reservations where we needed to contact the manager. Our "suite" was 2 hotel rooms with a connecting door. We had a hot tub and it didn't work the entire time we were there. I asked for compensation, but they didn't do anything. There were 62 steps from the bar to our pool. We asked for service and were told that no one employee would go this far. Got a bill for everything, we had to check our bill and are so glad we did because they charged us twice. This is really a time-share, and they hit us up for a membership. The employees are very nice and the views are incredible. The food was fair and had good options for drinks, but it is expensive if you have to pay. Some items on the menu are not included in all-inclusive. You really can't walk and need to take a shuttle everywhere in the resort. If you want to go food shopping and stay in your room this is the place for you.
Windjammer Landing Villa Beach Resort & Spa #3025 - отзыв
06 декабря 2021
Great, but could be so much better!
I’ve stayed here many times, but hadn’t been for a long time - it was good to revisit, however, there had been a lot of change, some good and some not so good… The warmth of the staff has not changed, however, some requests/actions could be addressed in a more timely fashion… things tend to be done but slooooowly and when you’re only got a week, time is precious! We arrived on Thursday but our first villa was very tired and had a few issues and it wasn’t until Monday we were moved to an improved villa. The CV19 protocols were at a good level, although staff should be empowered to challenge guests who are not adhering to the rules of the resort eg guests not wearing masks in the shuttle bus and drinking alcohol taken from the bar is not acceptable! There is no Lifeguard - there was an incident, where a lifeguard was needed but two hotel guests had to intervene, which should not be their responsibility! The main pool was dominated by families with children, rather than using the child’s pool, which meant we couldn’t use the pool. The most offensive was the amount of cats in the restaurants, which we found particularly disturbing and disgusting. I understand resorts have cats to perhaps keep the vermin at bay, however, having them freely walking around the restaurants while eating is unhygienic especially as they are obviously flee ridden and feeding them by guests should be discouraged as it only encourages them! Have you thought about putting in a sonar system which would deter them from the dining areas? There has to be a solution to this surely? One night in Papa Don’s there were 4 cats which had mange! Another evening at Upper Deck there were cats and dogs! I’m an animal lover, but I suffer from ailurophobia, so cannot be around cats, but my main point is about hygiene. I am a seasoned traveller and aware that animals are everywhere, but I draw the line at animals surrounding you while eating - I wouldn’t allow this in my own home! I consider this resort a reasonable 4 star but it should and could be 5 star with a few tweaks, It would be good if there were more Adult Only areas within the resort, similar to The Level at Melia Hotels… The Spa was very good - I would recommend Zacheia If you fancy a boat trip, speak to Randy (usually sat outside Embers) who will help accommodate your requirements - he organised a private hire for us with Jessie at Ride St. Lucia which was very good - I won’t comment on his ‘moves’, but let’s just say he was highly entertaining and we had a great time! Lastly, a shout out to Simeone who looked after us a breakfast and all day at the beach - missing you already Simeon and we hope to see you again! I’ve stayed here many times, but hadn’t been for a long time - it was good to revisit, however, there had been a lot of change, some good and some not so good… The warmth of the staff has not changed, however, some requests/actions could be addressed in a more timely fashion… things tend to be done but slooooowly and when you’re only got a week, time is precious! We arrived on Thursday but our first villa was very tired and had a few issues and it wasn’t until Monday we were moved to an improved villa. The CV19 protocols were at a good level, although staff should be empowered to challenge guests who are not adhering to the rules of the resort eg guests not wearing masks in the shuttle bus and drinking alcohol taken from the bar is not acceptable! There is no Lifeguard - there was an incident, where a lifeguard was needed but two hotel guests had to intervene, which should not be their responsibility! The main pool was dominated by families with children, rather than using the child’s pool, which meant we couldn’t use the pool. The most offensive was the amount of cats in the restaurants, which we found particularly disturbing and disgusting. I understand resorts have cats to perhaps keep the vermin at bay, however, having them freely walking around the restaurants while eating is unhygienic especially as they are obviously flee ridden and feeding them by guests should be discouraged as it only encourages them! Have you thought about putting in a sonar system which would deter them from the dining areas? There has to be a solution to this surely? One night in Papa Don’s there were 4 cats which had mange! Another evening at Upper Deck there were cats and dogs! I’m an animal lover, but I suffer from ailurophobia, so cannot be around cats, but my main point is about hygiene. I am a seasoned traveller and aware that animals are everywhere, but I draw the line at animals surrounding you while eating - I wouldn’t allow this in my own home! I consider this resort a reasonable 4 star but it should and could be 5 star with a few tweaks, It would be good if there were more Adult Only areas within the resort, similar to The Level at Melia Hotels… The Spa was very good - I would recommend Zacheia If you fancy a boat trip, speak to Randy (usually sat outside Embers) who will help accommodate your requirements - he organised a private hire for us with Jessie at Ride St. Lucia which was very good - I won’t comment on his ‘moves’, but let’s just say he was highly entertaining and we had a great time! Lastly, a shout out to Simeone who looked after us a breakfast and all day at the beach - missing you already Simeon and we hope to see you again!