Maeva Clubhotel Saint Raphael #1723

Maeva Clubhotel Saint Raphael #1723

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В городе Сан-Рафаэль, расположенном между окруженными лесами мысами Ле Мавр и л’Эстерел в бухте Фрежюс, и его окрестностях есть множество достопримечательностей, в частности каменистые бухты с протяженностью в 30 км, пляжи и пристани. Сам город — это скрытая жемчужина Французской Ривьеры, где можно заняться гольфом, теннисом и верховой ездой. Также здесь есть казино, центр талассотерапии, прекрасные рестораны и бары. Кроме того, Вы можете совершить плавание на лодке к Сан-Тропе. Вы можете выбрать как апартаменты «студио», так и номера с одной спальней для 2-6 человек с простой обстановкой и частично оборудованной кухней с мини-печью и холодильником.

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Maeva Clubhotel Saint Raphael #1723 - отзыв
12 сентября 2018
A good holiday in Saint Raphael
Courtesy of the employees, amazing residence, nice town, see and sun, good restaurants (a little expensive), only five minuts by foot from the see, but you need a car because the buses don't go after 6:30 p.m. Courtesy of the employees, amazing residence, nice town, see and sun, good restaurants (a little expensive), only five minuts by foot from the see, but you need a car because the buses don't go after 6:30 p.m.
Maeva Clubhotel Saint Raphael #1723 - отзыв
12 июня 2018
All Depends On Your Expectations
Firstly, Saint Raphael is a wonderful place to spend a vacation both because of the environment and atmosphere and also because it can serve as a great starting point for many things to see and visit in the area. The Residence itself is very average. While the unit is ok with the unit it offers, a well equipped kitchen, small bathroom but a good shower it lacks some basics or at least their information is not complete. Examples: One tiny bar of soap for a week....not replaced. One roll of toilet paper....come on.... one rubbish least let the people know upfront to come prepared. The units at the ground floor are easily accessible with parking close to the unit. But, if you happen to get the units on the first floor or even worse on the second, be prepared to lift you luggage...Forget airconditioning. Forget WiFi in the units. It works only in what is called the lounge. We came to the resort on a time sharing base change. Firstly, Saint Raphael is a wonderful place to spend a vacation both because of the environment and atmosphere and also because it can serve as a great starting point for many things to see and visit in the area. The Residence itself is very average. While the unit is ok with the unit it offers, a well equipped kitchen, small bathroom but a good shower it lacks some basics or at least their information is not complete. Examples: One tiny bar of soap for a week....not replaced. One roll of toilet paper....come on.... one rubbish least let the people know upfront to come prepared. The units at the ground floor are easily accessible with parking close to the unit. But, if you happen to get the units on the first floor or even worse on the second, be prepared to lift you luggage...Forget airconditioning. Forget WiFi in the units. It works only in what is called the lounge. We came to the resort on a time sharing base change.
Maeva Clubhotel Saint Raphael #1723 - отзыв
12 сентября 2016
catherine S
very well located to visit San Rafael and its whereabouts
very pleasant stay (2 weeks) though accommodations and equipment were a bit old fashioned (starting in October, they will be fully refreshed and redesigned). Very nice swimming pool. Very professional and gentle staff. the Residence is not very far from Port Santa Lucia where you can find charming restaurants and convenient stores. Bus line 5 very close to get to San Rafael in about 5 mn. Massif de l'Esterel (you can get in it from Agay) is not very far by car (max 20 mn) taking "route de la Corniche d'Or". very pleasant stay (2 weeks) though accommodations and equipment were a bit old fashioned (starting in October, they will be fully refreshed and redesigned). Very nice swimming pool. Very professional and gentle staff. the Residence is not very far from Port Santa Lucia where you can find charming restaurants and convenient stores. Bus line 5 very close to get to San Rafael in about 5 mn. Massif de l'Esterel (you can get in it from Agay) is not very far by car (max 20 mn) taking "route de la Corniche d'Or".