TravelSmart at Royalton St. Lucia #DJ69

TravelSmart at Royalton St. Lucia #DJ69

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TravelSmart at Royalton St. Lucia #DJ69 - отзыв
03 ноября 2018
Иван И
Хороший отель.
В марте 2018 года я побыла в данном отеле. Погода на острове практически всегда одинаковая плюс 32. Жара начинается с самого утра и Пик ее наступает к 11 утра. С 11 до 14 на улицу лучше не выходить. Отель находится в северной части острова (самой богатой и элитной). На территории отеля ухоженные газоны и стоит охрана, так что ваша безопасность под контролем. Архитектура отеля поражает. Это огромное здание с множеством баров и ресторанов. Но такой услужливости, как у турков Вы не найдёте. Сервис конечно оставляет желать лучшего. В ресторане для завтрака разнообразное меню. Голодными вы оттуда точно не уйдёте. Есть фрукты и свежеприготовленные соки. Однако, быстрой уборки после еды лучше не ждите. В меню также представлена креольская еда (национальная пища). Меню, конечно, на русский вкус можно было сделать и по-разнообразней. Но поскольку на острове ограниченный выбор питания...понять для себя причину этого можно. Коктейли вы можете употреблять здесь на каждом углу...возле бассейна и на пляже есть бары...пейте сколько душе угодно. Но опять таки качество их оставляет желать лучшего. С утра они ещё ничего, но ближе к обеду, их как будто разбавляют водой. С приходом в бары менеджера качество напитков улучшается. Бармены общительные, будут вас спрашивать надолго ли вы и откуда приехали. Но качество напитков...не сравнится с турецким или даже тайскими коктейлями. На территории отеля есть итальянский ресторан. Вот там действительно вкусно. Там отличная пицца и другие блюда. В баре возле бассейна я заказала мохито и мне подали какую-то смесь с сушеной мятой. Это было ужасно. Мне понравились удобные лежаки на пляже и возле бассейнов и итальянский ресторан. Конечно же море...но оно на всём острове одинаковое...чистое и прозрачное. Я оцениваю этот отель на твёрдую 4, им есть куда расти. Если Вы хотите побывать на острове, то лучше снимите в аренду квартиру, а этот отель возьмите day pass. На острове есть рынок, где все дёшево и самые свежие продукты, и куча кафе, где можно вкусно покушать. В марте 2018 года я побыла в данном отеле. Погода на острове практически всегда одинаковая плюс 32. Жара начинается с самого утра и Пик ее наступает к 11 утра. С 11 до 14 на улицу лучше не выходить. Отель находится в северной части острова (самой богатой и элитной). На территории отеля ухоженные газоны и стоит охрана, так что ваша безопасность под контролем. Архитектура отеля поражает. Это огромное здание с множеством баров и ресторанов. Но такой услужливости, как у турков Вы не найдёте. Сервис конечно оставляет желать лучшего. В ресторане для завтрака разнообразное меню. Голодными вы оттуда точно не уйдёте. Есть фрукты и свежеприготовленные соки. Однако, быстрой уборки после еды лучше не ждите. В меню также представлена креольская еда (национальная пища). Меню, конечно, на русский вкус можно было сделать и по-разнообразней. Но поскольку на острове ограниченный выбор питания...понять для себя причину этого можно. Коктейли вы можете употреблять здесь на каждом углу...возле бассейна и на пляже есть бары...пейте сколько душе угодно. Но опять таки качество их оставляет желать лучшего. С утра они ещё ничего, но ближе к обеду, их как будто разбавляют водой. С приходом в бары менеджера качество напитков улучшается. Бармены общительные, будут вас спрашивать надолго ли вы и откуда приехали. Но качество напитков...не сравнится с турецким или даже тайскими коктейлями. На территории отеля есть итальянский ресторан. Вот там действительно вкусно. Там отличная пицца и другие блюда. В баре возле бассейна я заказала мохито и мне подали какую-то смесь с сушеной мятой. Это было ужасно. Мне понравились удобные лежаки на пляже и возле бассейнов и итальянский ресторан. Конечно же море...но оно на всём острове одинаковое...чистое и прозрачное. Я оцениваю этот отель на твёрдую 4, им есть куда расти. Если Вы хотите побывать на острове, то лучше снимите в аренду квартиру, а этот отель возьмите day pass. На острове есть рынок, где все дёшево и самые свежие продукты, и куча кафе, где можно вкусно покушать.
TravelSmart at Royalton St. Lucia #DJ69 - отзыв
10 января 2018
Новый отель, но есть куда расти
Выбрали этот остров, тк хотели тепла в январе. Отель чистый, новый. Номера большие, убирают отлично на 5. На пляже возле моря очень много народа, зонтов не всегда хватало. Официанты на пляже ходят очень редко, да и за баром некоторые ленятся. Море тёплое, песок. Очень много бассейнов, это большой плюс. Больше всего из ресторанов понравился буфет, тк там можно найти все на завтрак, ланч и ужин. Живая музыка по вечерам, очень классно. Хотелось бы ещё и танцев побольше, не только в спорт баре. А у бассейна, на пляже. В целом гостиница новая, чистая, есть куда расти и стараться. На мой взгляд не хватает улыбок и бОльшего внимания со стороны персонала (многие просто молодцы, но другая половина..). За такие деньги ожидали, конечно, большего. Выбрали этот остров, тк хотели тепла в январе. Отель чистый, новый. Номера большие, убирают отлично на 5. На пляже возле моря очень много народа, зонтов не всегда хватало. Официанты на пляже ходят очень редко, да и за баром некоторые ленятся. Море тёплое, песок. Очень много бассейнов, это большой плюс. Больше всего из ресторанов понравился буфет, тк там можно найти все на завтрак, ланч и ужин. Живая музыка по вечерам, очень классно. Хотелось бы ещё и танцев побольше, не только в спорт баре. А у бассейна, на пляже. В целом гостиница новая, чистая, есть куда расти и стараться. На мой взгляд не хватает улыбок и бОльшего внимания со стороны персонала (многие просто молодцы, но другая половина..). За такие деньги ожидали, конечно, большего.
TravelSmart at Royalton St. Lucia #DJ69 - отзыв
09 декабря 2021
We love the Royalton!
We loved the Royalton in Cancan & knew straight away the Royalton would be our place to stay in Saint Lucia. They have be excellent with Covid measures making you feel extremely comfortable when being within the hotel, masks are required going into the restaurant, walking around public places & going up to the bar. Lots of sanitising stations and your temperature is checked regularly. Our room is always clean with daily cleaners & fridges restocked. The staff are always so welcoming & friendly and will do whatever they can to help you out (we had covid restrictions change whilst on our vacation and everyone was helpful with testing available on site - although at a price of 150 USD for a PCR!). The restaurants are excellent, great food and a great selection - best being the Zen restaurant where they cook in front of you! reservation is required so make sure you book. Overall it’s been an excellent staying - St Lucia is beautiful and we would 100% recommended. We loved the Royalton in Cancan & knew straight away the Royalton would be our place to stay in Saint Lucia. They have be excellent with Covid measures making you feel extremely comfortable when being within the hotel, masks are required going into the restaurant, walking around public places & going up to the bar. Lots of sanitising stations and your temperature is checked regularly. Our room is always clean with daily cleaners & fridges restocked. The staff are always so welcoming & friendly and will do whatever they can to help you out (we had covid restrictions change whilst on our vacation and everyone was helpful with testing available on site - although at a price of 150 USD for a PCR!). The restaurants are excellent, great food and a great selection - best being the Zen restaurant where they cook in front of you! reservation is required so make sure you book. Overall it’s been an excellent staying - St Lucia is beautiful and we would 100% recommended.
TravelSmart at Royalton St. Lucia #DJ69 - отзыв
08 декабря 2021
Holiday in Paradise
We have just returned home from 2 weeks on this beautiful island. This was our 3rd attempt to get to this resort due to UK lockdowns, but was worth the wait. The island is beautiful and the view from our room (4413) was stunning. The resort is at the other end of the island to the airport so be prepared for one hell of a transfer ride. Our journey took around 90 mins or so, but due to there being two flights coming in at almost the same time, there was a queue of minibuses at the hotel so we waited another 45 mins or so before we could get off and check in. Some people in minibuses behind us were getting out and walking up to the entrance and giving the staff on the door a bit of grief. But it takes time as all of the luggage is sanitised before being taken in, and there’s no excuse for being rude in my opinion. We had a lovely room in block 4 which had a stupendous view and got a lot of sun. We didn’t pay for Diamond Club and can’t really see what you get for the extra expense. It’s not really worth it. The hotel is very clean, our room was kept beautifully by Zara. The only fault was the mattress sagged in the middle and by the second week I was starting to get backache. The staff work very hard and the majority always greet you with a friendly ‘good morning’. They all wear face masks all day too, in sweltering heat. The breakfast buffet is fab. You won’t go hungry. Kiriton does a fantastic omelette and remembers what you want so prepares it as soon as you join his queue. We tried all of the restaurants and the Italian was our favourite. There is a snack van by the kiddies pool and the food there is surprisingly good, although the attitude of the staff working there did leave a lot to be desired. Service with a snarl is an accurate description. There is a beach party on Monday nights however when we went on our first Monday the food was stone cold so we didn’t go back the following week. We spent most days around the quieter pool area and the biggest problem is the lack of parasols for the sun loungers. You really need one for every two beds, but there were only 16 between around 80 sun loungers, so you do have to do the towel thing if you want to make sure you get one. The bar staff were lovely however they were constantly running out of ingredients for drinks/cocktails as their suppliers had issues. Most days there would be a couple of cocktails off the list (dirty banana, mudslide, woo woo, Singapore sling, BBC) and they had issues getting tonic water so a G&T was out. For what you are paying, this was unexpected. However, the sparkling wine was superb! The entertainment for me was a letdown. I enjoyed aerobics in the main pool but the evening entertainment seemed to be aimed at a younger American audience, which as the main clientele was older and British seemed a bit at odds. The country and western singer on Sunday nights was probably the best. There was also a band on who were good, and a Michael Jackson tribute. The DJ’s music wasn’t to my taste. We booked 3 excursions with Nexus, who are part of the hotel. The Tout Bagay catamaran trip was fab, and I had my first try at snorkelling which I loved. We also did a sunset cruise, and horse riding. Having never been on a horse this was really out of my comfort zone, especially when we rode bareback into the sea, but it’s was a fantastic experience and something I will never forget. The grounds are maintained beautifully. The hotel is very clean, and very Covid aware. We had no issues with anything. Covid rules changed whilst we were away but there is a medical centre onsite to book in a lateral flow test before you leave. One thing to mention, there is a lovely but pricey boutique. We had already been in in our second day and bought a couple of items when I made the mistake of looking in the window on our way to the pool after breakfast. The shop assistant came out and followed us to our sun beds telling us the best time to buy something is now as she is there. I didn’t expect to be chased across the complex at 8.03am to get a sale! Also there is a gift shop inside the hotel, and that’s expensive too. We took a taxi to Rodney Bay on one of the afternoons to do a bit of shopping and had a lovely meal at a place called Matthews. It made a nice change and was worth the taxi fare. So on the whole we had a wonderful two weeks of bliss in paradise. The niggles are very minor. Thank you Royalton! We have just returned home from 2 weeks on this beautiful island. This was our 3rd attempt to get to this resort due to UK lockdowns, but was worth the wait. The island is beautiful and the view from our room (4413) was stunning. The resort is at the other end of the island to the airport so be prepared for one hell of a transfer ride. Our journey took around 90 mins or so, but due to there being two flights coming in at almost the same time, there was a queue of minibuses at the hotel so we waited another 45 mins or so before we could get off and check in. Some people in minibuses behind us were getting out and walking up to the entrance and giving the staff on the door a bit of grief. But it takes time as all of the luggage is sanitised before being taken in, and there’s no excuse for being rude in my opinion. We had a lovely room in block 4 which had a stupendous view and got a lot of sun. We didn’t pay for Diamond Club and can’t really see what you get for the extra expense. It’s not really worth it. The hotel is very clean, our room was kept beautifully by Zara. The only fault was the mattress sagged in the middle and by the second week I was starting to get backache. The staff work very hard and the majority always greet you with a friendly ‘good morning’. They all wear face masks all day too, in sweltering heat. The breakfast buffet is fab. You won’t go hungry. Kiriton does a fantastic omelette and remembers what you want so prepares it as soon as you join his queue. We tried all of the restaurants and the Italian was our favourite. There is a snack van by the kiddies pool and the food there is surprisingly good, although the attitude of the staff working there did leave a lot to be desired. Service with a snarl is an accurate description. There is a beach party on Monday nights however when we went on our first Monday the food was stone cold so we didn’t go back the following week. We spent most days around the quieter pool area and the biggest problem is the lack of parasols for the sun loungers. You really need one for every two beds, but there were only 16 between around 80 sun loungers, so you do have to do the towel thing if you want to make sure you get one. The bar staff were lovely however they were constantly running out of ingredients for drinks/cocktails as their suppliers had issues. Most days there would be a couple of cocktails off the list (dirty banana, mudslide, woo woo, Singapore sling, BBC) and they had issues getting tonic water so a G&T was out. For what you are paying, this was unexpected. However, the sparkling wine was superb! The entertainment for me was a letdown. I enjoyed aerobics in the main pool but the evening entertainment seemed to be aimed at a younger American audience, which as the main clientele was older and British seemed a bit at odds. The country and western singer on Sunday nights was probably the best. There was also a band on who were good, and a Michael Jackson tribute. The DJ’s music wasn’t to my taste. We booked 3 excursions with Nexus, who are part of the hotel. The Tout Bagay catamaran trip was fab, and I had my first try at snorkelling which I loved. We also did a sunset cruise, and horse riding. Having never been on a horse this was really out of my comfort zone, especially when we rode bareback into the sea, but it’s was a fantastic experience and something I will never forget. The grounds are maintained beautifully. The hotel is very clean, and very Covid aware. We had no issues with anything. Covid rules changed whilst we were away but there is a medical centre onsite to book in a lateral flow test before you leave. One thing to mention, there is a lovely but pricey boutique. We had already been in in our second day and bought a couple of items when I made the mistake of looking in the window on our way to the pool after breakfast. The shop assistant came out and followed us to our sun beds telling us the best time to buy something is now as she is there. I didn’t expect to be chased across the complex at 8.03am to get a sale! Also there is a gift shop inside the hotel, and that’s expensive too. We took a taxi to Rodney Bay on one of the afternoons to do a bit of shopping and had a lovely meal at a place called Matthews. It made a nice change and was worth the taxi fare. So on the whole we had a wonderful two weeks of bliss in paradise. The niggles are very minor. Thank you Royalton!
TravelSmart at Royalton St. Lucia #DJ69 - отзыв
08 декабря 2021
Could not fault it - better than expected
Honestly had no complaints what so ever. I looked a lottttt online for the perfect place for our honeymoon that would also be hassle free with covid. The staff were amazing, very friendly. Food was great , especially for an all inclusive. Facilities great, photos don’t do it justice! The spa is definitely worth it so make sure you do that! Cleanliness was fantastic. Made you feel very safe. The covid rules for coming back to the UK changed a lot while we were away and last minute too but they have a medical center on site so all our testing was sorted there, very simple and efficient. Entertainment was great! Although if you are one of the older generation that loves to complain about noise level then this may not be for you. There is another pool where you can enjoy the quite all day but I can imagine my Nan still complaining that stuff was going on everyday. I personally loved it! And I’m not the party type but there was always something going on and very family friendly for example the foam party was so much fun! Also drinks were great, very generous! Water sports are all included too which I didn’t know - expect obviously jet skiing. Definitely worth the money, I honestly don’t have a single complaint. We stayed for 2 weeks and we are the fussy type but I wasn’t even bored of the food or entertainment by the time it came for us to come home and I definitely think that’s saying something for an all inclusive. Only suggestion would be a ice cream truck and another food van would be quite cool by the beach or poolside. But the food truck there with the jerk chicken is sooooo good! Thank you! Honestly had no complaints what so ever. I looked a lottttt online for the perfect place for our honeymoon that would also be hassle free with covid. The staff were amazing, very friendly. Food was great , especially for an all inclusive. Facilities great, photos don’t do it justice! The spa is definitely worth it so make sure you do that! Cleanliness was fantastic. Made you feel very safe. The covid rules for coming back to the UK changed a lot while we were away and last minute too but they have a medical center on site so all our testing was sorted there, very simple and efficient. Entertainment was great! Although if you are one of the older generation that loves to complain about noise level then this may not be for you. There is another pool where you can enjoy the quite all day but I can imagine my Nan still complaining that stuff was going on everyday. I personally loved it! And I’m not the party type but there was always something going on and very family friendly for example the foam party was so much fun! Also drinks were great, very generous! Water sports are all included too which I didn’t know - expect obviously jet skiing. Definitely worth the money, I honestly don’t have a single complaint. We stayed for 2 weeks and we are the fussy type but I wasn’t even bored of the food or entertainment by the time it came for us to come home and I definitely think that’s saying something for an all inclusive. Only suggestion would be a ice cream truck and another food van would be quite cool by the beach or poolside. But the food truck there with the jerk chicken is sooooo good! Thank you!
TravelSmart at Royalton St. Lucia #DJ69 - отзыв
07 декабря 2021
Susan H
A Week in Paradise
We have been home less than a week, and we already miss the friendly faces, fantastic weather, delicious food, and the excellent service! Spring for the Penthouse Suite Diamond Club with the extra large terrace hot tub! It was so worth it. The suite came with 2 superb butlers, Earl and Rochelle. You guys went above and beyond to make our trip memorable. Thank you for decorating our room, leaving tasty snacks to take home, and helping out with any minor issues. You guys were great! Another much deserve shout out is to Samuel who attended to our requests at the rented cabanas. You were prompt, professional, and friendly. We appreciated how you went above and beyond to make sure we always had a cool drink or a tasty nibble. Thank you! We only have 1 suggestion for the resort, and that is to train your bartenders better. We should be able to get a tasty drink at every bar. Obviously, some drinks taste better with more premium liquor, but the drink itself should taste good regardless. You have some bartenders who are consistently pouring disgusting drinks. Get them a standard recipe or choose better mixes. We have been home less than a week, and we already miss the friendly faces, fantastic weather, delicious food, and the excellent service! Spring for the Penthouse Suite Diamond Club with the extra large terrace hot tub! It was so worth it. The suite came with 2 superb butlers, Earl and Rochelle. You guys went above and beyond to make our trip memorable. Thank you for decorating our room, leaving tasty snacks to take home, and helping out with any minor issues. You guys were great! Another much deserve shout out is to Samuel who attended to our requests at the rented cabanas. You were prompt, professional, and friendly. We appreciated how you went above and beyond to make sure we always had a cool drink or a tasty nibble. Thank you! We only have 1 suggestion for the resort, and that is to train your bartenders better. We should be able to get a tasty drink at every bar. Obviously, some drinks taste better with more premium liquor, but the drink itself should taste good regardless. You have some bartenders who are consistently pouring disgusting drinks. Get them a standard recipe or choose better mixes.
TravelSmart at Royalton St. Lucia #DJ69 - отзыв
07 декабря 2021
Not a 5 Star at all
Food and service are disappointing to say the least. No quality in the food, no variety and the service in the restaurants is bad, people are not properly trained to do their job. Exception is the Chill bar in the pool next to the beach where the staff is amazing. Animation Vibe team is also very good. Management didn't sort our problems and we had maintenance in our room for 4 days until we said no more and tried to enjoy the remaining of our holidays. As some people commented, worst 5 star hotel (I have been to the Caribbean several times). Food and service are disappointing to say the least. No quality in the food, no variety and the service in the restaurants is bad, people are not properly trained to do their job. Exception is the Chill bar in the pool next to the beach where the staff is amazing. Animation Vibe team is also very good. Management didn't sort our problems and we had maintenance in our room for 4 days until we said no more and tried to enjoy the remaining of our holidays. As some people commented, worst 5 star hotel (I have been to the Caribbean several times).