Hotel Xcaret Mexico SPA Section at Mexico Destination Club #DJ09

Hotel Xcaret Mexico SPA Section at Mexico Destination Club #DJ09

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Hotel Xcaret Mexico SPA Section at Mexico Destination Club #DJ09 - отзыв
10 февраля 2021
Отдых омрачил обман персонала
Мы прибыли на отдых семьей из троих человек с ребёнком 10 лет, надо сказать, что приём сразу нас удивил явный перебор с короновирусными мерами это ещё полбеды, купание в бассейнах и разные Активити в парках это только в масках, что касается еды и территории они прекрасны, но дальше начинается самое интересное, мне по работе было необходимо иметь возможность улететь в любой момент, для этого всегда нужно иметь свежий тест PCR который как все знают имеет небольшой срок действия, и мы всей семьей ездили даа раза в госпиталь и там за деньги сдавали эти тесты, но они Слава Богу не пригодились, и вот буквально через 24 часа после последнего теста в госпитале мы сдаём тесты в гостинице, ну как сдаём врачи делают вид, что берут тесты, мы списали это на то что им все равно, это же туристы уедут и все. Но не тут то было, мы с ребёнком получаем положительный результат, мы искренне удивлены и пытаемся объяснить что это ошибка, в отеле нас не слушают и отказывают в повторном тесте, настаивают на том что мы должны сидеть в номере безвылазно, при этом намекая завтра у вас заканчиваются проплаченные ночи и неплохо было бы оплатить ещё 10, а то как же вы улетите домой, нами были вызваны сторонние специалисты, которые провели тесты и мы получили отрицательные результаты. Вообщем отель украл из нашего отдыха 2 дня, нервы и хорошие воспоминания. Возможно туда можно будет ездить после этого ковидного дурдома, ну а пока я вас предупредил, будьте осторожны, там обманывают, наверняка собственники не в курсе. Я нанял местных адвокатов будем разбираться в причинно следственной связи их поступков. Мы прибыли на отдых семьей из троих человек с ребёнком 10 лет, надо сказать, что приём сразу нас удивил явный перебор с короновирусными мерами это ещё полбеды, купание в бассейнах и разные Активити в парках это только в масках, что касается еды и территории они прекрасны, но дальше начинается самое интересное, мне по работе было необходимо иметь возможность улететь в любой момент, для этого всегда нужно иметь свежий тест PCR который как все знают имеет небольшой срок действия, и мы всей семьей ездили даа раза в госпиталь и там за деньги сдавали эти тесты, но они Слава Богу не пригодились, и вот буквально через 24 часа после последнего теста в госпитале мы сдаём тесты в гостинице, ну как сдаём врачи делают вид, что берут тесты, мы списали это на то что им все равно, это же туристы уедут и все. Но не тут то было, мы с ребёнком получаем положительный результат, мы искренне удивлены и пытаемся объяснить что это ошибка, в отеле нас не слушают и отказывают в повторном тесте, настаивают на том что мы должны сидеть в номере безвылазно, при этом намекая завтра у вас заканчиваются проплаченные ночи и неплохо было бы оплатить ещё 10, а то как же вы улетите домой, нами были вызваны сторонние специалисты, которые провели тесты и мы получили отрицательные результаты. Вообщем отель украл из нашего отдыха 2 дня, нервы и хорошие воспоминания. Возможно туда можно будет ездить после этого ковидного дурдома, ну а пока я вас предупредил, будьте осторожны, там обманывают, наверняка собственники не в курсе. Я нанял местных адвокатов будем разбираться в причинно следственной связи их поступков.
Hotel Xcaret Mexico SPA Section at Mexico Destination Club #DJ09 - отзыв
31 декабря 2020
Самый лучший отель Мексики
Если есть на земле Рай, то это отель Шкарет! Нереально красивый отель,патрисающий номер с джакузи, сервис на высшем уровне, еда разнообразная и высшего качества: креветки, лосось, тунец, мидии, фрукты, любое мясо, игристое вино на завтрак. Что может быть лучше? Все парки Шкарет включены в стоимость: трансфер от и до отеля, на территории еда и напитки включены, за отдельную плату только развлечения: поплавать с акулами, дельфинами итд. Персонал приветливый, высшего уровня. Это самый лучший отель, буду счастлива вернуться как можно скорее! Если есть на земле Рай, то это отель Шкарет! Нереально красивый отель,патрисающий номер с джакузи, сервис на высшем уровне, еда разнообразная и высшего качества: креветки, лосось, тунец, мидии, фрукты, любое мясо, игристое вино на завтрак. Что может быть лучше? Все парки Шкарет включены в стоимость: трансфер от и до отеля, на территории еда и напитки включены, за отдельную плату только развлечения: поплавать с акулами, дельфинами итд. Персонал приветливый, высшего уровня. Это самый лучший отель, буду счастлива вернуться как можно скорее!
Hotel Xcaret Mexico SPA Section at Mexico Destination Club #DJ09 - отзыв
11 декабря 2020
Xcaret Mexico забыл про нас
Мы год планировали поездку Xcaret Mexico из Украины. Побывать в прекрасной Мексике.После 15 часового перелёта нас поселили, всё вроде складывалась хорошо, но после ,про нас забыли совсем .К нам никто не пришёл ничего не рассказал не показал. Нам было очень тяжело так как мы не знали не испанского ни английского. Мы самостоятельно всё изучали. Мне очень жаль что по не знанию пропустили парк.(который бронировали ещё дома),нам ещё осталось отдыхать 5 дней. Может нам повезёт и мы ещё прибываем в парке и в ресторане. Отель очень красивый, люди добрые и улыбчивые. Мы год планировали поездку Xcaret Mexico из Украины. Побывать в прекрасной Мексике.После 15 часового перелёта нас поселили, всё вроде складывалась хорошо, но после ,про нас забыли совсем .К нам никто не пришёл ничего не рассказал не показал. Нам было очень тяжело так как мы не знали не испанского ни английского. Мы самостоятельно всё изучали. Мне очень жаль что по не знанию пропустили парк.(который бронировали ещё дома),нам ещё осталось отдыхать 5 дней. Может нам повезёт и мы ещё прибываем в парке и в ресторане. Отель очень красивый, люди добрые и улыбчивые.
Hotel Xcaret Mexico SPA Section at Mexico Destination Club #DJ09 - отзыв
16 февраля 2020
Безлимитный Xcaret
Останавливались в отеле на 3 дня после недельного путешествия по центральной Мексике из Мехико. Отель оставил наилучшие воспоминания - ухоженная территория, комфортабельные номера, очень внимательный и дружелюбный персонал. Очень понравились рестораны в отеле - вкусная еда и хорошее обслуживание, причем включая завтраки: свежие смузи и выпечка, флан и прочее, всё отменного качества. Но самая главное - это конечно all-fun inclusive - возможность посещать все развлекательные парки Xcaret с трансферами из отеля. Особенно из новых для нас в этот раз понравились Xel-Ha, Xenses и Xplor. Воспользовались также входящей в стоимость возможностью посетить и показать ребёнку Тулум. В основном парке Xcaret с удовольствием посмотрели обновленный вариант вечернего шоу (видели 15 лет назад), а также очень понравилось вечером возвращаться из парка в отель на лодочке. Хорошо отдохнули и повеселились! Большое спасибо! Останавливались в отеле на 3 дня после недельного путешествия по центральной Мексике из Мехико. Отель оставил наилучшие воспоминания - ухоженная территория, комфортабельные номера, очень внимательный и дружелюбный персонал. Очень понравились рестораны в отеле - вкусная еда и хорошее обслуживание, причем включая завтраки: свежие смузи и выпечка, флан и прочее, всё отменного качества. Но самая главное - это конечно all-fun inclusive - возможность посещать все развлекательные парки Xcaret с трансферами из отеля. Особенно из новых для нас в этот раз понравились Xel-Ha, Xenses и Xplor. Воспользовались также входящей в стоимость возможностью посетить и показать ребёнку Тулум. В основном парке Xcaret с удовольствием посмотрели обновленный вариант вечернего шоу (видели 15 лет назад), а также очень понравилось вечером возвращаться из парка в отель на лодочке. Хорошо отдохнули и повеселились! Большое спасибо!
Hotel Xcaret Mexico SPA Section at Mexico Destination Club #DJ09 - отзыв
31 января 2020
захватывающий дух вид, теплая обстановка, все прекрасное, умывальник и утонченное внимание к качеству, солнце, море и песок впечатляют, без сомнения, идеальное место для семейного отдыха будет приходить снова и снова и снова Я рекомендую это больше захватывающий дух вид, теплая обстановка, все прекрасное, умывальник и утонченное внимание к качеству, солнце, море и песок впечатляют, без сомнения, идеальное место для семейного отдыха будет приходить снова и снова и снова Я рекомендую это больше
Hotel Xcaret Mexico SPA Section at Mexico Destination Club #DJ09 - отзыв
09 декабря 2021
1st time Xcaret travelers
Travel date : 11/12-11/19Reason for travel: 40th bday - Familia Serrano Upon arrival: Check in was nice and easy but long. We arrived late (8pm). We also stayed in Fuego, so we had a separate check-in which was nice. The check-in process was a little long after a full day of travel. Lots of questions by our person (not sure of her name) in regards to our itinerary (details later). After this initial greeting, we met our butlers Gabriel & Kiyoshi - THEY WERE AMAZING. I can't say enough about these two. They truly made our trip magical. They treated us like family and were available 24x7 for all our needs.  They even made sure we got home safely. Tip your butlers! Thank you both for everything! POSITIVES: -FOOD!!!! Food was amazing and over-all service everywhere at the resort and parks was beyond words. The music is magical. The food is worth the cost of the whole trip. These are mostly 5 star restaurants. You can feel the love in the cooking. All the works seem happy to serve you. We had a dietary restriction and all places accommodated. Every restaurant we went to ask before they sat us if we have any allergies. When making an email reservation let them know in advance about any allergies and they will accommodate.  Tip your servers! PRO TIP- do the sunday brunch. Best brunch I've ever had. Better than the bellagio, cosmo, wynn and caesars in vegas by far. -Clean: Everywhere you looked someone was cleaning. This made us feel so comfortable with all the covid regulations. Also, most people were wearing masks. Even at the water parks. Our room was spotless everyday. Con: The button didn't work when we didn't want housekeeping tho. When we would arrive back to our room from a busy day, mostly everything was moved. We still tipped our housekeeping everyday. -Room: 2106 Fuego - We got lucky and got a jump off platform room by las cuevas. This was perfect for us and we had a great view of the waterfall. Not as private as we would have liked but overall a nice room. NEGATIVE:-We were told by costco to plan ahead and make sure we had reservations for all our dinner, show and parks. Most of the parks did not need reservations. Our check-in guild did tell us that our butlers and her were able to do all those arrangements for us. She tried to help us by moving our dinners and excursions around to make the most of the day. However, she did mess us up and we did lose a couple of our plans. Advice here: stick to your plan! She also tried to sell us on their membership. She told us they would give us $200 and this would help us pay for our photo plan at the end and that it was only a 90min meeting. Advice here: don't waste your time unless you are ready to purchase and spend the money. This was a HUGE WASTE OF TIME of 3 hrs. THIS WAS MY BIGGEST regret. Plus they only gave us $100 which we didn't even use and can only use at the resort. EMPLOYEE NAME: BABACAR - was very pushy with the sales pitch at the end. Made the experience not pleasant. Left very irritated. -No beach: There was no stretch of beach at this resort. If you're looking for sandy beaches to walk on. This is not the resort. We wanted to have a beach day but .... They did clean all of the seaweed that was mentioned prior to our visit. Most of the "beach" is in the resort. -Lots of kids: We wanted to stay in the adults building for a reason. Our nice dinner night was ruined at Xin-go by some screaming toddler while the parents were enjoying their wine. Restaurant was booked that night and had no other tables. I know parents need a vacation too but maybe read the room and be aware that your kids screaming affects others around you. *Arte wasn't open when we booked. OVERALL:We will be visiting again in the future but will be staying at Arte! PRO TIPS:-Bring extra swimwear. Comfy water shoes-Blister bandaids-Clothes line-Lots of stomach meds in case you get sick-Bring lots of $1-Chafing location-Water proof bag for all water parks-Waterproof phone case-Download apps prior-Do your research to make the best of your trip. Have fun!!! Travel date : 11/12-11/19Reason for travel: 40th bday - Familia Serrano Upon arrival: Check in was nice and easy but long. We arrived late (8pm). We also stayed in Fuego, so we had a separate check-in which was nice. The check-in process was a little long after a full day of travel. Lots of questions by our person (not sure of her name) in regards to our itinerary (details later). After this initial greeting, we met our butlers Gabriel & Kiyoshi - THEY WERE AMAZING. I can't say enough about these two. They truly made our trip magical. They treated us like family and were available 24x7 for all our needs.  They even made sure we got home safely. Tip your butlers! Thank you both for everything! POSITIVES: -FOOD!!!! Food was amazing and over-all service everywhere at the resort and parks was beyond words. The music is magical. The food is worth the cost of the whole trip. These are mostly 5 star restaurants. You can feel the love in the cooking. All the works seem happy to serve you. We had a dietary restriction and all places accommodated. Every restaurant we went to ask before they sat us if we have any allergies. When making an email reservation let them know in advance about any allergies and they will accommodate.  Tip your servers! PRO TIP- do the sunday brunch. Best brunch I've ever had. Better than the bellagio, cosmo, wynn and caesars in vegas by far. -Clean: Everywhere you looked someone was cleaning. This made us feel so comfortable with all the covid regulations. Also, most people were wearing masks. Even at the water parks. Our room was spotless everyday. Con: The button didn't work when we didn't want housekeeping tho. When we would arrive back to our room from a busy day, mostly everything was moved. We still tipped our housekeeping everyday. -Room: 2106 Fuego - We got lucky and got a jump off platform room by las cuevas. This was perfect for us and we had a great view of the waterfall. Not as private as we would have liked but overall a nice room. NEGATIVE:-We were told by costco to plan ahead and make sure we had reservations for all our dinner, show and parks. Most of the parks did not need reservations. Our check-in guild did tell us that our butlers and her were able to do all those arrangements for us. She tried to help us by moving our dinners and excursions around to make the most of the day. However, she did mess us up and we did lose a couple of our plans. Advice here: stick to your plan! She also tried to sell us on their membership. She told us they would give us $200 and this would help us pay for our photo plan at the end and that it was only a 90min meeting. Advice here: don't waste your time unless you are ready to purchase and spend the money. This was a HUGE WASTE OF TIME of 3 hrs. THIS WAS MY BIGGEST regret. Plus they only gave us $100 which we didn't even use and can only use at the resort. EMPLOYEE NAME: BABACAR - was very pushy with the sales pitch at the end. Made the experience not pleasant. Left very irritated. -No beach: There was no stretch of beach at this resort. If you're looking for sandy beaches to walk on. This is not the resort. We wanted to have a beach day but .... They did clean all of the seaweed that was mentioned prior to our visit. Most of the "beach" is in the resort. -Lots of kids: We wanted to stay in the adults building for a reason. Our nice dinner night was ruined at Xin-go by some screaming toddler while the parents were enjoying their wine. Restaurant was booked that night and had no other tables. I know parents need a vacation too but maybe read the room and be aware that your kids screaming affects others around you. *Arte wasn't open when we booked. OVERALL:We will be visiting again in the future but will be staying at Arte! PRO TIPS:-Bring extra swimwear. Comfy water shoes-Blister bandaids-Clothes line-Lots of stomach meds in case you get sick-Bring lots of $1-Chafing location-Water proof bag for all water parks-Waterproof phone case-Download apps prior-Do your research to make the best of your trip. Have fun!!!
Hotel Xcaret Mexico SPA Section at Mexico Destination Club #DJ09 - отзыв
09 декабря 2021
We went for our honeymoon. The place was amazing. Great pool, great beach, grey food, awesome river to float in, and most importantly phenomenal staff. Rosy helped us with everything we needed from check-in to check-out. She truly was incredible. Pedro at the cantina was an amazing bartender. We will be coming back! We went for our honeymoon. The place was amazing. Great pool, great beach, grey food, awesome river to float in, and most importantly phenomenal staff. Rosy helped us with everything we needed from check-in to check-out. She truly was incredible. Pedro at the cantina was an amazing bartender. We will be coming back!
Hotel Xcaret Mexico SPA Section at Mexico Destination Club #DJ09 - отзыв
08 декабря 2021
Take me back to Xcaret...a little slice of heaven on earth!
This hotel is truly one-of-a-kind! From the cold towel and Paleta on arrival to gracious staff around every corner! We were cared for like family with private, in room check in and two outstanding butlers who made us feel like royalty! Big shout out to Gabriel & Kiyoshi…I’m pretty sure my Spanish speaking boyfriend befriended these two quickly because they went above and beyond for us for the duration of our stay! From making and escorting us to our reservations to prepping the balcony hot tub with rose petals and bubbles awaiting us upon our return, we were truly pampered. The property is beautiful, unique and has something to cater to every taste. It perfectly combines a picturesque nature setting with luxurious creature comforts in the most balanced way possible. No crowds, no lines, plenty to do, beautiful pools and waterfalls around every corner the property couldn’t have been any more spectacular. We chose to pack in as much R &R as possible leaving 7 children at home to make the 3 day trip so we did not experience all that the property had to offer but hope to re-visit one day. We loved the variety and quality of food, pools, intimate places to explore, comfort and cleanliness of the room and so much more. This is by far the most exclusive “all inclusive resort” in which I have ever stayed! Since my boyfriend is a tennis pro, tennis enthusiast and well decorated tennis player I do have to give one knock to the property for the astro-turf tennis court…it was “meh”… just saying :-) Leaving on a positive note, we hope to return one day with all of our children! This hotel is truly one-of-a-kind! From the cold towel and Paleta on arrival to gracious staff around every corner! We were cared for like family with private, in room check in and two outstanding butlers who made us feel like royalty! Big shout out to Gabriel & Kiyoshi…I’m pretty sure my Spanish speaking boyfriend befriended these two quickly because they went above and beyond for us for the duration of our stay! From making and escorting us to our reservations to prepping the balcony hot tub with rose petals and bubbles awaiting us upon our return, we were truly pampered. The property is beautiful, unique and has something to cater to every taste. It perfectly combines a picturesque nature setting with luxurious creature comforts in the most balanced way possible. No crowds, no lines, plenty to do, beautiful pools and waterfalls around every corner the property couldn’t have been any more spectacular. We chose to pack in as much R &R as possible leaving 7 children at home to make the 3 day trip so we did not experience all that the property had to offer but hope to re-visit one day. We loved the variety and quality of food, pools, intimate places to explore, comfort and cleanliness of the room and so much more. This is by far the most exclusive “all inclusive resort” in which I have ever stayed! Since my boyfriend is a tennis pro, tennis enthusiast and well decorated tennis player I do have to give one knock to the property for the astro-turf tennis court…it was “meh”… just saying :-) Leaving on a positive note, we hope to return one day with all of our children!
Hotel Xcaret Mexico SPA Section at Mexico Destination Club #DJ09 - отзыв
07 декабря 2021
Most amazing honeymoon
My husband and I stayed in HXM in fuego. It was the best experience ever. Our butlers Rosy and Betty ensured we had the best time! They made sure we enjoyed our honeymoon/1 yr wedding anniversary. The resort is absolutely breathtaking and the food is amazing. I have never been so amazed with the overall experience on vacation. We are definitely coming back! My husband and I stayed in HXM in fuego. It was the best experience ever. Our butlers Rosy and Betty ensured we had the best time! They made sure we enjoyed our honeymoon/1 yr wedding anniversary. The resort is absolutely breathtaking and the food is amazing. I have never been so amazed with the overall experience on vacation. We are definitely coming back!
Hotel Xcaret Mexico SPA Section at Mexico Destination Club #DJ09 - отзыв
06 декабря 2021
Our home away from home! Great service!
Whenever we come to Hotel Xcaret it always feels like home. Cecilia (Ceci - concierge surpervisor) and German (in tours/membership) always make us feel like family. Our butlers Ernesto and Daniel did an amazing job making sure all our needs were met (despite a few setbacks with our assigned concierge, Celia, who instead of helping us just gave us many excuses). Our butlers got us out of dire situations such as making sure we made in on time for our activity bookings, making last minute dine in reservation changes, or making sure we always had enough milk for our little one. Ernesto also went the extra mile by grabbing our little one's life jacket from our room when I was by myself at the beach and couldn't run all the way to our room with him in tow. He also helped make sure I had battery on my phone when I couldn't charge it via cable because it got wet. The housekeeping always did a great job and had huge patience in cleaning up after our little one's food crumbs etc in the room. The waiters at all the restaurants are always so kind and polite! Fernando (chapel cart driver) helped us carry our stroller down a flight of stairs when we couldn't find an elevator. Our drivers to and from the airport were very friendly and got us to our destination safely.! The beauty of Hotel Xcaret speaks for itself, but the service given by all the serving members need to be praised more ostentatiously because it adds to the quality of this breathtaking place. Some of the concierge staff may just need to take more time to communicate better - both in properly explaining and actively listening to their guests' needs so that service will be perfect all throughout! We're already booked for our next year's trip! Our little ones and the rest of the family can't wait! Whenever we come to Hotel Xcaret it always feels like home. Cecilia (Ceci - concierge surpervisor) and German (in tours/membership) always make us feel like family. Our butlers Ernesto and Daniel did an amazing job making sure all our needs were met (despite a few setbacks with our assigned concierge, Celia, who instead of helping us just gave us many excuses). Our butlers got us out of dire situations such as making sure we made in on time for our activity bookings, making last minute dine in reservation changes, or making sure we always had enough milk for our little one. Ernesto also went the extra mile by grabbing our little one's life jacket from our room when I was by myself at the beach and couldn't run all the way to our room with him in tow. He also helped make sure I had battery on my phone when I couldn't charge it via cable because it got wet. The housekeeping always did a great job and had huge patience in cleaning up after our little one's food crumbs etc in the room. The waiters at all the restaurants are always so kind and polite! Fernando (chapel cart driver) helped us carry our stroller down a flight of stairs when we couldn't find an elevator. Our drivers to and from the airport were very friendly and got us to our destination safely.! The beauty of Hotel Xcaret speaks for itself, but the service given by all the serving members need to be praised more ostentatiously because it adds to the quality of this breathtaking place. Some of the concierge staff may just need to take more time to communicate better - both in properly explaining and actively listening to their guests' needs so that service will be perfect all throughout! We're already booked for our next year's trip! Our little ones and the rest of the family can't wait!