Mayan Palace at Vidanta Riviera Maya - 5 Nights #DH24

Mayan Palace at Vidanta Riviera Maya - 5 Nights #DH24

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Mayan Palace at Vidanta Riviera Maya - 5 Nights #DH24 - отзыв
17 февраля 2017
Ирина Ж
Свадебно-юбилейное путешествие.
Ривьера Майя - самое комфортное место! ООчень большая территория( есть где погулять), зеленая(джунгли-не ходишь по солнцепеку). Много лаунджей,бассейнов, классных ресторанов,парков,гольф-поле. Шикарный пляж. Очень дружелюбный персонал! Великолепно организована охрана клиентов. Ривьера Майя - самое комфортное место! ООчень большая территория( есть где погулять), зеленая(джунгли-не ходишь по солнцепеку). Много лаунджей,бассейнов, классных ресторанов,парков,гольф-поле. Шикарный пляж. Очень дружелюбный персонал! Великолепно организована охрана клиентов.
Mayan Palace at Vidanta Riviera Maya - 5 Nights #DH24 - отзыв
05 марта 2016
Viktor A
Прекрасное место для отдыха!
Мы с супругой отдыхали здесь. Место просто великолепное. Посетили и Чичен-Ицу, и Тулум, и Косумель. Прекрасный огромный бассейн, как нам сказали, занесен в Красную книгу за свой размер. Недалеко и до Канкуна и до Кармен. Брали напрокат авто, удобно и не дорого. Из Москвы летели Аэрофлотом через Гавану. Очень понравилось. Мы с супругой отдыхали здесь. Место просто великолепное. Посетили и Чичен-Ицу, и Тулум, и Косумель. Прекрасный огромный бассейн, как нам сказали, занесен в Красную книгу за свой размер. Недалеко и до Канкуна и до Кармен. Брали напрокат авто, удобно и не дорого. Из Москвы летели Аэрофлотом через Гавану. Очень понравилось.
Mayan Palace at Vidanta Riviera Maya - 5 Nights #DH24 - отзыв
25 марта 2015
обалденное место
мы остановились здесь семьей, после отдыха в сандосе, да!!! этот отель намного лучше, бассейны, анимация с представлениями индейцев, бассейны правда лучше , чем море из-за волн. рядом красивый городок плайя-параисо. рестораны, игуаны, фрукты, в-общем, шикарно отдохнули, жалко что 10 дней мало. но вернемся еще мы остановились здесь семьей, после отдыха в сандосе, да!!! этот отель намного лучше, бассейны, анимация с представлениями индейцев, бассейны правда лучше , чем море из-за волн. рядом красивый городок плайя-параисо. рестораны, игуаны, фрукты, в-общем, шикарно отдохнули, жалко что 10 дней мало. но вернемся еще
Mayan Palace at Vidanta Riviera Maya - 5 Nights #DH24 - отзыв
15 февраля 2015
Удивительно красивый курорт
Только что вернулся из недельной поездки и отдыха в Mayan Palace (Дворец Майя). Он был построен около 10 лет назад в джунглях и пейзаж захватывает дух. Еда высшего качества, территория огромная,но это не вызывает негатива, так как везде есть маршрутки, которые могут вас подвезти, если вы не хотите идти ...,но ходить здесь легко и приятно, так как есть обустроенные пешеходные дорожки. Мы путешествовали с моими 80-летними родителями, и у них не возникло никаких проблем с передвижением. Размер порций в всех ресторанах был очень большой и хотя цены показались высокими, они включают в себя налоги и чаевые, так что это действительно не так уж плохо. Вы можете пойти в Плайя-дель-Кармен или Порто-Морелос за продуктами, но если у вас нет кучи голодных детей, которых нужно кормть, вы можете также подобрать продукты в местном магазине Jade, и сэкономить $ 7,00 с человека за проезд на атвобусе или $ 35.00 за такси в одну сторону. (Принесите некоторые закуски из дома). Этот курорт имеет удивительные бассейн, тренажерный зал, рестораны и, фламинго, крокодилов, лагуны, удивительные места для размещения гостей (lounge areas) и т.д. На пляже неплохой песок, но песок не самый лучший для плавания или подводного плавания, песок грубоват, и специальная обувь для купания не помешает. Активные развлечения хороши, если вы хотите повеселиться, но хотя это популярный курорт, вы определенно можете найти тихие районы. Уборка на исключительно высоком уровне, и это хорошо для таймшера курорта, так как часто это не входит в стоимость. Tramonto Italian/ Стейк-хаус был удивительным. Завтрак был отличным, у Фриды была хорошая мексиканская еда, в Гавана Луна отличные большие гамбургеры (8 унций. можно брать на двоих), клубные дома были тоже хороши, картофель часто был холодным и несоленым. Счастливые часы с 11 - 12 и 3 - 4 каждый день, вы можете получить 2 напитка по цене одного, но напитки должны быть одинаковыми. Хорошие телеканалы. Посетите цирковое шоу и ресторан там ...автобус доставит вас по шоссе в театр ... но вы можете просто сходить там в ресторан. если хотите. Если вам тяжело ходить попросите корпуса 1 -5. Номер 1 находится ближе всего к бассейну и 4 находится на полпути между бассейном и фойе. Возьмите пляжную беседку за $ 30.00 / в день, и если вы тратите более $ 30.00 на питание возле бассейна в течение этого дня то беседка - бесплатно. Бронируйте рано, и вы можете забронировать только один день за пребывание. Тайм-шер дал нам некоторые хорошие льготы, но это было не просто, будьте готовы, и не соглашайтесь с первоначальной ценой, так как они дадут отличные скидки, особенно, если у вас есть достойный таймшер, который Вы хотите продать им. Возможно на это стоит потратить 4 часа ??? Пользуйтесь автобусом, чтобы добраться до города вместо дорогого транспорта .... поездка на автобусе стоит всего около 20 песо .... или просто оставайтесь на курорте и расслабляйтесь. Только что вернулся из недельной поездки и отдыха в Mayan Palace (Дворец Майя). Он был построен около 10 лет назад в джунглях и пейзаж захватывает дух. Еда высшего качества, территория огромная,но это не вызывает негатива, так как везде есть маршрутки, которые могут вас подвезти, если вы не хотите идти ...,но ходить здесь легко и приятно, так как есть обустроенные пешеходные дорожки. Мы путешествовали с моими 80-летними родителями, и у них не возникло никаких проблем с передвижением. Размер порций в всех ресторанах был очень большой и хотя цены показались высокими, они включают в себя налоги и чаевые, так что это действительно не так уж плохо. Вы можете пойти в Плайя-дель-Кармен или Порто-Морелос за продуктами, но если у вас нет кучи голодных детей, которых нужно кормть, вы можете также подобрать продукты в местном магазине Jade, и сэкономить $ 7,00 с человека за проезд на атвобусе или $ 35.00 за такси в одну сторону. (Принесите некоторые закуски из дома). Этот курорт имеет удивительные бассейн, тренажерный зал, рестораны и, фламинго, крокодилов, лагуны, удивительные места для размещения гостей (lounge areas) и т.д. На пляже неплохой песок, но песок не самый лучший для плавания или подводного плавания, песок грубоват, и специальная обувь для купания не помешает. Активные развлечения хороши, если вы хотите повеселиться, но хотя это популярный курорт, вы определенно можете найти тихие районы. Уборка на исключительно высоком уровне, и это хорошо для таймшера курорта, так как часто это не входит в стоимость. Tramonto Italian/ Стейк-хаус был удивительным. Завтрак был отличным, у Фриды была хорошая мексиканская еда, в Гавана Луна отличные большие гамбургеры (8 унций. можно брать на двоих), клубные дома были тоже хороши, картофель часто был холодным и несоленым. Счастливые часы с 11 - 12 и 3 - 4 каждый день, вы можете получить 2 напитка по цене одного, но напитки должны быть одинаковыми. Хорошие телеканалы. Посетите цирковое шоу и ресторан там ...автобус доставит вас по шоссе в театр ... но вы можете просто сходить там в ресторан. если хотите. Если вам тяжело ходить попросите корпуса 1 -5. Номер 1 находится ближе всего к бассейну и 4 находится на полпути между бассейном и фойе. Возьмите пляжную беседку за $ 30.00 / в день, и если вы тратите более $ 30.00 на питание возле бассейна в течение этого дня то беседка - бесплатно. Бронируйте рано, и вы можете забронировать только один день за пребывание. Тайм-шер дал нам некоторые хорошие льготы, но это было не просто, будьте готовы, и не соглашайтесь с первоначальной ценой, так как они дадут отличные скидки, особенно, если у вас есть достойный таймшер, который Вы хотите продать им. Возможно на это стоит потратить 4 часа ??? Пользуйтесь автобусом, чтобы добраться до города вместо дорогого транспорта .... поездка на автобусе стоит всего около 20 песо .... или просто оставайтесь на курорте и расслабляйтесь.
Mayan Palace at Vidanta Riviera Maya - 5 Nights #DH24 - отзыв
29 октября 2012
Недавно вернулись из Дворца Майя. Отличный, уютный курорт, имеющий огромные бассейны с фонтанами. Причем мы так и не могли подсчитать сколько бассейнов на территории. Дети были в восторге. Курорт особенно красив был в темное время - красивая подсветка, придавали нашел отдыху романтику и какой-то неподражаемый вкус. Мы даже пожалели, что взяли только 2 недели, так хотелось остаться там еще. Нам 3-ю неделю предлагали за 300 Евро за всю семью через уже там это предложение впоминали, но было поздно т.к. самолет аэрофлота нас ждал. Еда - с утра мы сами готовили, кухня в апарте достойная. Вечером ездили в Канкун или ужинали под веселы кесни и танцы мексиканцев, очень душевные люди. Дети ждали детскую анимацию как манну небесную. Как они понимали все и общались с аниматорами на английском - это отдельная история, очень смешно. Единственный минус - курорт обещал нас встретить, но не приезжали за нами. Взяли такси (дешевле обошлось). В целом все на уровне и вернуться туда еще раз наша мечта Недавно вернулись из Дворца Майя. Отличный, уютный курорт, имеющий огромные бассейны с фонтанами. Причем мы так и не могли подсчитать сколько бассейнов на территории. Дети были в восторге. Курорт особенно красив был в темное время - красивая подсветка, придавали нашел отдыху романтику и какой-то неподражаемый вкус. Мы даже пожалели, что взяли только 2 недели, так хотелось остаться там еще. Нам 3-ю неделю предлагали за 300 Евро за всю семью через уже там это предложение впоминали, но было поздно т.к. самолет аэрофлота нас ждал. Еда - с утра мы сами готовили, кухня в апарте достойная. Вечером ездили в Канкун или ужинали под веселы кесни и танцы мексиканцев, очень душевные люди. Дети ждали детскую анимацию как манну небесную. Как они понимали все и общались с аниматорами на английском - это отдельная история, очень смешно. Единственный минус - курорт обещал нас встретить, но не приезжали за нами. Взяли такси (дешевле обошлось). В целом все на уровне и вернуться туда еще раз наша мечта
Mayan Palace at Vidanta Riviera Maya - 5 Nights #DH24 - отзыв
09 декабря 2021
lorenzo m
Nice place. Horrible Pool Music. Not Relaxing
This place is great - good food, attentive staff, awesome facilities. Too bad it's all ruined by the pool music (bad club techno), which from 8am to 6pm will blast through the resort. Please fire the DJ! thanks for adding back Limon y Sal and putting the jazz trio there - they are awesome and a great improvement over previous music in that location. I confirm other reviewers comments about noise in the rooms. they need acoustic diffusers in the hallways. This place is great - good food, attentive staff, awesome facilities. Too bad it's all ruined by the pool music (bad club techno), which from 8am to 6pm will blast through the resort. Please fire the DJ! thanks for adding back Limon y Sal and putting the jazz trio there - they are awesome and a great improvement over previous music in that location. I confirm other reviewers comments about noise in the rooms. they need acoustic diffusers in the hallways.
Mayan Palace at Vidanta Riviera Maya - 5 Nights #DH24 - отзыв
08 декабря 2021
Great Resort with bad accoustics
We recently stayed here as a group of 6 and while I will give them 5 stars for service, I would give them 3 stars for the state of the room. We had a ground floor unit as we had an elderly person with us that was a 1 minute walk to Jade and a 3 minute walk to the pool. While the room was large, some of the things needed work. The kitchen light above the stove was heinous and the fridge should be bigger in my opinion. We had issues with one of our toilets but did have great service with someone coming and fixing it. We ordered in room pizza and it came fairly quickly and was good. I cannot complain the way half the people on here are about the food- I never had a bad meal. I particularly enjoyed Salum, Gong, Blanche, and Del Lago for brunch. The pool bar had a great happy hour from 12-2 for 2 for 1 drinks. Service everywhere was attentive. The room acoustics though in a one bedroom room was horrible. It literally sounded like someone was in your room with you when you slept, with them just passing through the hallway. Add in the element that a drunk person may be singing in the hallway, you better bring noise cancelling headphones. I think if the Mayan stepped up their kitchen game and acoustics, it may make it almost a 5 star experience. We recently stayed here as a group of 6 and while I will give them 5 stars for service, I would give them 3 stars for the state of the room. We had a ground floor unit as we had an elderly person with us that was a 1 minute walk to Jade and a 3 minute walk to the pool. While the room was large, some of the things needed work. The kitchen light above the stove was heinous and the fridge should be bigger in my opinion. We had issues with one of our toilets but did have great service with someone coming and fixing it. We ordered in room pizza and it came fairly quickly and was good. I cannot complain the way half the people on here are about the food- I never had a bad meal. I particularly enjoyed Salum, Gong, Blanche, and Del Lago for brunch. The pool bar had a great happy hour from 12-2 for 2 for 1 drinks. Service everywhere was attentive. The room acoustics though in a one bedroom room was horrible. It literally sounded like someone was in your room with you when you slept, with them just passing through the hallway. Add in the element that a drunk person may be singing in the hallway, you better bring noise cancelling headphones. I think if the Mayan stepped up their kitchen game and acoustics, it may make it almost a 5 star experience.
Mayan Palace at Vidanta Riviera Maya - 5 Nights #DH24 - отзыв
05 декабря 2021
Will be Relaxing...Sort of
My family and I booked our trips through an online sale, which I didn't know was a resort. But upon arrival, I was amazed! The check-in took a while - check in bags in Lobby Central and then transported to Mayan Palace Lobby. Make sure to issue a credit card in which to charge EVERYTHING - I'll explain. 1. No cash - resort is avoiding the exchange of cash during purchases so they will request a card to have on file for charges. You will use cash to tip the employees, but that's about it. If you need to exchange currency, make sure to have your passport - any lobby will be able to assist. FYI - resort has better currency exchange rate. Another FYI - make sure your bills are in perfect conditions - any marks, discolor, a TINY tear or rip, will not be accepted. 2. Charges - everything will be charged to your room number, so make sure to remember that. Drinks, food, reservations, etc. - all will be under your room number! Another tip - keep your receipts! You'll need those to confirm all charges during check out. 3. Food - resort has many places to eat! For restaurants, I do recommend to make reservations, but everything else is quick to seat and serve. Now, a lot of these restaurants do have pretty high prices. To me, the portions are pretty large so I didn't eat that much. 4. Drinks - they have your typical cocktails drinks, recommend to drink up during Happy Hour which is 12 pm - 2 pm. But they do have some unique variety drinks - my fav was the Coco Loco, which is mixture of vodka, tequila, rum, and coconut water in a coconut. My husband and I brought our water canisters with us and purchased gallons of waters when we went to Playa del Carmen (about $5 for 6 gallons), and used throughout our tours and to make coffee (purchased a bag of coffee for $2 - so good!). 5. Activities - the resort has a Joy squad, resort employees which engages residents to variety of activities and games throughout the day (usually by the pool). They have their activities schedule on boards throughout the resort. Also, they do have other amenities - gym, spa, golf, which you can reserve in advance - gym is only one free. 6. Tours & Parks - If planing to do any tours or visit any parks, get information from the variety of purchasing desks and locations throughout the resorts. Not all have the same price and some may offer you better price. I also recommend checking with Tripadvisor - I purchased two tours (including pickup and drop-off to resort) and confirmed they were a bit better price than what the resort offered. My favorite from Tripadvisor was the Chicken Itza tour (check out my review), but I also loved the Xcaret Park! 7. Transportation - we booked our trip without booking a vehicle rental. How much a rental is, can't say - sorry! But you can definitely rent from the resort. If trying to go out into local cities, like Playa del Carmen, taxis are available at the resort. Remember, you are in a very tourist location so rates are not cheap! Since we purchased tours, we were able to purchase amenities, souvenirs, and food during these outings. If needing transportation to the airport after checkout, make sure to book with the resort 24-hours prior to. Will be cheaper than getting a taxi. 8. Checking out - need to check out before 10 am. If you're going to fly out after checkout, get your flight 5 hours prior to check out. Reason being is because there won't be enough time for other activities - there are currently road construction so remember about traffic! During checkout, they will provide you with a print out of everything that was charged to your room - make sure you have your receipts! Because we were issued a VIP card, we would be given a 10% off on all of the total drinks and food purchases. BUT, if you used any of the VIP's perks, such as purchasing a glass of vine, you get another free - the 10% off for all purchases at that location will be voided. Recommend not to use the VIP card and instead go for the 10% at checkout. Remember about the credit card? You can use the same card or use a different one. If wanting points, pay with that credit card. Not going to lie, total amount of purchases for 2 people for 6 days, was a bit high. Again, try to make outside purchases. Besides the high amount spent (which is why I gave it 4 out of 5), place is amazing to relax, enjoy the weather, the activities, and swim. ALL staff were amazing, courteous, positive, and very kind to go out of their way to make their guest's stay pleasant. I loved the resort, but think I would stay somewhere else next time I visit that area. My family and I booked our trips through an online sale, which I didn't know was a resort. But upon arrival, I was amazed! The check-in took a while - check in bags in Lobby Central and then transported to Mayan Palace Lobby. Make sure to issue a credit card in which to charge EVERYTHING - I'll explain. 1. No cash - resort is avoiding the exchange of cash during purchases so they will request a card to have on file for charges. You will use cash to tip the employees, but that's about it. If you need to exchange currency, make sure to have your passport - any lobby will be able to assist. FYI - resort has better currency exchange rate. Another FYI - make sure your bills are in perfect conditions - any marks, discolor, a TINY tear or rip, will not be accepted. 2. Charges - everything will be charged to your room number, so make sure to remember that. Drinks, food, reservations, etc. - all will be under your room number! Another tip - keep your receipts! You'll need those to confirm all charges during check out. 3. Food - resort has many places to eat! For restaurants, I do recommend to make reservations, but everything else is quick to seat and serve. Now, a lot of these restaurants do have pretty high prices. To me, the portions are pretty large so I didn't eat that much. 4. Drinks - they have your typical cocktails drinks, recommend to drink up during Happy Hour which is 12 pm - 2 pm. But they do have some unique variety drinks - my fav was the Coco Loco, which is mixture of vodka, tequila, rum, and coconut water in a coconut. My husband and I brought our water canisters with us and purchased gallons of waters when we went to Playa del Carmen (about $5 for 6 gallons), and used throughout our tours and to make coffee (purchased a bag of coffee for $2 - so good!). 5. Activities - the resort has a Joy squad, resort employees which engages residents to variety of activities and games throughout the day (usually by the pool). They have their activities schedule on boards throughout the resort. Also, they do have other amenities - gym, spa, golf, which you can reserve in advance - gym is only one free. 6. Tours & Parks - If planing to do any tours or visit any parks, get information from the variety of purchasing desks and locations throughout the resorts. Not all have the same price and some may offer you better price. I also recommend checking with Tripadvisor - I purchased two tours (including pickup and drop-off to resort) and confirmed they were a bit better price than what the resort offered. My favorite from Tripadvisor was the Chicken Itza tour (check out my review), but I also loved the Xcaret Park! 7. Transportation - we booked our trip without booking a vehicle rental. How much a rental is, can't say - sorry! But you can definitely rent from the resort. If trying to go out into local cities, like Playa del Carmen, taxis are available at the resort. Remember, you are in a very tourist location so rates are not cheap! Since we purchased tours, we were able to purchase amenities, souvenirs, and food during these outings. If needing transportation to the airport after checkout, make sure to book with the resort 24-hours prior to. Will be cheaper than getting a taxi. 8. Checking out - need to check out before 10 am. If you're going to fly out after checkout, get your flight 5 hours prior to check out. Reason being is because there won't be enough time for other activities - there are currently road construction so remember about traffic! During checkout, they will provide you with a print out of everything that was charged to your room - make sure you have your receipts! Because we were issued a VIP card, we would be given a 10% off on all of the total drinks and food purchases. BUT, if you used any of the VIP's perks, such as purchasing a glass of vine, you get another free - the 10% off for all purchases at that location will be voided. Recommend not to use the VIP card and instead go for the 10% at checkout. Remember about the credit card? You can use the same card or use a different one. If wanting points, pay with that credit card. Not going to lie, total amount of purchases for 2 people for 6 days, was a bit high. Again, try to make outside purchases. Besides the high amount spent (which is why I gave it 4 out of 5), place is amazing to relax, enjoy the weather, the activities, and swim. ALL staff were amazing, courteous, positive, and very kind to go out of their way to make their guest's stay pleasant. I loved the resort, but think I would stay somewhere else next time I visit that area.
Mayan Palace at Vidanta Riviera Maya - 5 Nights #DH24 - отзыв
04 декабря 2021
Sheree W
Too big, too impersonal, food=SO disappointing!!!
We had very high hopes for our trip to this resort. The 2-bedroom suite was clean and roomy. Beds are comfortable. No tub, just showers…no problem BUT their pools are SO cold and there is not one hot tub to be found. The most exasperating fact was the restaurant situation. They boast they have a ton of restaurants, but the reality is that when we went to eat, most were closed or exclusive. SO glad we didn’t pay to do the all-inclusive because it gets old eating at the only two restaurants that seemed to be open (Salum=high-priced bar food and Del Lago=breakfast and dinner buffets). The last night we ate again at Salum (only place open at 6:45pm) and hubby ordered wings. Our tacos came fast and we were done eating by the time his wings came…just wait, the shiz that happened is still unbelievable to me. When his order came his eyes popped open because the order seemed LARGE and he asked the waiter two times if it was really just one order? He was assured both times “just one.” After hubby had boxed up his leftovers we checked the bill. SNAP!!! They had charged TWO order of wings ($20/order for wings…seriously $20 for 10 wings!!! Then to get charged twice)!!! Wait for it…the waiter said he would credit us the 2nd charge. We said ok. He came back a few minutes later and said he needed the leftover wings back!!! WHAT?!!!! Hubby hadn’t even finished the first order and had slobbered all over all of them as he put them in the “to go boxes!” I asked if he would really take them back during COVID?! Waiter said ok and left to finalize whatever on his end. When he came back he said he needed 5 of the wings back!!! He made us choose. WTH?! We were so “piss-i-fied” (yes this is a term we use in our family when you are pissed and mystified at the same time) that we gave him back 5 of those wings! I literally am still shocked this happened!!! I have so much more to warn people about this resort. If you want to sit in front of a cold pool that you never get into and over pay for everything, then this is the resort for you. We had very high hopes for our trip to this resort. The 2-bedroom suite was clean and roomy. Beds are comfortable. No tub, just showers…no problem BUT their pools are SO cold and there is not one hot tub to be found. The most exasperating fact was the restaurant situation. They boast they have a ton of restaurants, but the reality is that when we went to eat, most were closed or exclusive. SO glad we didn’t pay to do the all-inclusive because it gets old eating at the only two restaurants that seemed to be open (Salum=high-priced bar food and Del Lago=breakfast and dinner buffets). The last night we ate again at Salum (only place open at 6:45pm) and hubby ordered wings. Our tacos came fast and we were done eating by the time his wings came…just wait, the shiz that happened is still unbelievable to me. When his order came his eyes popped open because the order seemed LARGE and he asked the waiter two times if it was really just one order? He was assured both times “just one.” After hubby had boxed up his leftovers we checked the bill. SNAP!!! They had charged TWO order of wings ($20/order for wings…seriously $20 for 10 wings!!! Then to get charged twice)!!! Wait for it…the waiter said he would credit us the 2nd charge. We said ok. He came back a few minutes later and said he needed the leftover wings back!!! WHAT?!!!! Hubby hadn’t even finished the first order and had slobbered all over all of them as he put them in the “to go boxes!” I asked if he would really take them back during COVID?! Waiter said ok and left to finalize whatever on his end. When he came back he said he needed 5 of the wings back!!! He made us choose. WTH?! We were so “piss-i-fied” (yes this is a term we use in our family when you are pissed and mystified at the same time) that we gave him back 5 of those wings! I literally am still shocked this happened!!! I have so much more to warn people about this resort. If you want to sit in front of a cold pool that you never get into and over pay for everything, then this is the resort for you.
Mayan Palace at Vidanta Riviera Maya - 5 Nights #DH24 - отзыв
02 декабря 2021
Limon y Sal restaurant
Limon y Sal restaurant has amazing bad food for a high end restaurant. Not only did the food taste bad but it wasn’t cooked properly and the things that you were supposed to get according to the menu was not what we got. Would not recommend this restaurant to anyone. Limon y Sal restaurant has amazing bad food for a high end restaurant. Not only did the food taste bad but it wasn’t cooked properly and the things that you were supposed to get according to the menu was not what we got. Would not recommend this restaurant to anyone.