Hard Rock Htl & Casino P.Cana Presidential #D048
Доминиканская Республика

Hard Rock Htl & Casino P.Cana Presidential #D048

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Hard Rock Htl & Casino P.Cana Presidential #D048 - отзыв
06 ноября 2021
Отдыхали в Доминикане 6 -й раз. В этот раз выбор остановили на отеле Hard Rosk. Впечатление не однозначное. Из плюсов можно отметить ухоженную территорию, оперативное реагирование персонала на просьбы, хороший клининг, вариативность активностей. К минусам можно отнести: пополнение минибара только, когда об этом напомнишь, и то-только водой, однообразную кухню с минимальным количеством морепродуктов, отсутствие фруктов на ужин, очень не ухоженнаю зону лобби: для отеля в 1700 номеров -несколько столиков в зоне лобби отсутствие столиков в кафе мороженое ( при том что много посетителей с детьми), отсутствие чайных пар для подачи кофе в баре лобби, отсутствие бумажных салфеток и зубочисток не допустимо. Согласитесь, что не совсем приятно пить кофе из бумажных стаканчиков, находясь на отдыхе в дорогостоящем отеле, претендующем на признание. Это же не автозаправка! Весь главный корпус напоминает Мегу "Белая дача", только та в более позитианых тонах. Выбор алкоголя тоже минимален. Не знаем о ситуации в отеле Барсело Палас Де Люкс, но, в допондемийном варианте , Hard Rock до него далеко не дотягивает. Что какается пляжа, то он прекрасен, за исключением момента, что постоянно штормит океан и , поэтому, не всегда можно купаться в океане. Наш вывод- не стоит отель перелета 12 часов и затрат на него. Еше один нюанс: для отдыха в этом отеле крайне важно знание языков:английского или испанского. Хорошего всем отдыха и настроения. Будьте внимательны к деталям при выборе отеля, дабы не омрачить отдых! Отдыхали в Доминикане 6 -й раз. В этот раз выбор остановили на отеле Hard Rosk. Впечатление не однозначное. Из плюсов можно отметить ухоженную территорию, оперативное реагирование персонала на просьбы, хороший клининг, вариативность активностей. К минусам можно отнести: пополнение минибара только, когда об этом напомнишь, и то-только водой, однообразную кухню с минимальным количеством морепродуктов, отсутствие фруктов на ужин, очень не ухоженнаю зону лобби: для отеля в 1700 номеров -несколько столиков в зоне лобби отсутствие столиков в кафе мороженое ( при том что много посетителей с детьми), отсутствие чайных пар для подачи кофе в баре лобби, отсутствие бумажных салфеток и зубочисток не допустимо. Согласитесь, что не совсем приятно пить кофе из бумажных стаканчиков, находясь на отдыхе в дорогостоящем отеле, претендующем на признание. Это же не автозаправка! Весь главный корпус напоминает Мегу "Белая дача", только та в более позитианых тонах. Выбор алкоголя тоже минимален. Не знаем о ситуации в отеле Барсело Палас Де Люкс, но, в допондемийном варианте , Hard Rock до него далеко не дотягивает. Что какается пляжа, то он прекрасен, за исключением момента, что постоянно штормит океан и , поэтому, не всегда можно купаться в океане. Наш вывод- не стоит отель перелета 12 часов и затрат на него. Еше один нюанс: для отдыха в этом отеле крайне важно знание языков:английского или испанского. Хорошего всем отдыха и настроения. Будьте внимательны к деталям при выборе отеля, дабы не омрачить отдых!
Hard Rock Htl & Casino P.Cana Presidential #D048 - отзыв
19 октября 2021
Hard rock совсем не тот
Нахожусь в данном отеле в настоящий момент. Недостатки:обветшалая мебель, однообразная еда без морепродуктов , каждый день одно и тоже и выбор минимальный , одни и теже салаты, нет супов, фрукты только на завтрак. Проснувшись утром , обнаружила что меня покусали какие-то мелкие твари ( возможно клещи) так как подушки и одеяла старые. Алкоголь вообще никакой. Я жалею что отдела 330 тысяч это не 5 звёзд , а 3 . Добраться до номера целое событие так как территория огромная. Нет той атмосферы за которой мы приехали. Не советую. Замирить главного менеджера срочно и поменять концепцию с питанием. Нахожусь в данном отеле в настоящий момент. Недостатки:обветшалая мебель, однообразная еда без морепродуктов , каждый день одно и тоже и выбор минимальный , одни и теже салаты, нет супов, фрукты только на завтрак. Проснувшись утром , обнаружила что меня покусали какие-то мелкие твари ( возможно клещи) так как подушки и одеяла старые. Алкоголь вообще никакой. Я жалею что отдела 330 тысяч это не 5 звёзд , а 3 . Добраться до номера целое событие так как территория огромная. Нет той атмосферы за которой мы приехали. Не советую. Замирить главного менеджера срочно и поменять концепцию с питанием.
Hard Rock Htl & Casino P.Cana Presidential #D048 - отзыв
07 октября 2021
Это худший отдых в моей жизни.
В номерах нет зубных щёток, мелочь но это отель 5* Еда это кошмар, только фастфуд, не супов не овощей, фруктов два вида, рыбы нет, мясо курица гриль, все жирное и ужасное. Отдыхать в таком отели и быть голодной это ужас, но питаться тем что тут есть можно 2-4 дня В номерах нет зубных щёток, мелочь но это отель 5* Еда это кошмар, только фастфуд, не супов не овощей, фруктов два вида, рыбы нет, мясо курица гриль, все жирное и ужасное. Отдыхать в таком отели и быть голодной это ужас, но питаться тем что тут есть можно 2-4 дня
Hard Rock Htl & Casino P.Cana Presidential #D048 - отзыв
18 апреля 2021
Юля И
Лучший отель и сервис !!!
Здравствуйте. Сейчас отдыхаем в хард роке , уже здесь второй раз. Отель супер классный, обслуживание на высоте !!! Очень вкусная еда в ресторанах , и активная программа как днём так и вечером !!!! Хотим отдельно поблагодарить Светлану и менеджера, которая помогла решить маленькую проблему. И огромное спасибо нашему батлеру Алгелис , который исполнял все наши желания Здравствуйте. Сейчас отдыхаем в хард роке , уже здесь второй раз. Отель супер классный, обслуживание на высоте !!! Очень вкусная еда в ресторанах , и активная программа как днём так и вечером !!!! Хотим отдельно поблагодарить Светлану и менеджера, которая помогла решить маленькую проблему. И огромное спасибо нашему батлеру Алгелис , который исполнял все наши желания
Hard Rock Htl & Casino P.Cana Presidential #D048 - отзыв
23 февраля 2021
Лучшее казино в Доминикане
Приятная атмосфера. Живая музыка. Интересное шоу программа. Вкусное вино, интересные коктейли. Внимательный персонал. Прошлись по всем аппаратам. С выигрышем довольные и счастливые отправились встречать рассвет Приятная атмосфера. Живая музыка. Интересное шоу программа. Вкусное вино, интересные коктейли. Внимательный персонал. Прошлись по всем аппаратам. С выигрышем довольные и счастливые отправились встречать рассвет
Hard Rock Htl & Casino P.Cana Presidential #D048 - отзыв
09 декабря 2021
The service was exceptional the people were so accommodating and friendly Will definitely be back Carlos candy was very personal and Looking forward to returning and seeing him next year friendly The Dominican people are the most beautiful and friendly people in the world The service was exceptional the people were so accommodating and friendly Will definitely be back Carlos candy was very personal and Looking forward to returning and seeing him next year friendly The Dominican people are the most beautiful and friendly people in the world
Hard Rock Htl & Casino P.Cana Presidential #D048 - отзыв
09 декабря 2021
Celebrating a friends birthday!!
We had a great time. The property was very nice, there were a lot of different pools to choose from and the food was pretty good. Lots of variety. Have to give a shout out to our wonderful personal assistant Benny on taking great care of us the whole week. Also, Nelson at the towel bar and Gustavo at The Market!!! We had a great time. The property was very nice, there were a lot of different pools to choose from and the food was pretty good. Lots of variety. Have to give a shout out to our wonderful personal assistant Benny on taking great care of us the whole week. Also, Nelson at the towel bar and Gustavo at The Market!!!
Hard Rock Htl & Casino P.Cana Presidential #D048 - отзыв
09 декабря 2021
Amazing place!
We just traveled here with over 100 people for our son’s wedding and we’re so happy with everything! Our butlers Carlos Jimenez and Algelis Rivera were superb, Daniela at the Moon pool was fabulous and Tamar and Elemesta at the reception went above and beyond! We just traveled here with over 100 people for our son’s wedding and we’re so happy with everything! Our butlers Carlos Jimenez and Algelis Rivera were superb, Daniela at the Moon pool was fabulous and Tamar and Elemesta at the reception went above and beyond!
Hard Rock Htl & Casino P.Cana Presidential #D048 - отзыв
08 декабря 2021
Frank G
I'll keep you people posted if they fix this problem.
Hi everyone, just got here today the 8th of December. Paid for a 2 bedroom family suite. Have 2 bedrooms but ONLY 1 BED. They said they would rectify the problem. Well I'll let you know. So far have the family is sleeping on a pull out couch. Stay tuned for review update tomorrow. Hi everyone, just got here today the 8th of December. Paid for a 2 bedroom family suite. Have 2 bedrooms but ONLY 1 BED. They said they would rectify the problem. Well I'll let you know. So far have the family is sleeping on a pull out couch. Stay tuned for review update tomorrow.
Hard Rock Htl & Casino P.Cana Presidential #D048 - отзыв
08 декабря 2021
Mixed thoughts at Hard Rock- improvements necessary!
Went to Hard Rock Punta Cana with my significant other, brother and sister in law. Stayed for 7 days, 6 nights in the Caribbean Suite. HIGHLY recommend private travel scheduled from the airport to the hotel & vice-versa at the end of the stay. We booked private transportation with Amstar and they were fabulous to work with. The company was very organized, and my vehicle was ready promptly for both services. Drivers speak minimal english, but enough to get you back/forth from resort to airport. If you do not arrange transport, you will have to self serve yourself with a cab service which seemed overwhelming at the airport. The hotel itself was beautiful. The main lobby was very inviting, staff were friendly to get you checked in. Getting checked in went ok- however the language barrier at this hotel is EXTREME. We were told that no Spanish was necessary, however this is NOT the case. It was extremely difficult to understand the staff at checkin, room service, scheduling excursions, COVID testing setup, restaurants, etc. Know basic Spanish before entering this resort. We stayed in the Caribbean Suite which was spacious and beautiful. The views from our balcony were very nice. The bed/pillows were very comfortable, sheets changed daily. The bathroom and shower were very spacious. I do wish there was more attention to detail in terms of cleanliness. For example; the jetspa in our room was very convenient, but dirty! I cleaned it myself as best as I could before using it. The shower also had many areas that were not cleaned, as well as some mold visible on the ceiling. The bath towels used after showering were also disgusting. One of our towels looked like someone had blown their nose in it, and another was ripped completely down the middle. Although we are aware that repairs are going on at the hotel, one concerning thing we noticed is how much the ceiling leaked when it rained! It would continue to drip for days after the rain. Mosquitos love to enter the rooms in the resort. Open/close doors to the outside quickly or you will be eaten alive all night! My group decided to rent a golf cart while on the resort in order to get from our room/main hotel to the pools and beach. This was the best use of our money! So convenient as we were able to get anywhere at anytime! Highly recommend. Food- was decent for an all-inclusive however I have definitely had better. We went to many of the restaurants in the resort which were great and we had great service at all. Our favorites were the pizza, Italian, Mexican and the bistro! The market is a great buffet, however it is always busy and the waits are long in lines. The people working at the buffet counter did not understand much English, if any, which is frustrating when trying to order food. We really struggled to enjoy Breakfast at the resort after the first couple days. They could consider adding more breakfast options in this resort. The food at the pool was some of our favorite! They also have a food truck near the beach that is great! Highly recommend burgers while at the pool. We ordered room service one night- which had a few options. However the wait on the phone was CRAZY long- 40 minutes! Our food was good and came up faster than expected. Speaking of pools and the beach- WOW. Absolutely beautiful. The resort has a TON of pools located in different locations. With how big the resort is, I figured the pools would be packed but we had no issues and could always find a chair. The bars at the pool are great and the staff that retrieve drinks are amazing. Very friendly. I do wish there were some pools open later, possibly for night swimming. The pools all close at 6pm. The beach was my favorite place to be. The ocean is beautiful and very clean. The cabana's are beautiful and the ocean has many opportunities for pictures. The only complaint at the beach is the vendors that consistency approach you to buy items- beware of vendors trying to sell drugs, and the individuals with the monkey/parrot. Very greedy and suspicious. However, this occurs at many beaches and we learned to go about our own thing. Excursions- we did not do any excursions while on this trip simply because nothing caught our eye. We love to jetski, however this was not an option during our stay. We had some resort credits and decided to splurge on a couples massage- it was the best massage I have ever had! The workers in the spa were friendly. Scheduling the massage and getting assigned to a masseuse is another story, again the language barrier is very difficult. However, the massage was the best part of my stay! Wonderful. Night life- SEVERELY poor. After 6pm, there is nothing to do except have dinner. The club was closed for the entirety of our stay which was a huge downfall. There is a bowling bar and another small lounge to have cocktails in, however they are extremely over crowded because everyone is in there. There is a theatre located on one side of the resort that has music/dancing performances. Cheesy, but something to do for an hour. No beach parties, nothing! Hugely disappointed in this aspect of the resort. Casino- we are not huge gamblers, but did enjoy one night in the casino. You must have a casino card before gambling in the event you win some cash. the casino is HUGE and offers a wide variety of different games. Some of the areas in the casino serve drinks that are not included in the 'all inclusive' package. Many televisions in this area to watch sports- however we had to pay just to get a game on the TV. COVID- the resort "required" masks throughout the interior, however it wasn't really enforced. Sometimes people would hand out masks, but majority of the time we were fine without one. Scheduling our COVID test was another experience- finding the responsible party for scheduling is difficult- I think we spoke to 5 people trying to determine who to speak with. We are from the USA and they were unsure of what COVID test we needed in order to return to the USA. During our stay, the COVID protocol was changed in the USA so we had to reschedule. The staff here at the resort were confused, and could not confirm any changes. The line to get the test was extremely long. We got our results within seconds of leaving the testing center, which was suspicious but it is what it is. Many documents were required to enter the Dominican (E-ticket) and to return to the USA which was confusing and I was never confident I had everything completed. With our lovely travel agent, we confirmed everything was completed. Overall, we enjoyed our stay at the Hard Rock, the pools and beach are beautiful, the views are magnificent and we thoroughly enjoyed the spa! However, this resort has a lot of work to do before I would consider coming back. The food, cleanliness, and language discrepancies were very frustrating. Went to Hard Rock Punta Cana with my significant other, brother and sister in law. Stayed for 7 days, 6 nights in the Caribbean Suite. HIGHLY recommend private travel scheduled from the airport to the hotel & vice-versa at the end of the stay. We booked private transportation with Amstar and they were fabulous to work with. The company was very organized, and my vehicle was ready promptly for both services. Drivers speak minimal english, but enough to get you back/forth from resort to airport. If you do not arrange transport, you will have to self serve yourself with a cab service which seemed overwhelming at the airport. The hotel itself was beautiful. The main lobby was very inviting, staff were friendly to get you checked in. Getting checked in went ok- however the language barrier at this hotel is EXTREME. We were told that no Spanish was necessary, however this is NOT the case. It was extremely difficult to understand the staff at checkin, room service, scheduling excursions, COVID testing setup, restaurants, etc. Know basic Spanish before entering this resort. We stayed in the Caribbean Suite which was spacious and beautiful. The views from our balcony were very nice. The bed/pillows were very comfortable, sheets changed daily. The bathroom and shower were very spacious. I do wish there was more attention to detail in terms of cleanliness. For example; the jetspa in our room was very convenient, but dirty! I cleaned it myself as best as I could before using it. The shower also had many areas that were not cleaned, as well as some mold visible on the ceiling. The bath towels used after showering were also disgusting. One of our towels looked like someone had blown their nose in it, and another was ripped completely down the middle. Although we are aware that repairs are going on at the hotel, one concerning thing we noticed is how much the ceiling leaked when it rained! It would continue to drip for days after the rain. Mosquitos love to enter the rooms in the resort. Open/close doors to the outside quickly or you will be eaten alive all night! My group decided to rent a golf cart while on the resort in order to get from our room/main hotel to the pools and beach. This was the best use of our money! So convenient as we were able to get anywhere at anytime! Highly recommend. Food- was decent for an all-inclusive however I have definitely had better. We went to many of the restaurants in the resort which were great and we had great service at all. Our favorites were the pizza, Italian, Mexican and the bistro! The market is a great buffet, however it is always busy and the waits are long in lines. The people working at the buffet counter did not understand much English, if any, which is frustrating when trying to order food. We really struggled to enjoy Breakfast at the resort after the first couple days. They could consider adding more breakfast options in this resort. The food at the pool was some of our favorite! They also have a food truck near the beach that is great! Highly recommend burgers while at the pool. We ordered room service one night- which had a few options. However the wait on the phone was CRAZY long- 40 minutes! Our food was good and came up faster than expected. Speaking of pools and the beach- WOW. Absolutely beautiful. The resort has a TON of pools located in different locations. With how big the resort is, I figured the pools would be packed but we had no issues and could always find a chair. The bars at the pool are great and the staff that retrieve drinks are amazing. Very friendly. I do wish there were some pools open later, possibly for night swimming. The pools all close at 6pm. The beach was my favorite place to be. The ocean is beautiful and very clean. The cabana's are beautiful and the ocean has many opportunities for pictures. The only complaint at the beach is the vendors that consistency approach you to buy items- beware of vendors trying to sell drugs, and the individuals with the monkey/parrot. Very greedy and suspicious. However, this occurs at many beaches and we learned to go about our own thing. Excursions- we did not do any excursions while on this trip simply because nothing caught our eye. We love to jetski, however this was not an option during our stay. We had some resort credits and decided to splurge on a couples massage- it was the best massage I have ever had! The workers in the spa were friendly. Scheduling the massage and getting assigned to a masseuse is another story, again the language barrier is very difficult. However, the massage was the best part of my stay! Wonderful. Night life- SEVERELY poor. After 6pm, there is nothing to do except have dinner. The club was closed for the entirety of our stay which was a huge downfall. There is a bowling bar and another small lounge to have cocktails in, however they are extremely over crowded because everyone is in there. There is a theatre located on one side of the resort that has music/dancing performances. Cheesy, but something to do for an hour. No beach parties, nothing! Hugely disappointed in this aspect of the resort. Casino- we are not huge gamblers, but did enjoy one night in the casino. You must have a casino card before gambling in the event you win some cash. the casino is HUGE and offers a wide variety of different games. Some of the areas in the casino serve drinks that are not included in the 'all inclusive' package. Many televisions in this area to watch sports- however we had to pay just to get a game on the TV. COVID- the resort "required" masks throughout the interior, however it wasn't really enforced. Sometimes people would hand out masks, but majority of the time we were fine without one. Scheduling our COVID test was another experience- finding the responsible party for scheduling is difficult- I think we spoke to 5 people trying to determine who to speak with. We are from the USA and they were unsure of what COVID test we needed in order to return to the USA. During our stay, the COVID protocol was changed in the USA so we had to reschedule. The staff here at the resort were confused, and could not confirm any changes. The line to get the test was extremely long. We got our results within seconds of leaving the testing center, which was suspicious but it is what it is. Many documents were required to enter the Dominican (E-ticket) and to return to the USA which was confusing and I was never confident I had everything completed. With our lovely travel agent, we confirmed everything was completed. Overall, we enjoyed our stay at the Hard Rock, the pools and beach are beautiful, the views are magnificent and we thoroughly enjoyed the spa! However, this resort has a lot of work to do before I would consider coming back. The food, cleanliness, and language discrepancies were very frustrating.