Vacation Internationale Windjammer Resort & Beach Club #A839

Vacation Internationale Windjammer Resort & Beach Club #A839

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Vacation Internationale Windjammer Resort & Beach Club #A839 - отзыв
28 июня 2016
Райское место для отдыха!
Мы отдыхали в отеле с 15 по 23 июня 2016 года. Вежливый и очень доброжелательный персонал. Чистота. Номера убирают каждый день. Можно бесплатно взять на время отдыха зонтики и стулья для пляжа. Отель прекрасно расположен, можно сказать, стоит на пляже. Чистейшая, теплая вода и белый песок. Температура воды была около 27-28 градусов. Поблизости находится коралловый риф, желающие могут заняться дайвингом. Мы жили впятером в двухэтажных апартаментах с персональным лифтом! В номере есть все необходимое, кухня прекрасно оборудована. Можно готовить самим, но мы ходили в рестораны, которых поблизости очень много (5 мин.пешком) Есть два открытых бассейна, оборудованная площадка для барбекю, веранда со стульями и столиками. Очень приятная атмосфера. Город - праздник, особенно по выходным. Очень рекомендую отдохнуть в этом отеле! Мы отдыхали в отеле с 15 по 23 июня 2016 года. Вежливый и очень доброжелательный персонал. Чистота. Номера убирают каждый день. Можно бесплатно взять на время отдыха зонтики и стулья для пляжа. Отель прекрасно расположен, можно сказать, стоит на пляже. Чистейшая, теплая вода и белый песок. Температура воды была около 27-28 градусов. Поблизости находится коралловый риф, желающие могут заняться дайвингом. Мы жили впятером в двухэтажных апартаментах с персональным лифтом! В номере есть все необходимое, кухня прекрасно оборудована. Можно готовить самим, но мы ходили в рестораны, которых поблизости очень много (5 мин.пешком) Есть два открытых бассейна, оборудованная площадка для барбекю, веранда со стульями и столиками. Очень приятная атмосфера. Город - праздник, особенно по выходным. Очень рекомендую отдохнуть в этом отеле!
Vacation Internationale Windjammer Resort & Beach Club #A839 - отзыв
28 июня 2016
Отель супер
Очень классный отель, по соотношению цена и качество. У нас был двухэтажный номер (2 и 3 этажи) оба этажа соединяет свой лифт, на втором этаже было две спальни, ванная комната и выход на открытую веранду с большим круглым столом и стульчиками, на третьем этаже была гостиная с большим кожаным раскладывающимся диваном, кожаным креслом и кухней. На кухне было все и даже больше, посуда, посудомоечная машина, соль, сковородки, кастрюли и куча всего для удобного проживания. Микроволновка, кофемашина, тостер. Очень порадовала приветственная корзина, где было очень вкусное вино. Большой кухонный уголок рядом с кухней а также на третьем этаже была большая ванная комната. Было очень уютно, много всяких мелочей - вазочек, свечек, фонарик для улицы, все продуманно для мелочей. Убирались каждый день, очень чисто. Море в двух шагах. У бассейна можно взять стульчики бесплатно, на ресепшн очень отзывчивая Шайниз выдает зонтики. Вообще очень порадовал персонал - просили поздний выезд, они нам сами позвонили в номер и разрешили остаться до позднего вечера, до отлета самолета. спасибо большое очень приятно, когда тебе идут на встречу и еще по собственной инициативе. Вообщем это лучшее соотношение цена и качество. Если сильно придираться, то в один прекрасный день после уборки пропало мое масло для волос, но думаю уборщица случайно его смахнула и оно либо разбилось, либо упало в мусорку (очень маленький тюбик), поэтому ничего страшного. Убирались очень хорош и хоть мы каждый раз оставляли чаевые, они их упорно не брали. Очень классный отель, по соотношению цена и качество. У нас был двухэтажный номер (2 и 3 этажи) оба этажа соединяет свой лифт, на втором этаже было две спальни, ванная комната и выход на открытую веранду с большим круглым столом и стульчиками, на третьем этаже была гостиная с большим кожаным раскладывающимся диваном, кожаным креслом и кухней. На кухне было все и даже больше, посуда, посудомоечная машина, соль, сковородки, кастрюли и куча всего для удобного проживания. Микроволновка, кофемашина, тостер. Очень порадовала приветственная корзина, где было очень вкусное вино. Большой кухонный уголок рядом с кухней а также на третьем этаже была большая ванная комната. Было очень уютно, много всяких мелочей - вазочек, свечек, фонарик для улицы, все продуманно для мелочей. Убирались каждый день, очень чисто. Море в двух шагах. У бассейна можно взять стульчики бесплатно, на ресепшн очень отзывчивая Шайниз выдает зонтики. Вообще очень порадовал персонал - просили поздний выезд, они нам сами позвонили в номер и разрешили остаться до позднего вечера, до отлета самолета. спасибо большое очень приятно, когда тебе идут на встречу и еще по собственной инициативе. Вообщем это лучшее соотношение цена и качество. Если сильно придираться, то в один прекрасный день после уборки пропало мое масло для волос, но думаю уборщица случайно его смахнула и оно либо разбилось, либо упало в мусорку (очень маленький тюбик), поэтому ничего страшного. Убирались очень хорош и хоть мы каждый раз оставляли чаевые, они их упорно не брали.
Vacation Internationale Windjammer Resort & Beach Club #A839 - отзыв
10 октября 2021
Great Stay
The staff (front desk and both of the cleaning persons with whom we interacted) were awesome and helpful. We felt comfortable, safe, and like the luckiest people in the world to be staying right on this beach. We were visiting from out of town but are about to move down to the area and plan on coming here for staycation to shore dive. You are right at the Daytura entrance to the beach. There is reef right offshore so it is great for swimming, snorkeling, and SCUBA. The kitchen was lovely. There is a propane grill by the pool and it was easy to use. There were plenty of towels. The AC units were in our own room so we could control them. It is a very short walk to where all of the restaurants are at El Mar Dr. and Commercial Ave. The staff (front desk and both of the cleaning persons with whom we interacted) were awesome and helpful. We felt comfortable, safe, and like the luckiest people in the world to be staying right on this beach. We were visiting from out of town but are about to move down to the area and plan on coming here for staycation to shore dive. You are right at the Daytura entrance to the beach. There is reef right offshore so it is great for swimming, snorkeling, and SCUBA. The kitchen was lovely. There is a propane grill by the pool and it was easy to use. There were plenty of towels. The AC units were in our own room so we could control them. It is a very short walk to where all of the restaurants are at El Mar Dr. and Commercial Ave.
Vacation Internationale Windjammer Resort & Beach Club #A839 - отзыв
02 сентября 2021
WARNING! Walked out.. Did not stay. You don't always get what you paid for!
My husband and I reserved the studio. We walked in the room and looked around and both said we weren't staying here. Okay to give you a visual of this place. You walk in the room. You see a small kitchen to the left and straight on to the right a bed. There was maybe 3 feet of space on each side of the bed. There was a walkway from the door straight on to the bathroom that was again maybe 3 feet if that. There was a dresser if you could call it that under the TV that could probably fit our underwear and socks for the week. Forget about putting in shirt or something. There was a closet that had a vacuum and a luggage rack. It was so small that the luggage rack was folded up and had to be set in diagonally. So maybe you are wondering well where did you put your clothes and suitcase? Even if we stayed here we would've had to live out of our car. There was absolutely nowhere to set your suitcase and even if you wanted to put your clothes in the dresser it was too small. So basically our only choice would be to keep the suitcases in our car and when we wanted clothes to hop down to the parking lot and get them. I have never stayed in a place and I've been to some pretty crappy motel rooms during my younger years that I was unable to out my suitcase anywhere. Now when you look at the studio pics on the website that is not what this room looked like. You click on the learn more link under the studio and that is absolutely not what these rooms looked like. We have rented many studios before off of vrbo and they were really nice and what a studio should be. We went to the front desk I asked if they had any bigger rooms and for an extra 600 dollars we could have the choice between 2 bedrooms that weren't pool side nor beachside but they were indeed parking lot side. So picture going outside of your nice vacation spot and sitting at the lovely patio table and chairs and looking straight across to your car. I told the guy I am not staying in the parking lot. Anyway we walked 2 doors down and booked at a resort that was fantastic. I then realized that I left my shoes at the windjammer. I called the front desk he said he would let me know if they were turned in. I also walked in the next day and asked about my shoes. Again was told they were never turned in. Also called again later that day. Anyway you get the point. The Windjammer says they don't give refunds. There were a couple of reasons I fought for my money back. We paid half before we got there. Then paid the other half checking in. We definitely should've received the half back when we checked in because we stayed in the room 3.5 seconds. I thought we should get the 1st half because of false advertisement. So when I called the desk and told him I thought this was the case he said he talked to the manager "Donald " and he said they will refund the 2nd half. I said what about the 1st. He said no. Well I said I didn't like that answer. Again told him why and also added when I write my review on this place for false advertising I will be sure to put in that your housekeeping steals. He said I can assure you that our housekeeper doesn't steal. I said well you told me if something is found in the room housekeeping turns it in to you. So either they stole them or you did because I know I left them right next to the bed when you walk in and the room is so small it can't be missed. Not more than 5 minutes later I receive a phone call back saying my shoes were at the front desk and I can come down and get them. I said well isn't that convenient. So I trotted the 2 doors down to get my shoes and good old Donald was walking in. So he asked me to come to his office. I explained everything on why I should get my deposit back with all of the reasons above. He said no you can't have it. So thanks buddy I hope you got a couple of great dinners out of it. When we came out of his office he was actually more pissed about the shoe issue talking to the desk guy and not understanding why they weren't returned to me. I left while they were talking and strolled down 2 doors to have a great vacation minus all of that nonsense. So just a friendly warning. If you are staying here make sure you get exact placement of your room and accurate descriptions. Because you could be staying in a closet or a parking lot and there were some really crappy other spots to be staying as well. You're safest with right poolside or oceanfront. My husband and I reserved the studio. We walked in the room and looked around and both said we weren't staying here. Okay to give you a visual of this place. You walk in the room. You see a small kitchen to the left and straight on to the right a bed. There was maybe 3 feet of space on each side of the bed. There was a walkway from the door straight on to the bathroom that was again maybe 3 feet if that. There was a dresser if you could call it that under the TV that could probably fit our underwear and socks for the week. Forget about putting in shirt or something. There was a closet that had a vacuum and a luggage rack. It was so small that the luggage rack was folded up and had to be set in diagonally. So maybe you are wondering well where did you put your clothes and suitcase? Even if we stayed here we would've had to live out of our car. There was absolutely nowhere to set your suitcase and even if you wanted to put your clothes in the dresser it was too small. So basically our only choice would be to keep the suitcases in our car and when we wanted clothes to hop down to the parking lot and get them. I have never stayed in a place and I've been to some pretty crappy motel rooms during my younger years that I was unable to out my suitcase anywhere. Now when you look at the studio pics on the website that is not what this room looked like. You click on the learn more link under the studio and that is absolutely not what these rooms looked like. We have rented many studios before off of vrbo and they were really nice and what a studio should be. We went to the front desk I asked if they had any bigger rooms and for an extra 600 dollars we could have the choice between 2 bedrooms that weren't pool side nor beachside but they were indeed parking lot side. So picture going outside of your nice vacation spot and sitting at the lovely patio table and chairs and looking straight across to your car. I told the guy I am not staying in the parking lot. Anyway we walked 2 doors down and booked at a resort that was fantastic. I then realized that I left my shoes at the windjammer. I called the front desk he said he would let me know if they were turned in. I also walked in the next day and asked about my shoes. Again was told they were never turned in. Also called again later that day. Anyway you get the point. The Windjammer says they don't give refunds. There were a couple of reasons I fought for my money back. We paid half before we got there. Then paid the other half checking in. We definitely should've received the half back when we checked in because we stayed in the room 3.5 seconds. I thought we should get the 1st half because of false advertisement. So when I called the desk and told him I thought this was the case he said he talked to the manager "Donald " and he said they will refund the 2nd half. I said what about the 1st. He said no. Well I said I didn't like that answer. Again told him why and also added when I write my review on this place for false advertising I will be sure to put in that your housekeeping steals. He said I can assure you that our housekeeper doesn't steal. I said well you told me if something is found in the room housekeeping turns it in to you. So either they stole them or you did because I know I left them right next to the bed when you walk in and the room is so small it can't be missed. Not more than 5 minutes later I receive a phone call back saying my shoes were at the front desk and I can come down and get them. I said well isn't that convenient. So I trotted the 2 doors down to get my shoes and good old Donald was walking in. So he asked me to come to his office. I explained everything on why I should get my deposit back with all of the reasons above. He said no you can't have it. So thanks buddy I hope you got a couple of great dinners out of it. When we came out of his office he was actually more pissed about the shoe issue talking to the desk guy and not understanding why they weren't returned to me. I left while they were talking and strolled down 2 doors to have a great vacation minus all of that nonsense. So just a friendly warning. If you are staying here make sure you get exact placement of your room and accurate descriptions. Because you could be staying in a closet or a parking lot and there were some really crappy other spots to be staying as well. You're safest with right poolside or oceanfront.
Vacation Internationale Windjammer Resort & Beach Club #A839 - отзыв
03 июня 2021
Excellent Location! Close to beach/pool! Very clean!
We really enjoyed our stay here. Great little unit in a smaller resort. Close enough to walk to several restaurants. Right on the beach, very close to pool. Excellent customer service. Excellent cleaning service. We really enjoyed our stay here. Great little unit in a smaller resort. Close enough to walk to several restaurants. Right on the beach, very close to pool. Excellent customer service. Excellent cleaning service.
Vacation Internationale Windjammer Resort & Beach Club #A839 - отзыв
26 мая 2021
Convenient location but will not stay again
The location is very convenient, a close walk to restaurants, bars and Walgreens. We paid for an “ocean view” room however the ocean view was a small window to the side of the beach. It was not a direct ocean view. The first night we arrived there was loud music playing until 2am, we thought there may have been live entertainment outside by the pool, because it was THAT LOUD. We placed the sign on our door for our room to be serviced and the bed didn’t get made, nothing cleaned etc., we were only given new towels, which wasn’t a big deal for us but to others it could be. The final straw for us was on Sunday when they resort does a “wash down” and sprays down the walk ways, the water leaked into our locked room and flooded our room. Our bags and anything we had on the floor got soaked. Again, location is convenient and staff are friendly but if you are looking for a relaxing weekend away I would not recommend this hotel. The location is very convenient, a close walk to restaurants, bars and Walgreens. We paid for an “ocean view” room however the ocean view was a small window to the side of the beach. It was not a direct ocean view. The first night we arrived there was loud music playing until 2am, we thought there may have been live entertainment outside by the pool, because it was THAT LOUD. We placed the sign on our door for our room to be serviced and the bed didn’t get made, nothing cleaned etc., we were only given new towels, which wasn’t a big deal for us but to others it could be. The final straw for us was on Sunday when they resort does a “wash down” and sprays down the walk ways, the water leaked into our locked room and flooded our room. Our bags and anything we had on the floor got soaked. Again, location is convenient and staff are friendly but if you are looking for a relaxing weekend away I would not recommend this hotel.
Vacation Internationale Windjammer Resort & Beach Club #A839 - отзыв
25 апреля 2021
Best location!
Love everything about this resort! The location is perfect and a close walk to Commercial Ave. where all the action is located. You really don't need a car unless you want to explore the Ft. Lauderdale area. The free bus was great for a trip to Publix for some groceries. The only negative thing is the bathroom is located in the bedroom. Love everything about this resort! The location is perfect and a close walk to Commercial Ave. where all the action is located. You really don't need a car unless you want to explore the Ft. Lauderdale area. The free bus was great for a trip to Publix for some groceries. The only negative thing is the bathroom is located in the bedroom.