Sapphire Resorts @ Jockey Club #7837

Sapphire Resorts @ Jockey Club #7837

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Sapphire Resorts @ Jockey Club #7837 - отзыв
22 октября 2019
Для своей категории норм
Нас было три взрослых и двое детей. Искали место, которое было бы побюджетнее но в центре города. Выбор пал на это заведение. Остановились на одну ночь без еды. В целом все понравилось. Взяли двухкомнатный номер. Была просторная, практически квартира, с двумя ванными комнатами, гардеробной и кухней (были кастрюли, сковородки и вся необходимая посуда). Правда дизайн комнаты был довольно странноватый Нас было три взрослых и двое детей. Искали место, которое было бы побюджетнее но в центре города. Выбор пал на это заведение. Остановились на одну ночь без еды. В целом все понравилось. Взяли двухкомнатный номер. Была просторная, практически квартира, с двумя ванными комнатами, гардеробной и кухней (были кастрюли, сковородки и вся необходимая посуда). Правда дизайн комнаты был довольно странноватый
Sapphire Resorts @ Jockey Club #7837 - отзыв
09 сентября 2019
Центр Лас Вегаса за разумные деньги
Нам повезло: 60 кв м номер с окнами на Фонтан Беладжио всего за $129 за ночь. Лучшего не пожелать. Из минусов - отель притаился между большими молодыми братьями и его не сразу заметно. Почту отнесли в Космополитан, так я её и не нашёл. Остальное - perfect, включая собственный паркинг. Рекомендую. Нам повезло: 60 кв м номер с окнами на Фонтан Беладжио всего за $129 за ночь. Лучшего не пожелать. Из минусов - отель притаился между большими молодыми братьями и его не сразу заметно. Почту отнесли в Космополитан, так я её и не нашёл. Остальное - perfect, включая собственный паркинг. Рекомендую.
Sapphire Resorts @ Jockey Club #7837 - отзыв
26 марта 2019
Самый плохой отель в США!
Если вы хотите остановится в номере с видом на грохочущий промышленный кондиционер или, чтоб в вашем номере в ванной комнате были чужие волосы, или, чтоб в час ночи вам позвонила сотрудник рецепшен и задала глупые вопросы, или, чтоб в пол третьего ночи орала ложно сработавшая пожарная сирена, а сотрудник рецепшен Милли даже не принесла извинения и на возмущения ответила, что это Америка и если что, то вам не рады...тогда вам сюда!..... Если вы хотите остановится в номере с видом на грохочущий промышленный кондиционер или, чтоб в вашем номере в ванной комнате были чужие волосы, или, чтоб в час ночи вам позвонила сотрудник рецепшен и задала глупые вопросы, или, чтоб в пол третьего ночи орала ложно сработавшая пожарная сирена, а сотрудник рецепшен Милли даже не принесла извинения и на возмущения ответила, что это Америка и если что, то вам не рады...тогда вам сюда!.....
Sapphire Resorts @ Jockey Club #7837 - отзыв
17 октября 2018
Отличное место
Идеальное расположение, большой номер с отдельной гостиной и кухней, полностью оборудован. Очень чисто, много места. У нас был прекрасный вид из окна. Найти не сложно, пройдите вдоль Космополитен, со стороны Белладжио, по знакам, перпендикулярно Лас-Вегас Бульвар. Идеальное расположение, большой номер с отдельной гостиной и кухней, полностью оборудован. Очень чисто, много места. У нас был прекрасный вид из окна. Найти не сложно, пройдите вдоль Космополитен, со стороны Белладжио, по знакам, перпендикулярно Лас-Вегас Бульвар.
Sapphire Resorts @ Jockey Club #7837 - отзыв
25 ноября 2016
Alexander V
Отличный отель все рядом
Отель был украшен к Хэллоувину очень необычно. На праздник раздавали конфеты и наборы масок с усами. Номера большие и чистые, с удобной темной комнатой и кухней. Можно полежать в гостиной на удобном диване Отель был украшен к Хэллоувину очень необычно. На праздник раздавали конфеты и наборы масок с усами. Номера большие и чистые, с удобной темной комнатой и кухней. Можно полежать в гостиной на удобном диване
Sapphire Resorts @ Jockey Club #7837 - отзыв
03 декабря 2021
What they don't tell you!!
So, you have a 50% chance of getting a room with a "view." The bet rooms are obviously on higher floors. HOWEVER, you also have a 50% chance of being sentenced to the dudgeon. Not only do you not have a view, you have a huge wall in front of you and your only chance of seeing sky it to press you forehead against window in your bedroom and try and rotate you face 180 degrees and you MIGHT see a smidgeon of the sky!! Of all of the times I have stayed in Vegas and there have been about 40 or so....this is the very worst "view" I have ever had. For the money you pay, it is a joke. Save yourself, of course this is Vegas and there are gamblers on that 50/50, and book at Signature or Palazzio or actually any place else. I didn't even touch on the bathrooms that are equivalent with a Motel 6. Literally 5 X 3 foot floor space and hardly any counter top space. Would I recommend to a friend?? Hell no! To an enemy.....Yep!! So, you have a 50% chance of getting a room with a "view." The bet rooms are obviously on higher floors. HOWEVER, you also have a 50% chance of being sentenced to the dudgeon. Not only do you not have a view, you have a huge wall in front of you and your only chance of seeing sky it to press you forehead against window in your bedroom and try and rotate you face 180 degrees and you MIGHT see a smidgeon of the sky!! Of all of the times I have stayed in Vegas and there have been about 40 or so....this is the very worst "view" I have ever had. For the money you pay, it is a joke. Save yourself, of course this is Vegas and there are gamblers on that 50/50, and book at Signature or Palazzio or actually any place else. I didn't even touch on the bathrooms that are equivalent with a Motel 6. Literally 5 X 3 foot floor space and hardly any counter top space. Would I recommend to a friend?? Hell no! To an enemy.....Yep!!
Sapphire Resorts @ Jockey Club #7837 - отзыв
28 ноября 2021
Great location!
I can’t reiterate enough how great the location is! Full kitchen with everything you could ever need to cook a small meal. They actually had a lot more kitchen stuff than other timeshares I’ve stayed at. Love the location, loved using the cosmopolitan pool. Thanks to all the tips - we managed to get reservations to the pool. Upon checking in, ask them to reserve spots for you to use the pool at ten Cosmo. They only allow 25 people from TJC per day. I did this, and the follow day morning on our way to the pool, I just happened to ask the front desk if they have us on the pool reservation. Very nasty lady named LORI said no. Of course I was starting to get upset - to which she rudely cut me off and scribbled our names at the bottom of the list. We thankfully got in that day. Whats realky upsetting was the way she was so rude. So - TJC is outdated and old. Other staff we encounter on both times we stayed there were awesome and helpful except for LORI. Anyway - very short elam to the strip and the Cosmo. We actually felt like we stayed at the Cosmo cause it was so convenient to hang out there and just walk back to our room to sleep. I would def stay here again. And hopefully I don’t encounter another rude employee like Lori. I can’t reiterate enough how great the location is! Full kitchen with everything you could ever need to cook a small meal. They actually had a lot more kitchen stuff than other timeshares I’ve stayed at. Love the location, loved using the cosmopolitan pool. Thanks to all the tips - we managed to get reservations to the pool. Upon checking in, ask them to reserve spots for you to use the pool at ten Cosmo. They only allow 25 people from TJC per day. I did this, and the follow day morning on our way to the pool, I just happened to ask the front desk if they have us on the pool reservation. Very nasty lady named LORI said no. Of course I was starting to get upset - to which she rudely cut me off and scribbled our names at the bottom of the list. We thankfully got in that day. Whats realky upsetting was the way she was so rude. So - TJC is outdated and old. Other staff we encounter on both times we stayed there were awesome and helpful except for LORI. Anyway - very short elam to the strip and the Cosmo. We actually felt like we stayed at the Cosmo cause it was so convenient to hang out there and just walk back to our room to sleep. I would def stay here again. And hopefully I don’t encounter another rude employee like Lori.
Sapphire Resorts @ Jockey Club #7837 - отзыв
26 ноября 2021
Great place to stay!
We had a great time at the JC. Not enough can be said about the location. Our room overlooked the Bellagio fountains and Eiffel Tower so every night we had an amazing show. We utilized the access to Cosmopolitan a lot, and we often said that it felt like we were staying an in annex of that hotel. It was a great place to stay with kids too, as it had a more family friendly atmosphere and was easy to get back to if they pooped out on the strip. The room was clean (and I am so picky about cleanliness) and the staff was great. I did take off one star because the furniture is very outdated and the master bed and the fold out couch were incredibly uncomfortable. We had a great time at the JC. Not enough can be said about the location. Our room overlooked the Bellagio fountains and Eiffel Tower so every night we had an amazing show. We utilized the access to Cosmopolitan a lot, and we often said that it felt like we were staying an in annex of that hotel. It was a great place to stay with kids too, as it had a more family friendly atmosphere and was easy to get back to if they pooped out on the strip. The room was clean (and I am so picky about cleanliness) and the staff was great. I did take off one star because the furniture is very outdated and the master bed and the fold out couch were incredibly uncomfortable.
Sapphire Resorts @ Jockey Club #7837 - отзыв
17 ноября 2021
Location can’t be beat
Usually timeshares are located just outside of the main area of the city but not this one! The Jockey Club is located in the heart of the strip and walkable to everything. We had a very large room which could sleep 6 ladies in a home setting. There are many amenities like pool and gym. Direct access to the casino was an extra bonus. Free parking included, unbelievable. I will return again Usually timeshares are located just outside of the main area of the city but not this one! The Jockey Club is located in the heart of the strip and walkable to everything. We had a very large room which could sleep 6 ladies in a home setting. There are many amenities like pool and gym. Direct access to the casino was an extra bonus. Free parking included, unbelievable. I will return again
Sapphire Resorts @ Jockey Club #7837 - отзыв
16 ноября 2021
Bill H
Good location
3rd time there as a timeshare exchange. 1st 2 were bland, This time I was given a 7th floor rm with a view north strip. Great view of the Bellagio's water show. The negative is the check-in parking situation. Thanks to other TA contributors I was able to negotiate the car hassle OK. Also a bit confusing was taking one elevator from the garage to the lobby then carting stuff thru the lobby to a second elevator. Minor but still a PIA. 3rd time there as a timeshare exchange. 1st 2 were bland, This time I was given a 7th floor rm with a view north strip. Great view of the Bellagio's water show. The negative is the check-in parking situation. Thanks to other TA contributors I was able to negotiate the car hassle OK. Also a bit confusing was taking one elevator from the garage to the lobby then carting stuff thru the lobby to a second elevator. Minor but still a PIA.