The Crown Villas at LHVC Resort #6993
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The Crown Villas at LHVC Resort #6993

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The Crown Villas at LHVC Resort #6993 - отзыв
03 июня 2014
Михаил К
Потрясающий отдых
Потрясающий отдых на вилле с 4-мя спальными комнатами, бассейном и собственной территорией и барбекю-площадкой. Собственно говоря, снять эту виллу, расположенную на огромной территории клубного комплекса "Лайфстайл", возможно лишь через т.н. Шерхолдера (владельца высшей категории членства в клубе). В этом случае вы получаете (после обязательной оплаты дополнительно к стоимости аренды порядка 85 долл.США/в день на человека за систему "все включено") доступ во все рестораны и бары комплекса (около 30-ти, включая суши-бар и устричный бар), любые импортные и местные напитки и коктейли, приготовление завтрака на вилле поварами клуба, раз в неделю барбекю на вилле, доступ на все 7 пляжей, бесплатные сигары, заправленный гольф-кар для передвижения по территории и многое-многое другое. Питание в заведениях ВИП-доступа на очень высоком уровне. Оборудование пляжей (ВИП) - восхитительное. Потрясающий отдых на вилле с 4-мя спальными комнатами, бассейном и собственной территорией и барбекю-площадкой. Собственно говоря, снять эту виллу, расположенную на огромной территории клубного комплекса "Лайфстайл", возможно лишь через т.н. Шерхолдера (владельца высшей категории членства в клубе). В этом случае вы получаете (после обязательной оплаты дополнительно к стоимости аренды порядка 85 долл.США/в день на человека за систему "все включено") доступ во все рестораны и бары комплекса (около 30-ти, включая суши-бар и устричный бар), любые импортные и местные напитки и коктейли, приготовление завтрака на вилле поварами клуба, раз в неделю барбекю на вилле, доступ на все 7 пляжей, бесплатные сигары, заправленный гольф-кар для передвижения по территории и многое-многое другое. Питание в заведениях ВИП-доступа на очень высоком уровне. Оборудование пляжей (ВИП) - восхитительное.
The Crown Villas at LHVC Resort #6993 - отзыв
30 ноября 2021
Worst resort i have stayed. DO NOT GO! It is a fraud!!! CV 7, CV 37 and CV 42
Worst places I have ever stayed. Stayed in better today laces in Somalia. Gave us a 4 person golf cart for 5 people I fell off because they didn’t have enough 6 people carts. Cracked my head open at the fault of the resort because the shocks were so bad on the cart and no safety bar. Originally booked for 5 bedrooms and downgraded us because owners didn’t leave villa in time so paid more for a 4 bedroom. Three different villas. First one mold and pool I filled and gross, second one had rodent feces and no power three times and mold again and water damage. Third place two different bathroom leaking constantly and put a trash can and towels and mold again in one room so bad someone had an respiratory attack. Third place AC did not work end no one repaired for over 12 hours. Worst resort I have ever been too!!!! And they refused to give us a refund for the days we checked out and we agreed to pay for the nights we stayed in this misery. Don’t go as a guest EVER Worst places I have ever stayed. Stayed in better today laces in Somalia. Gave us a 4 person golf cart for 5 people I fell off because they didn’t have enough 6 people carts. Cracked my head open at the fault of the resort because the shocks were so bad on the cart and no safety bar. Originally booked for 5 bedrooms and downgraded us because owners didn’t leave villa in time so paid more for a 4 bedroom. Three different villas. First one mold and pool I filled and gross, second one had rodent feces and no power three times and mold again and water damage. Third place two different bathroom leaking constantly and put a trash can and towels and mold again in one room so bad someone had an respiratory attack. Third place AC did not work end no one repaired for over 12 hours. Worst resort I have ever been too!!!! And they refused to give us a refund for the days we checked out and we agreed to pay for the nights we stayed in this misery. Don’t go as a guest EVER
The Crown Villas at LHVC Resort #6993 - отзыв
13 ноября 2021
Robert R
Daily Tennis
My good friend and I played tennis everyday and half the time we played doubles with the tennis pro, Lilo, and Angel or Adian on the clay courts. They are the best guys. Lilo also gave pickleball lessons to my friends wife. We had lots of issues with our 3 bedroom villa. Refrig didn't cool, the shower heads were all off the wall and little water pressure. One bedroom's A/C did not cool. My good friend and I played tennis everyday and half the time we played doubles with the tennis pro, Lilo, and Angel or Adian on the clay courts. They are the best guys. Lilo also gave pickleball lessons to my friends wife. We had lots of issues with our 3 bedroom villa. Refrig didn't cool, the shower heads were all off the wall and little water pressure. One bedroom's A/C did not cool.
The Crown Villas at LHVC Resort #6993 - отзыв
01 ноября 2021
Carla W
Our home away from home
We love coming to Lifestyles! We have made so many good friends while we are down there that it is like coming home again! Whether it is just the two of us or we are with a group of friends, we always have a wonderful time! These last two visits, Lilo, the tennis pro, helped me to perfect my pickleball game! The resort is going to add two more courts! I can't wait to come back! We love coming to Lifestyles! We have made so many good friends while we are down there that it is like coming home again! Whether it is just the two of us or we are with a group of friends, we always have a wonderful time! These last two visits, Lilo, the tennis pro, helped me to perfect my pickleball game! The resort is going to add two more courts! I can't wait to come back!
The Crown Villas at LHVC Resort #6993 - отзыв
26 октября 2021
Friends Vacation
Had a great time at Lifestyles been going for a few years. They did have Covid restrictions especially at night which made it kind if boring after the show. Other then that enjoyed several pools. There is the beach bit it isn’t as nice as tiger parts if the island . The bartenders , reception and animation team is great . See you next year . Had a great time at Lifestyles been going for a few years. They did have Covid restrictions especially at night which made it kind if boring after the show. Other then that enjoyed several pools. There is the beach bit it isn’t as nice as tiger parts if the island . The bartenders , reception and animation team is great . See you next year .
The Crown Villas at LHVC Resort #6993 - отзыв
05 августа 2021
Vacation Hell
The best thing about this family vacation was my family and two friends we invited to join us at this resort. Everything else was the worst! We wanted to celebrate my Birthday and the birthday of our daughter and our friend we invited. To start off the limo that picked us up was good and the driver was very personable, so we thought the vacation was starting off good. Once we arrived we had to wait for our villa to be ready which we expected but once we got to our villa that is when the nightmare began. We requested and was assured we would get a 4 bedroom because we were a party of 7 with the hopes of an upgrade to a 5 bedroom but when we got to the villa it was a 3 bedroom. Our friends (a couple), were joining us the next day so we were feverishly politicking with the VIP desk (since we are Gold members) to rectify the situation before our friends arrived. We were being told there was nothing they could do and perhaps they could put our friends into a studio room at the other end of the resort. Needless to say we were not happy! On top of that the villa we got was old with cats roaming around the yard and pool and next to a recycle facility which would continually unload materials, very loud and sounding like a construction site.  We also had requested early dinner reservations for each night and told only 3 nights were confirmed and that we would have to eat buffet style for the rest of the 4 nights (the food is sub par at the buffet). Anyway, after calling everyone we could in reservations, management, etc. I finally went on Instagram to complain to the company and someone took our agreement number and that was that. My husband tried the next day to continue to try to get them to fix the issue and at least give what was promised which was a 4 bedroom. Finally they said they would put our friends into that studio at the other end of the resort and then they would move us into a 4 bedroom the next day after that. Now let's talk about the golf cart that came with our membership. It was so old and rickety that by day 3 it just broke down on the road while driving it.  We got a replacement and then that cart broke down 15 minutes later. We got a ride back to the golf cart location and they told us one of the two broken carts would be fixed and returned to us. The next day as promised, we moved to a new 4 bedroom villa and our friends joined us. We were so happy because it was a better villa and we could be all together. Well, our excitement didn't last long as that very same evening when we were ready to shower for dinner, the water pressure came to a stop after 5 of us showered with 2 more to go. We called maintenance but 30 minutes later no one showed and the rep said the guy was busy. I insisted we needed to shower for dinner so another 20 minutes later a guy shows and started to tinker with the breakers, etc. then the power went off. Finally the power returned but only partially in the room upstairs that my husband and I shared. After about 30 minutes the maintenance guy says the pump is broken and nothing he can do. Luckily one of our friends who knew how to speak a good bit of Spanish, started to pressure the maintenance guy into doing something and fixing the situation. Mind you this was our birthday celebration night and not a great start. What was discovered was that they would need to tie our electricity to the street power grid as a temporary fix until they could resolve what was really happening to the villa. Our husband's had to stay behind while they worked on this temporary fix while the rest of us went to dinner and tried to salvage the night. Eventually our husbands joined us so that was something at least. One of the days we did an excursion offered by the resort, to try to have fun among the many disappointing moments and it was the worst excursion I have ever been on and too long to go into detail. The one consistent thing that the resort put a whole lot of effect into was sending sales reps over every day to sell us on upgrading our membership (oh hell no). Calling reception about help with anything was a struggle, getting additional dinner reservations was a struggle and finally the day we checked out was a symbol of this bad experience, as we were checked out early, a limo pulled up and we thought it was ours but it ended up being for another family who they had to wait for, but instead they put us in a stinky suv. To say we will NEVER return to VIP Lifestyles is an understatement! We don't ever want to return to Dominican Republic either. Vacation Hell is not where we EVER want to be again! The best thing about this family vacation was my family and two friends we invited to join us at this resort. Everything else was the worst! We wanted to celebrate my Birthday and the birthday of our daughter and our friend we invited. To start off the limo that picked us up was good and the driver was very personable, so we thought the vacation was starting off good. Once we arrived we had to wait for our villa to be ready which we expected but once we got to our villa that is when the nightmare began. We requested and was assured we would get a 4 bedroom because we were a party of 7 with the hopes of an upgrade to a 5 bedroom but when we got to the villa it was a 3 bedroom. Our friends (a couple), were joining us the next day so we were feverishly politicking with the VIP desk (since we are Gold members) to rectify the situation before our friends arrived. We were being told there was nothing they could do and perhaps they could put our friends into a studio room at the other end of the resort. Needless to say we were not happy! On top of that the villa we got was old with cats roaming around the yard and pool and next to a recycle facility which would continually unload materials, very loud and sounding like a construction site.  We also had requested early dinner reservations for each night and told only 3 nights were confirmed and that we would have to eat buffet style for the rest of the 4 nights (the food is sub par at the buffet). Anyway, after calling everyone we could in reservations, management, etc. I finally went on Instagram to complain to the company and someone took our agreement number and that was that. My husband tried the next day to continue to try to get them to fix the issue and at least give what was promised which was a 4 bedroom. Finally they said they would put our friends into that studio at the other end of the resort and then they would move us into a 4 bedroom the next day after that. Now let's talk about the golf cart that came with our membership. It was so old and rickety that by day 3 it just broke down on the road while driving it.  We got a replacement and then that cart broke down 15 minutes later. We got a ride back to the golf cart location and they told us one of the two broken carts would be fixed and returned to us. The next day as promised, we moved to a new 4 bedroom villa and our friends joined us. We were so happy because it was a better villa and we could be all together. Well, our excitement didn't last long as that very same evening when we were ready to shower for dinner, the water pressure came to a stop after 5 of us showered with 2 more to go. We called maintenance but 30 minutes later no one showed and the rep said the guy was busy. I insisted we needed to shower for dinner so another 20 minutes later a guy shows and started to tinker with the breakers, etc. then the power went off. Finally the power returned but only partially in the room upstairs that my husband and I shared. After about 30 minutes the maintenance guy says the pump is broken and nothing he can do. Luckily one of our friends who knew how to speak a good bit of Spanish, started to pressure the maintenance guy into doing something and fixing the situation. Mind you this was our birthday celebration night and not a great start. What was discovered was that they would need to tie our electricity to the street power grid as a temporary fix until they could resolve what was really happening to the villa. Our husband's had to stay behind while they worked on this temporary fix while the rest of us went to dinner and tried to salvage the night. Eventually our husbands joined us so that was something at least. One of the days we did an excursion offered by the resort, to try to have fun among the many disappointing moments and it was the worst excursion I have ever been on and too long to go into detail. The one consistent thing that the resort put a whole lot of effect into was sending sales reps over every day to sell us on upgrading our membership (oh hell no). Calling reception about help with anything was a struggle, getting additional dinner reservations was a struggle and finally the day we checked out was a symbol of this bad experience, as we were checked out early, a limo pulled up and we thought it was ours but it ended up being for another family who they had to wait for, but instead they put us in a stinky suv. To say we will NEVER return to VIP Lifestyles is an understatement! We don't ever want to return to Dominican Republic either. Vacation Hell is not where we EVER want to be again!