Allegro Cozumel #3603

Allegro Cozumel #3603

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Allegro Cozumel #3603 - отзыв
26 марта 2019
Allegro Cozumel
Мне понравилось все. Хороший пляж и сервис. Вкусная еда и приятный номер. Единственная проблема: Во время тропического ливня соломенная крыша моего номера протекла и вода, попав на мой ноутбук, вывела его ищ строя.... Мне понравилось все. Хороший пляж и сервис. Вкусная еда и приятный номер. Единственная проблема: Во время тропического ливня соломенная крыша моего номера протекла и вода, попав на мой ноутбук, вывела его ищ строя....
Allegro Cozumel #3603 - отзыв
03 февраля 2017
Приятный отель и хороший пляж
На удивление Косумель - это не только рай для дайверов, но и шикарное место для пляжного отдыха. Всего 20 минут на пароме с Плайякар и вы уже на острове Косумель, 15 минут на такси и вы в отеле. Красивая территория, много зелени, бассейны для взросдых, огромнейший бассейн для детей с водными горками, большой мини клуб для детей. Красивый пляж, очень хороший вход в море и хорошее дно. На пляже дайв центр - для любителей подводного плавания. Номера расположены в 2х этажных домиках, мы жили на втором этаже и потолок был высокий и из листьев пальм - здорово! Есть номера сьюты - 2х комнатные и услуги Премиум Левел. В стандартном номере 1 или 2 кровати, ванная с душем, отдельно открытая гардеробная, утюг и гладильная доска, сейф, мини бар, кофеварка, вода. Очень красивая ресепшен, ресторан шведский стол. Есть азиатский ресторан, ресторан мексиканской и итальянской кухни. Вечером - дискотека. Есть Спа и тренежарный зал. Для подростков есть свой клуб. Очень уютный, чистый и классный отель - рекомендую. На удивление Косумель - это не только рай для дайверов, но и шикарное место для пляжного отдыха. Всего 20 минут на пароме с Плайякар и вы уже на острове Косумель, 15 минут на такси и вы в отеле. Красивая территория, много зелени, бассейны для взросдых, огромнейший бассейн для детей с водными горками, большой мини клуб для детей. Красивый пляж, очень хороший вход в море и хорошее дно. На пляже дайв центр - для любителей подводного плавания. Номера расположены в 2х этажных домиках, мы жили на втором этаже и потолок был высокий и из листьев пальм - здорово! Есть номера сьюты - 2х комнатные и услуги Премиум Левел. В стандартном номере 1 или 2 кровати, ванная с душем, отдельно открытая гардеробная, утюг и гладильная доска, сейф, мини бар, кофеварка, вода. Очень красивая ресепшен, ресторан шведский стол. Есть азиатский ресторан, ресторан мексиканской и итальянской кухни. Вечером - дискотека. Есть Спа и тренежарный зал. Для подростков есть свой клуб. Очень уютный, чистый и классный отель - рекомендую.
Allegro Cozumel #3603 - отзыв
17 октября 2015
Средний средний отель
Останавливались в этом отеле всего на пару дней. Очень хотелось посетить остров Косумель и поэтому, отдыхая на материке в Плайя-дель-Кармен, решили самостоятельно приехать на остров, чтобы посетить местные достопримечательности. Поэтому особо выбором отеля не заморачивались, но видимо надо было более тщательнее выбрать отель, потому что здесь нам не очень понравилось. Вернее, все вроде бы неплохо, и пляж, и конечно море, но вот сервис оставляет желать лучшего. Отель работает по системе All inclusive, но здесь он какой-то скудный. Экономия на всем. Соки разводят при вас концентратом, фрукты не в изобилии, сразу сравнили с отелем на материке, там все намного высококласснее. Но поскольку мы приехали н сидеть в отеле, не стали обращать внимание на это, и поехали осматривать остров. Итак, Косумель -самый большой остров в Мексике, находится в 20км от полуострова Юкатан. Добраться можно на пароме от Плайя-дель-Кармен, к-ый отправляется каждый час и прибывает в порт Сан-Мигель (столицу острова). Вообще Косумель - это направление для любителей дайвинга. Здесь на пляжах больше загорают и меньше купаются, т.к. береговая линия каменистая, а ветра создают волны. Пляжи частично песчаные, частично скалистые. На острове рекомендуем посетить парки Плайя Сан-Франциско и Плайя-Паланкар. На острове есть несколько руин Майя в местечке Сан-Гервасио и парке Пунта-Сур на южной оконечности острова, где находится древний маяк. Рекомендовал бы отель только для остановки на непродолжительное время. Останавливались в этом отеле всего на пару дней. Очень хотелось посетить остров Косумель и поэтому, отдыхая на материке в Плайя-дель-Кармен, решили самостоятельно приехать на остров, чтобы посетить местные достопримечательности. Поэтому особо выбором отеля не заморачивались, но видимо надо было более тщательнее выбрать отель, потому что здесь нам не очень понравилось. Вернее, все вроде бы неплохо, и пляж, и конечно море, но вот сервис оставляет желать лучшего. Отель работает по системе All inclusive, но здесь он какой-то скудный. Экономия на всем. Соки разводят при вас концентратом, фрукты не в изобилии, сразу сравнили с отелем на материке, там все намного высококласснее. Но поскольку мы приехали н сидеть в отеле, не стали обращать внимание на это, и поехали осматривать остров. Итак, Косумель -самый большой остров в Мексике, находится в 20км от полуострова Юкатан. Добраться можно на пароме от Плайя-дель-Кармен, к-ый отправляется каждый час и прибывает в порт Сан-Мигель (столицу острова). Вообще Косумель - это направление для любителей дайвинга. Здесь на пляжах больше загорают и меньше купаются, т.к. береговая линия каменистая, а ветра создают волны. Пляжи частично песчаные, частично скалистые. На острове рекомендуем посетить парки Плайя Сан-Франциско и Плайя-Паланкар. На острове есть несколько руин Майя в местечке Сан-Гервасио и парке Пунта-Сур на южной оконечности острова, где находится древний маяк. Рекомендовал бы отель только для остановки на непродолжительное время.
Allegro Cozumel #3603 - отзыв
29 апреля 2015
Неплохой отель, но очень жадный хозяин
Посетили отель в конце апреля 2015 года. В целом отель понравился. Зеленая территория. Красиво вписанные в ландшафт двухэтажные домики. Уютные номера со всем необходимым (однако несколько «уставшие» - ремонт отнюдь не помешал бы). Три ресторана, еда – приемлимая. Три бара, напитки – натуральные. Три бассейна; отдельно: детский, релакс и для активной жизни. В общем все как в рекламе. Только не путайте с Oksident Alegro – это соседний, значительно более дорогой отель, одной и той же сети. НО! Портит впечатление жадность хозяйки. Ощущается, что она экономит на всем, в мелочах это особенно неприятно. И экономия то копеечная. В номере, на All – нет минибара, на сутки выдается две 0,5 литра бутылки воды и 1 пакетик кофе и это все. Воду в барах наливают только в стаканы, а на мексиканской жаре пить-то хочется. Заказав сок – получаешь стакан, в котором ¼ чего-то из фляги, а остальное доливается водой и досыпается льдом, потом небрежно перемешивается. Кстати (для любителей кофе) – кофеварки нет ни в одном баре, поэтому любители кофе могут насладиться исключительно «бочковым» напитком и, только, в основном ресторане. Бары начинают работать с 11 часов, а до того, после завтрака, можно выпить только воды из бассейна или в основном ресторане. В коктейли насыпают полный стакан льда, упорно не слыша просьбы о том, что льда – поменьше. В итоге: выбрасываешь верхние полстакана, а остальное выпиваешь или наслаждаешься поеданием молотого льда, а уже потом напитком. В ресторанах все самое вкусное поедается сразу после открытия и потом не возобновляется. Тупость или нежелание качественно работать официантов – очень раздражает. Однако, услышав английский язык, они резко умнеют и преображаются в лучших друзей туриста. Апофеоз жадности – это платный Вай-Фай: по приезде мы услышали – 7 долларов непрерывный час и 14 долларов – непрерывный день. Когда собрались купить (на следующий день): стало 10,25 – час и 20,50 – день. А далее я слышал, для американцев, на рисепшен: 12 – час!!! Эти мелочи очень портят впечатление от пребывания в этом отеле. А в остальном: солнце – есть солнце, море – есть море, пальмы – есть пальмы. Всем приятного отдыха. Посетили отель в конце апреля 2015 года. В целом отель понравился. Зеленая территория. Красиво вписанные в ландшафт двухэтажные домики. Уютные номера со всем необходимым (однако несколько «уставшие» - ремонт отнюдь не помешал бы). Три ресторана, еда – приемлимая. Три бара, напитки – натуральные. Три бассейна; отдельно: детский, релакс и для активной жизни. В общем все как в рекламе. Только не путайте с Oksident Alegro – это соседний, значительно более дорогой отель, одной и той же сети. НО! Портит впечатление жадность хозяйки. Ощущается, что она экономит на всем, в мелочах это особенно неприятно. И экономия то копеечная. В номере, на All – нет минибара, на сутки выдается две 0,5 литра бутылки воды и 1 пакетик кофе и это все. Воду в барах наливают только в стаканы, а на мексиканской жаре пить-то хочется. Заказав сок – получаешь стакан, в котором ¼ чего-то из фляги, а остальное доливается водой и досыпается льдом, потом небрежно перемешивается. Кстати (для любителей кофе) – кофеварки нет ни в одном баре, поэтому любители кофе могут насладиться исключительно «бочковым» напитком и, только, в основном ресторане. Бары начинают работать с 11 часов, а до того, после завтрака, можно выпить только воды из бассейна или в основном ресторане. В коктейли насыпают полный стакан льда, упорно не слыша просьбы о том, что льда – поменьше. В итоге: выбрасываешь верхние полстакана, а остальное выпиваешь или наслаждаешься поеданием молотого льда, а уже потом напитком. В ресторанах все самое вкусное поедается сразу после открытия и потом не возобновляется. Тупость или нежелание качественно работать официантов – очень раздражает. Однако, услышав английский язык, они резко умнеют и преображаются в лучших друзей туриста. Апофеоз жадности – это платный Вай-Фай: по приезде мы услышали – 7 долларов непрерывный час и 14 долларов – непрерывный день. Когда собрались купить (на следующий день): стало 10,25 – час и 20,50 – день. А далее я слышал, для американцев, на рисепшен: 12 – час!!! Эти мелочи очень портят впечатление от пребывания в этом отеле. А в остальном: солнце – есть солнце, море – есть море, пальмы – есть пальмы. Всем приятного отдыха.
Allegro Cozumel #3603 - отзыв
05 декабря 2021
Don't waste your money or vacation time!
First and last time staying at any Allegro property. We checked in late, and the front desk person wouldn't let us book any meals as we were premier level. Get to the room and was almost knocked over by the mold and mildew smell on the 2nd floor. Go to the reception desk the next day to move rooms which we able to do but then got locked out of room for 2 hours until maintenance could come and spend another hour replacing the lock. Still on day 2 couldn't book any restaurants, some song and dance about it being the beginning of a new month..blah blah. 3rd day go back to the reception and at 445 they were already closed. At this point I was done, and it took me 2 managers to give me a bunch of smoke and mirror bs. They wasted 2 days of our trip dealing with issues that they didn't seem to give a sh*t about. They also give no refunds and tell you they will get back to you and never do. The lunch buffet was good, the dinner not so much. I feel sorry for the people who work there because they are understaffed, and I can't imagine how poorly they are treated as they surely do not take care of their guests. The landscaping was nice, the rooms were small, but the bed was comfy. I read reviews and should have never booked this resort in the first place! So, if you want to waste your time dealing with d rated resort and management that is horrible then this is the place for you. Barcelo hotel group should be ashamed for even associating themselves with the place. First and last time staying at any Allegro property. We checked in late, and the front desk person wouldn't let us book any meals as we were premier level. Get to the room and was almost knocked over by the mold and mildew smell on the 2nd floor. Go to the reception desk the next day to move rooms which we able to do but then got locked out of room for 2 hours until maintenance could come and spend another hour replacing the lock. Still on day 2 couldn't book any restaurants, some song and dance about it being the beginning of a new month..blah blah. 3rd day go back to the reception and at 445 they were already closed. At this point I was done, and it took me 2 managers to give me a bunch of smoke and mirror bs. They wasted 2 days of our trip dealing with issues that they didn't seem to give a sh*t about. They also give no refunds and tell you they will get back to you and never do. The lunch buffet was good, the dinner not so much. I feel sorry for the people who work there because they are understaffed, and I can't imagine how poorly they are treated as they surely do not take care of their guests. The landscaping was nice, the rooms were small, but the bed was comfy. I read reviews and should have never booked this resort in the first place! So, if you want to waste your time dealing with d rated resort and management that is horrible then this is the place for you. Barcelo hotel group should be ashamed for even associating themselves with the place.
Allegro Cozumel #3603 - отзыв
05 декабря 2021
Recent stay at Allegro
I usually don't take the time to review a resort unless I feel it is information people need to know prior to booking. First off, the positive, the grounds are beautifully kept and the beach is very nice. For the most part, the service (at restaurants and bars) was very good and responsive. Also, scheduling and taking our COVID test was very easy and convenient. Now, the not so good. I really have two areas that would cause me not to rebook at this resort. The first of those is the rooms. Our party booked three separate rooms and all of them had some maintenance issue or another, either a running toilet, faulty shower head that caused a trickle shower, remote that didn't work and hard beds. The biggest issue with two of our rooms were that they were on the second floor and had a thatched or palapa style roof. In both rooms, when it rained, the roofs actually leaked in the rooms causing entire beds to get wet. Imagine, sleeping and getting woken up by water dripping on your face...not the best experience. The other area that needs work is the food. It is important that folks know that there are limited times to eat and there is NO room service available at the resort. Had I known that we wouldn't have booked here at all as I am a big fan of room service breakfasts. Also, the food at the buffets are pretty bland. Not uneatable but the same thing over and over again and devoid of much flavor or seasoning. On the other hand, we did eat at the Mexican and Italian restaurants (that required reservations) and they were pretty good - certainly much better than the buffets. Overall the experience didn't stop us from having a great vacation but we do travel a lot and know that our experience in relation to the resort could have easily been much better. I usually don't take the time to review a resort unless I feel it is information people need to know prior to booking. First off, the positive, the grounds are beautifully kept and the beach is very nice. For the most part, the service (at restaurants and bars) was very good and responsive. Also, scheduling and taking our COVID test was very easy and convenient. Now, the not so good. I really have two areas that would cause me not to rebook at this resort. The first of those is the rooms. Our party booked three separate rooms and all of them had some maintenance issue or another, either a running toilet, faulty shower head that caused a trickle shower, remote that didn't work and hard beds. The biggest issue with two of our rooms were that they were on the second floor and had a thatched or palapa style roof. In both rooms, when it rained, the roofs actually leaked in the rooms causing entire beds to get wet. Imagine, sleeping and getting woken up by water dripping on your face...not the best experience. The other area that needs work is the food. It is important that folks know that there are limited times to eat and there is NO room service available at the resort. Had I known that we wouldn't have booked here at all as I am a big fan of room service breakfasts. Also, the food at the buffets are pretty bland. Not uneatable but the same thing over and over again and devoid of much flavor or seasoning. On the other hand, we did eat at the Mexican and Italian restaurants (that required reservations) and they were pretty good - certainly much better than the buffets. Overall the experience didn't stop us from having a great vacation but we do travel a lot and know that our experience in relation to the resort could have easily been much better.
Allegro Cozumel #3603 - отзыв
04 декабря 2021
Would return
Overall was a great trip. The service was great. Teppanyaki restaurant was the best. Housekeeper was awesome. Would recommend this resort if you are bringing the kids. Lots of kid activities. We were diving so it was nice having the dive site on site. Recommended upgrade to superior premium. Having your own breakfast place is nice Overall was a great trip. The service was great. Teppanyaki restaurant was the best. Housekeeper was awesome. Would recommend this resort if you are bringing the kids. Lots of kid activities. We were diving so it was nice having the dive site on site. Recommended upgrade to superior premium. Having your own breakfast place is nice
Allegro Cozumel #3603 - отзыв
02 декабря 2021
Not great-Not bad-just average.
This will be a long review of my 5 night stay. I’ll list some pros and cons so that others can make an informed decision. Before I list them here was my experience. Upon my arrival.. The lobby is small but very clean and looks pretty nice. We were not welcomed with a welcome drink or a friendly hola as I had been at other resorts over the 10 visits to Mexico. No biggie. Check-in was very smooth, we were given a map of the resort and a list of all the restaurants but no further instructions. *The room It’s s small but clean. Not planning to spend a lot of time in there so not a big deal. Definitely not big enough for more than two people as just the two of us were tripping over each other. *The restaurants There are three reservation restaurants but you can only reserve one of them for every seven nights. There is Mexican, Italian and Japanese. We chose the Japanese and happy we did. The chef was amazing and the food was delicious. Very entertaining. The Mexican restaurant is located where the lunch Buffay is in the middle of the resort. We only saw this open two nights while we were there. We know nothing about the Italian but if they were serving the leftover Italian food on the Buffet the next day it’s not great. They also claim to have a poolside snack bar. That isn’t really the case. They lunch Buffay is located next to the pool and there are snacks in there but it’s not really a poolside snack bar. You are not allowed to Grab some quick chips and guac or a slice of pizza or any french fries, etc. and sit next to the pool in your lounge chairs to eat. If you want to snack, you must cover up, wear your mask, wait in line to be seated and eat your food in the restaurant. This is the first time I’ve ever experienced a resort that didn’t offer a beach or poolside snack bar for snacking by the pool or beach. This was extremely disappointing. They lunch and dinner Buffet are located on a very steep ramp on the second floor. However, if you choose not to use the ramp there are stairs. The food wasn’t the worst for an AI resort and we always found something to eat. However it is extremely repetitive. I hope you like vegetables and chicken. Breakfast is the best except we never got any bacon, just some sort of cooked viennaa sausage like stuff for meat. *Mask policy Be prepared to have it on you at all times. Even poolside. Even at the poolside bar in the outdoors, they will not serve you unless you are wearing your mask. You must wear your mask at all times in the restaurants unless you are sitting to eat. They will not let you enter without one. *Bars/drink stations There are four bars, one of those being a swim up bar. The sports bar upstairs does not open till 5 PM. The bar next to the kids play area I only saw open once or twice. They swim up bar was only open one time during my stay and that was the day we were leaving. However, there were servers walking around the beach and pool to bring you drinks. The bar next to the beach/pool was open till 8:30 Pm. So if you want something to drink, that is most likely where you will have to walk to find one. There is no lobby bar which I found odd. First time seeing that. None of them served coffee. If you want coffee, you must go to the breakfast buffet, be masked, wait in line to be seen it at a table and then you can wait for someone to come by and ask you if you want coffee. The good news is, you can request a coffee pot in your room. Just be aware, there is no where to put it beside your bathroom vanity which is also extremely small. *Pools There is three of them plus a kiddie pool. One of them is reserved for premium guests only. They are all a nice size and the main pool is where the swim up bar is located. This is also where all the kid activity games are played. We never had trouble finding chairs. *Staff This is hit or miss. The first two days the hospitality desk staff was very friendly. Not so much the rest of the time. The grounds keepers and the house keepers work very hard and constantly. The housekeepers were very accommodating and sweet. They servers that walk around the pool and beach to take your order are extremely attentive and will take care of you. The servers in the restaurant and at the bars seem to be very attentive and friendly if you are of Spanish descent. They don’t seem to go above and beyond for the Americans. Maybe they’re just sick of us… I don’t know. This hotel does seem to be a favorite of the “locals “ before you even think it… Yes, I am a tipper. We are a bit confused most of our five day stay, especially about the Covid test as the hospitality desk we’re not very helpful and we never knew if a bar was going to be open or not to get drinks or even when or how we were supposed to make reservations for the restaurant. I pretty much relied on Facebook posts about the resort and other guests. Did I have a good time? I relaxed a lot. It was very quiet and there is no staff that goes around to pump up adult hotel guests and encourage them to participate in the very few entertainments for them. I did get plenty of sleep and enjoyed the pool and beach. If you are an active person, definitely plan on booking some excursions. Woul I return to this resort? I highly doubt it as I’ve stayed at so many other resorts (even during the pandemic) that offered so much more for the same price or less. There does seem to be a lot of people that continue to return to this resort over many many years but I have to wonder if they’ve ever visited many other resorts. I will in this part of the review by saying this. From check in to check out and walking the resort in between I heard a lot of guests complaining about their stay. Pros - [ ] The resort is pretty with beautiful landscaping and is kept very clean. - [ ] The food is just good enough that you will always find something to eat. - [ ] The housekeeping staff and poolside servers are extremely attentive - [ ] They will give you a coffee maker for your room if you request it - [ ] Plenty of poolside and beach chairs - [ ] Resort is small and easy to navigate. - [ ] Beach is very beautiful - [ ] Always had hot water in the shower CONS - [ ] They have vendors right outside the lobby in front of the entrance to the dinner buffet that constantly hound you even when you say no. There is no way to avoid them. You may have to walk by them several times and one evening and they will not leave you alone. - [ ] There is not enough drink stations where you can get a soda or a cup of coffee in the morning without having to enter the restaurant or walk all the way down to the beach. - [ ] No poolside or beach side snack bar allowing to you to snack at your chairs - [ ] Cab ride is $15 to go into town which you will want to do. Not the resort’s fault though. - [ ] Hospitality desk is not very hospitable. - [ ] Hard to get reservations for restaurants, especially when they are not open every night - [ ] Do very few adult activities in Little to no entertainment staff - [ ] Restaurant and bar openings are very inconsistent. You never know which one is serving - [ ] No lobby bar - [ ] You can literally hear everything in your room as if the noise is in the room itself. This includes people walking outside your room, your neighbors, the nightly show until 11:30 PM even though it wasn’t anywhere in our room. I could hear the housekeepers and the neighbors next to us clearly and perfectly to where I could follow their conversations. This can be annoying when the housekeepers come early in the morning and the neighbors like to stay up late at night or even argue. Hope this helps you make a final decision. If you have questions, just ask. This will be a long review of my 5 night stay. I’ll list some pros and cons so that others can make an informed decision. Before I list them here was my experience. Upon my arrival.. The lobby is small but very clean and looks pretty nice. We were not welcomed with a welcome drink or a friendly hola as I had been at other resorts over the 10 visits to Mexico. No biggie. Check-in was very smooth, we were given a map of the resort and a list of all the restaurants but no further instructions. *The room It’s s small but clean. Not planning to spend a lot of time in there so not a big deal. Definitely not big enough for more than two people as just the two of us were tripping over each other. *The restaurants There are three reservation restaurants but you can only reserve one of them for every seven nights. There is Mexican, Italian and Japanese. We chose the Japanese and happy we did. The chef was amazing and the food was delicious. Very entertaining. The Mexican restaurant is located where the lunch Buffay is in the middle of the resort. We only saw this open two nights while we were there. We know nothing about the Italian but if they were serving the leftover Italian food on the Buffet the next day it’s not great. They also claim to have a poolside snack bar. That isn’t really the case. They lunch Buffay is located next to the pool and there are snacks in there but it’s not really a poolside snack bar. You are not allowed to Grab some quick chips and guac or a slice of pizza or any french fries, etc. and sit next to the pool in your lounge chairs to eat. If you want to snack, you must cover up, wear your mask, wait in line to be seated and eat your food in the restaurant. This is the first time I’ve ever experienced a resort that didn’t offer a beach or poolside snack bar for snacking by the pool or beach. This was extremely disappointing. They lunch and dinner Buffet are located on a very steep ramp on the second floor. However, if you choose not to use the ramp there are stairs. The food wasn’t the worst for an AI resort and we always found something to eat. However it is extremely repetitive. I hope you like vegetables and chicken. Breakfast is the best except we never got any bacon, just some sort of cooked viennaa sausage like stuff for meat. *Mask policy Be prepared to have it on you at all times. Even poolside. Even at the poolside bar in the outdoors, they will not serve you unless you are wearing your mask. You must wear your mask at all times in the restaurants unless you are sitting to eat. They will not let you enter without one. *Bars/drink stations There are four bars, one of those being a swim up bar. The sports bar upstairs does not open till 5 PM. The bar next to the kids play area I only saw open once or twice. They swim up bar was only open one time during my stay and that was the day we were leaving. However, there were servers walking around the beach and pool to bring you drinks. The bar next to the beach/pool was open till 8:30 Pm. So if you want something to drink, that is most likely where you will have to walk to find one. There is no lobby bar which I found odd. First time seeing that. None of them served coffee. If you want coffee, you must go to the breakfast buffet, be masked, wait in line to be seen it at a table and then you can wait for someone to come by and ask you if you want coffee. The good news is, you can request a coffee pot in your room. Just be aware, there is no where to put it beside your bathroom vanity which is also extremely small. *Pools There is three of them plus a kiddie pool. One of them is reserved for premium guests only. They are all a nice size and the main pool is where the swim up bar is located. This is also where all the kid activity games are played. We never had trouble finding chairs. *Staff This is hit or miss. The first two days the hospitality desk staff was very friendly. Not so much the rest of the time. The grounds keepers and the house keepers work very hard and constantly. The housekeepers were very accommodating and sweet. They servers that walk around the pool and beach to take your order are extremely attentive and will take care of you. The servers in the restaurant and at the bars seem to be very attentive and friendly if you are of Spanish descent. They don’t seem to go above and beyond for the Americans. Maybe they’re just sick of us… I don’t know. This hotel does seem to be a favorite of the “locals “ before you even think it… Yes, I am a tipper. We are a bit confused most of our five day stay, especially about the Covid test as the hospitality desk we’re not very helpful and we never knew if a bar was going to be open or not to get drinks or even when or how we were supposed to make reservations for the restaurant. I pretty much relied on Facebook posts about the resort and other guests. Did I have a good time? I relaxed a lot. It was very quiet and there is no staff that goes around to pump up adult hotel guests and encourage them to participate in the very few entertainments for them. I did get plenty of sleep and enjoyed the pool and beach. If you are an active person, definitely plan on booking some excursions. Woul I return to this resort? I highly doubt it as I’ve stayed at so many other resorts (even during the pandemic) that offered so much more for the same price or less. There does seem to be a lot of people that continue to return to this resort over many many years but I have to wonder if they’ve ever visited many other resorts. I will in this part of the review by saying this. From check in to check out and walking the resort in between I heard a lot of guests complaining about their stay. Pros - [ ] The resort is pretty with beautiful landscaping and is kept very clean. - [ ] The food is just good enough that you will always find something to eat. - [ ] The housekeeping staff and poolside servers are extremely attentive - [ ] They will give you a coffee maker for your room if you request it - [ ] Plenty of poolside and beach chairs - [ ] Resort is small and easy to navigate. - [ ] Beach is very beautiful - [ ] Always had hot water in the shower CONS - [ ] They have vendors right outside the lobby in front of the entrance to the dinner buffet that constantly hound you even when you say no. There is no way to avoid them. You may have to walk by them several times and one evening and they will not leave you alone. - [ ] There is not enough drink stations where you can get a soda or a cup of coffee in the morning without having to enter the restaurant or walk all the way down to the beach. - [ ] No poolside or beach side snack bar allowing to you to snack at your chairs - [ ] Cab ride is $15 to go into town which you will want to do. Not the resort’s fault though. - [ ] Hospitality desk is not very hospitable. - [ ] Hard to get reservations for restaurants, especially when they are not open every night - [ ] Do very few adult activities in Little to no entertainment staff - [ ] Restaurant and bar openings are very inconsistent. You never know which one is serving - [ ] No lobby bar - [ ] You can literally hear everything in your room as if the noise is in the room itself. This includes people walking outside your room, your neighbors, the nightly show until 11:30 PM even though it wasn’t anywhere in our room. I could hear the housekeepers and the neighbors next to us clearly and perfectly to where I could follow their conversations. This can be annoying when the housekeepers come early in the morning and the neighbors like to stay up late at night or even argue. Hope this helps you make a final decision. If you have questions, just ask.
Allegro Cozumel #3603 - отзыв
01 декабря 2021
November Visit
We LOVE this resort; the staff & beach are AMAZING!!! We have been going here for years but missed a visit last year. The grounds are beautiful, plus it is quiet since all of the rooms are spread out. The Mexican ala carte was the best dinner to date, plus the Hibachi is always a hit - try the fried ice. We LOVE this resort; the staff & beach are AMAZING!!! We have been going here for years but missed a visit last year. The grounds are beautiful, plus it is quiet since all of the rooms are spread out. The Mexican ala carte was the best dinner to date, plus the Hibachi is always a hit - try the fried ice.